With great responsibility comes great productivity

Here’s an interesting fact I’ve found out to be true:

The more tasks, projects, and responsibilities you take on, the more productive you become.

Coincidentally, becoming more productive also allows you to enjoy whatever it is you’re doing a lot more.

Do with this information what you want.

But if you’re interested in learning how to not just enjoy but absolutely adore and love the writing process, then you might want to check out the book I wrote about it.

Click here for more information: https://alexvandromme.com/loving

The weird relationship between productivity and responsibility

Here’s a weird observation I made recently:

The more responsibility I take on, aka the more stuff I have to do each and every day, the more work I get done each and every day.

Which, while reading it right now, you might think “uh, yeah, no shit Sherlock.”

But if you’d look at every productivity book out there or listen to any so-called productivity experts, you’ll always hear the same advice of only taking on a couple (2 or 3) of tasks each day, as to not to overwhelm you with the amount of stuff you have to do—for which the reasoning is, the more stuff you do, the more stress you have, the less stuff you get done, so you better take on less responsibility and make sure to only do the important stuff.

But that’s not at all what I found to be true in my own life.

In my experience, it goes something like this:

The less I have to do, the more time I have to do these things, the lazier I am, the less I do, and then because of that laziness I sometimes even procrastinate on those 2 or 3 important things I was supposed to do.

That’s something that, once again, never ever happened to me when I had a lot, some might even say way too much, stuff on my plate.

In that case, I knew there was no time to fuck around, no time to be lazy, and I’d get to work all day every day

Resulting in me getting ten times as much stuff throughout the day as I would otherwise.

Goes to show you to not blindly trust other people’s advice and test things out for yourself.


I thought this might be an interesting observation to share with you.

Speaking of which.

Another observation I made is that people who bought Email Valhalla have, on average, a much more successful business and write much better converting emails that make sales and keep their readers engaged and wanting more.

If you’d like to learn more about Email Valhalla, then click here now: https://alexvandromme.com/valhalla

Why every man should work a shitty job

I’ve worked many jobs in the past 4 years—many of them pure shyte.

Some notable ones are:

Working in nightclubs, raking leaves, vacuuming wedding venues, scrubbing toilets, cleaning windows, loading in trucks, repairing used festival speakers, guiding traffic at private parking, and many, many more odd jobs like these.

Now I didn’t just work weird jobs.

I’ve also worked more “normal” jobs such as a door-to-door salesman and a bartender when I was younger.

Yet that’s beside the point.

The fact is, I’ve seen and experienced many things, worked for/with, and met countless people in all stages of life, and learned to hate different aspects of every job I worked.

But I don’t regret any of them.

I wouldn’t do it over, that’s for sure, I’d rather stay far, far, far away from all of them, never to get anywhere close to jobs like that in my, hopefully, many years I’ll spend on this earth.

But, yet again, all of those jobs helped me develop into the person I am today.

Even more.

All of those jobs made me appreciate “doing the work” and putting in effort for the things I’m doing right now. Sure I might complain once in a while that I’ve got a lot of stuff to write, or there’s a lot I need to think about, or that a certain promotion didn’t do as well (something I learned not to care about at all, because it doesn’t actually matter at all in the long run and whether I make a sale or not, I’m eating steak either way).

When it comes down to it, I’m blessed to be in the position I’m in right now.

In fact, I’ve got no doubt many would kill to be in this position (chances are people would kill to be in your position as well if you’re lucky and blessed enough to be able to read this email—yet that’s not something we ever realize, much less think about).

The reality is.

Everyone (or at least every man) should, at one point in their lives, have worked a terrible job, with shitty pay, awful working conditions, incredibly long hours, little to no recognition whatsoever, and without any (known) hope of landing a better job in the future.


Because those jobs are what’s needed to be grateful with the better ones you’ll undoubtedly land eventually.

Just as there’s no light without darkness, neither can there be a good situation without bad ones to compare it to—life only makes sense for us in comparisons after all.


I don’t know what kind of jobs you’ve had in the past or what kind of work you’re doing as we speak. But if you’d like to get to know a better opportunity then I’d recommend you to check out Email Valhalla today.

Check it out here: https://alexvandromme.com/valhalla