I don’t want money

I want freedom over my time.

I want the freedom to work from wherever I want, with whomever I want, whenever I want, and on whatever I want.

But that doesn’t mean sitting on the beach drinking cocktails all day.

That gets boring quickly.

No, I do want to work.

But it has to be work that allows for creative self-expression and interesting challenges to overcome. I want to keep pushing myself further and achieve more today than I did yesterday.

As the old adage says, it’s about the journey, not the destination—yet it never feels as such.

In short.

I don’t want less work.

I want less meaningless work so I can replace that time with more meaningful work. I might not even call it “work” anymore when it comes to it.

But that’s what it is.

Work I truly and utterly enjoy doing.

And the only way I can think of to get there, and more importantly, stay there, is to start building something of my own. To develop my skillset, build my own offers, grow my customer base, and become my own employer.

The specifics don’t matter. It’s about the big picture here.

That’s the ultimate goal. To be truly free to work on whatever I want while getting paid more than enough—which is only to rid yourself of all the symptoms that come with not being paid enough, not the goal in and of itself.

So no. I don’t want money.

I want the freedom of self-expression and meaningful work.

If you find yourself nodding in agreement right now. Then maybe it’s time to stop wasting any more time and get to it.

Also, if I can recommend an immensely valuable skill to learn that’ll be incredibly useful to you, no matter what path you’re going down, then it’ll be to learn and master the fundamentals of marketing, and more importantly, email marketing. Because that’s going to enable everything else you’ll be doing.

And for that, there’s no better place to be than Email Valhalla.

Check it out here: https://alexvandromme.com/valhalla

You don’t want money

You want freedom over your time.

You want the freedom to work from wherever you want, with whomever you want, whenever you want, and on whatever you want.

But that doesn’t mean sitting on the beach all day drinking cocktails all day.

That gets boring quickly.

No, you do want to work. But you want work that allows for creative self-expression and interesting challenges to overcome. To keep pushing yourself further, to achieve more today than you achieved yesterday.

As the old adage says, it’s about the journey, not the destination—yet it never feels as such.

In short.

You don’t want less work.

You want less meaningless work so you can replace that time with more meaningful work. You might not even call it “work” anymore when it comes down to it.

But that’s what it is.

Work you truly and utterly enjoy doing.

And the only way to get there, and more importantly, stay there, in my humble and accurate opinion, is to start building something of your own. Develop your own skillset, build your own offers, grow your own customer base, and become your own employer (this includes working as a freelancer if that’s what you enjoy most).

Then, and only then, when you’re truly free to work on whatever you want while getting paid more than enough—which is only to rid yourself of all the symptoms that come with not being paid enough, not the goal in and of itself—then and only then will you truly live the life you’ve always dreamt of living, even if you don’t realize it yet.

You don’t want money.

You want the freedom of self-expression and meaningful work.

So stop wasting any more time and get to it.

And if I can recommend you a immensely valuable skill to learn that’ll be incredibly useful to you, no matter what path you’re going down, then it’ll be to learn and master the fundamentals of marketing, and more importantly, email marketing. Because that’s going to enable everything else you’ll be doing.


To learn more about my solution to master email marketing fundamentals, check out Email Valhalla here: https://alexvandromme.com/valhalla