Write down everything you think about

For the longest time, I’ve been writing down almost any and all ideas I get throughout the day.

As you might imagine, this leaves me with a huge mess of different notes, folders, and other methods of attempted organization to keep my ideas somewhat structured and readable.

In fact, I regularly take time to re-structure my notes and re-think how I save all of my ideas.

But more importantly, I do this because every single idea you get can (and will) benefit you when considered over a long enough timeframe.

For example.

Just today I started working on a project for which I got the original idea somewhere early February this year. That’s 8 months ago… Except at that time I barely had a clue what to do with it, how to go about creating it, or even what I wanted the final product to look like.

It wasn’t until yesterday that I read an article with an intriguing idea I couldn’t stop thinking about.

I kept thinking about that idea and how I could use/implement it for my own business.

Only after a good night’s sleep and focusing on other stuff (to let my brain process the ideas and their potential) that I finally make the connection between the article I read yesterday and the note I created over 8 months ago.

This process isn’t anything special or unique either.

Every great connection or new mental pathway is made this way: by writing down ideas, letting them rest, letting them sizzle on the pan like a good steak ready to be consumed, sometimes for a few hours, other times for months or even years, until they’re finally ready to be used and benefited from.

That’s why writing is such a profitable thing to do.

Yes, you learn to think and express yourself better. But you also allow yourself to make better, more worthwhile, and sometimes wildly lucrative connections you otherwise wouldn’t have made in a thousand years.

So if you’re not doing so already, start writing down all of your ideas.

And while you’re at it, you might as well share them with others who might be interested. Who knows, you might build yourself a lucrative business almost by accident, all by doing something you’d be doing either way.

To learn more about the simple ways of sharing your ideas with people through daily emails that keep your readers reading day after day, while also getting paid because of it, check out Email Valhalla here: https://alexvandromme.com/valhalla