Let me take you down memory lane

It’s not Thursday today, but I was in a nostalgic mood and thought it time for a throwback.

More precisely, I went back and looked at one of the very first “daily emails” I wrote.

Here it is:



If you had one shot.

Or one opportunity.

To seize everything you ever wanted.

One moment.

Would you capture it?

Or just let it slip?

Yes I've just quoted Eminem.


Because I'm a big fan first of all.

But also because I need to remind myself of this way too often.

I'm working towards building my dream life every single day.

And it feels good.

Too good sometimes.

I'm working so hard to reach a certain milestone.

And when I reach it? I have to celebrate ofcourse.

But that celebration can become dangerous.

I become complacent. I stop putting in the same level of effort that got me here.

I need to become aware of the fact that the race isn't over. Far from it.

There's still so much more to do.

I have to remind myself to keep on the lookout. On the lookout for great opportunities to come along.

And most importantly. To jump on them as soon as I can. No hesitation.

Opportunities that can change your life are rare to find. Don't let them get away from you.


It then goes on to promote my consulting calls.

But the content of the email itself isn’t important right now. What’s important is that I hope you can clearly see how my emails today differ with the ones I was writing a year ago—and how much better my emails are today.

Goes to show you the power of consistent practice.


If you’d like to get your consistent practice in as well and master the art of daily email writing, then check out Email Valhalla here: https://alexvandromme.com/valhalla

My long-awaited return to the boulder gym

I’m going bouldering later today for the first time in months.

For the past however long it may have been, I couldn’t go because of an injury that had to recover.

But now, with lot’s of physical therapy behind my back, a lot of specific exercises, and a whole lot of patience, well now I’m finally going to get back at it on the wall for the first time.

Yet it’s still going to be a different session than I’d normally have.

See, I’ve been told to build it up from the bottom again. To go slow and see how it goes. My shoulder injury hasn’t yet healed completely so I can’t just go all out again, that could easily mess up my shoulder once again and send me back another few months.

There’s just one big problem.

Doing the easy stuff and taking it slow, as if I was a beginner (the advice my physical therapist gave me) is boring as hell.

So, logically I had to come up with a new game plan.

Instead of doing the usual bouldering stuff I’d do—only a lot easier—I’ll turn this first session into a technique session where I’ll spend the entirety of my time improving my movement and practicing the fundamentals.

I won’t just be going through the movements on easier climbs.

I’ll purposely turn the “easy” climbs (aka, not difficult on my shoulder) into real challenges of technical skill. The purpose won’t be to finish the climb. The purpose will be to finish the climb as flawlessly and as efficiently as possible.

This is called “forward intent”.

Aka, making something more difficult than it needs to be with the sole purpose of improving your craft.

Forward intent, as well as going back to the basics and practicing your fundamentals, is something you can (and should) do in business as well.

Add constraints to the things you do, really focus on practicing you otherwise wouldn’t, and don’t skip the “boring” parts.

And if you’d like to know a nice way to start improving your craft, especially your email writing ability, then check out my flagship course Email Valhalla, where I hone in on the fundamentals to get your email writing capabilities to the next level.

Check it out here: https://alexvandromme.com/valhalla

I have a confession to make

I haven’t been hand-copying sales letters anymore.

This bad behavior of mine has been going on for almost a month now (25 days to be precise). Truth be told, I have no excuse for it either.

It all started when I messed up my shoulder a while back (even though it wasn’t my writing shoulder). Still, my mind found it a good enough reason to convince myself that it’s ok to “take a break” because of it.

Yet it wasn’t until I sat down recently and looked at my daily goals and tasks I was supposed to do that I finally noticed how I still hadn’t gotten back to doing this daily practice of mine (a practice I have no doubt has been helping me develop as both a (copy)writer and a marketer).

This might sound recognizable to you, it might not.

Who knows.

Either way, let this be a reminder to check back in on your (positive) habits once in a while to make sure everything’s in order.

Another such habit that I’ve found to immensely improve my life ever since the day I started doing it—and it has only continued to improve my life more and more the longer I keep on doing it consistently and religiously, day in, day out—was the practice of writing an email every single day.

No exceptions.

I was writing daily emails when barely anybody was reading them, when I had nothing to sell, and yes, even when I thought I had nothing to say or write about.

Even more.

All of these so-called “problems” are solved by writing daily emails and staying consistent.

Day after day.

Email after email.

Do this for at least 30 days and you’ll soon realize 1) people will start listening/reading your stuff 2) you’ll figure something out that you can sell (and something your readers need/want 3) the more you write, the more things you’ll have to say to the point where if you’ve been writing for a long enough time you’ve got too many things you want to say/write about and not enough time/days/emails to write about them.


If you’d like a head-start to properly get this habit of daily email writing going then check out Email Valhalla here: https://alexvandromme.com/valhalla

My first actual “long” walk

With my backpack on my back, a bottle of water and some sandwiches packed, and a destination in mind (to meet up with some old friends) I walked 17km in a little over 3 hours.

That’s what I did yesterday.

It’s the most I’ve ever walked in my life (so far).

And I’m glad I did it.

In fact, I wasn’t quite sure if I could do this right now. The opportunity arose (meeting friends in a location 17km from my house) and I just went for it. Skipping my original 10km practice walk I had planned to slowly build up the distance.

That said.

It wasn’t without challenges. From the 2-hour mark I started seriously feeling it. My body clearly wasn’t used to walking these distances.

But hey, nobody improves without pushing themselves once in a while.

Now, maybe walking just isn’t something for you. In that case this email doesn’t interest you nor motivate you whatsoever.

But you might be interest in learning how to build and write to your email list to improve the relationship you have with your audience, help them accomplish their goals, and increase your revenue in the process.

If so, then definitely check out Email Valhalla here: https://alexvandromme.com/valhalla

Christopher Nolan never went to film school

I was watching an interview with Christopher Nolan on the ReelBlend podcast the other day.

One of the most interesting things Nolan said was how he didn’t go to film school.

Just imagine that. One of the biggest, best, and definitely one of the most popular, directors currently around. Yet he didn’t go to film school or any other form of formal training in the art.

Instead, he simply got in there and started practicing making films at an early age.

Nolan was seven years old when he first borrowed his dad’s Super 8 camera to play around with.

He loved watching other films, thinking about the narratives, and just indulging himself in the world of cinema.

But that’s not where our story ends.

Christopher Nolan isn’t the only person where this is the case. Coincidentally, another big industry name who works closely together with Nolan, and someone who, as you may (or may not) know, I can’t seem to shut up about, also didn’t have any formal training.

More specifically, Hans Zimmer.

Zimmer never went to music school. Instead, he used to play in rock/punk band when he was younger and loved to improve music on the piano or create his own compositions.

Now, this isn’t to say the only solution for you is to start young.

Maybe it is if you want to compete at the highest level of Hollywood. But I’m guessing that’s not your gig. And it’s not mine either.

Instead, I want you to realize the importance of going out there in putting in the work. Getting the practical experience. Getting your hands dirty so to say. You don’t have to get some formal schooling to be good at your craft (this isn’t medical advice).

I don’t care how if you’ve gone to business school, med school, music school, or no school at all.

The only thing that matters is how often you’re practicing your craft.

And that’s one of the many, many, seriously many, reasons why I recommend you and everybody else to start mailing daily and start doing so today. The amount of growth you’ll experience is almost unfathomable—both in personal ability as well as in business and revenue growth.

You don’t need to go to email or business school to get started.

But getting a quick 1–2 hour introduction to point you in the right direction never hurts.

With that said.

Check out Email Valhalla to learn the foundations and avoid the early pitfalls so you can focus on getting in there and getting that practice in starting today.

Here’s the link for more information: https://alexvandromme.com/valhalla