People don’t care about “value”

At least not your ideal customers.

For one, everything useful can be found online for free. There’s no arguing about that. Even more. All of the most useful pieces of information are already known by your customers, your readers, and almost everyone else in the market.

So people aren’t buying value.

They’re buying adventure, cool tips and tricks, exciting so-called “secrets”(which are nothing more than gimmicks that only make up 1%–2% of the final outcome—and which won’t help anyone who doesn’t already have the foundation down), and most importantly, they buy a new perspective, or in other words, new insights.

This is what those “give everything away for free” people are missing (what’s free isn’t being valued, let alone used and implement) as well as the people who swear you need to hard teach, educate, and share as much “value” as you possible can.

Spoiler, you don’t.

Just take a look at my emails (or anyone else running a successful business you admire for that matter). I’m not teaching you how to do stuff (at least not for free).

I’m sharing tips with you every single day, yes.

But not about how to do something.

I’m sharing tips about what to think about, how to look at the things going on in your market, new ways you might consider approaching opportunities you have, or other insightful realizations that lead you towards better knowing what to focus on (as opposed to a step-by-step plan on how to do something).

Speaking about how-to content.

If, by any chance (no idea why that would happen), made the realization, or gotten the insights, that, perhaps, building a list and writing daily emails to better build a relationship with your ideal customer, write better, more targeted content, and sell more high-quality products, and getting thanked for it by your customer, if you realized that might be a good way to go about things…

Then do check out Email Valhalla where I do indeed teach more about the exact steps you can take to do exactly that.

Tickles your fancy?

Then check out Email Valhalla here:

The dirty truth about social media content creation (and those who engage with your content)

Here’s something important I realized some months ago:

The people who engage with your content aren't the same people who find your content most valuable/enjoy reading it the most.

(That’s especially true for social media content, but you can easily extend it to any other forms of media)

See, the people who engage with your content on social media are (mostly) other content creators hoping to “boost the algorithm” and get seen in your comment section by your audience, hoping some of your followers find their comments interesting enough to check out their profile, and eventually follow them and their content as well.

And more likely than not, that’s not your target audience.

Your target audience, instead, are most of the time the people who like reading your stuff, sometimes they’ll engage by liking it, but most of the time they won’t even do that.

They’ll just sit back, like they’re hiding in the shadows, browsing through your stuff, enjoying everything you’ve shared, yet never letting it known. Which makes sense if you think about it from their point of view, they don’t get anything in return for clicking like on your stuff or replying to it (unless it’s a question, and even then, most people don’t ask questions that way).

I notice this occasionally.

For example, every time I do a promotion, I’ll get some buyers, many repeat buyers, some new buyers. But each time I go to look at who’s buying, it’s almost always the quiet people. The people who haven’t replied too much (at least for first-time buyers), the people who are lurking in the shadows, almost waiting to make their entree.

It’s also the same with people who join my email list.

I’ll occasionally get messages from people saying they finally joined my list after having consumed a lot of my content for the past months, yet they never interacted with anything because I’d never seen their names anywhere.

So if I can give you one honest piece of advice, coming straight from the bottom of my heart, wishing you the best.

Then it’ll be to not lose your focus by only paying attention to the people who engage with your content. Make sure you keep your target audience in mind, regardless of who you find saying what on your stuff.


Creation content is only one of many methods you can use to build an audience and get some attention. But getting attention isn’t enough. You need to drive that attention, that traffic somewhere to be able to do something with it.

For that, I wholeheartedly suggest you direct all of your traffic to your email list.

And when it comes to building a functional and money-making email list your readers love to be a part of, then for my last suggestion, I’d recommend you to check out Email Valhalla, it’s very much the ideal entry point (for both beginner and advanced people alike) to build an email-powered business.

Check it out here: