Getting more done in the same amount of time

A while ago I received a hangboard—a wooden training instrument with specific-sized holes to train yourself to hang on to small ledges with anywhere from all 5 to 2 fingers per hand—as a gift.

A great and useful tool to up my bouldering game.

For months now, it’s been above the door of my room where I work, read, sleep, relax, and more than occasionally waste a lot of time—long story short, I’m in there a lot.

I also enter and leave a lot, whether it’s to get something to drink, to eat, to go to the toilet, to go on a walk, to the gym, to talk to people, whatever it is.

The consequence?

Every time I leave my room I use the hangboard.

It’s the easiest thing ever. It takes all but 5 seconds and it’s always “on the way” to whatever I want to do.

The result?

I get tons of practice and training without thinking about it, let alone realizing I’m “training”.

Now, I don’t know how this might be useful in your life, but what I do know is that you could use this same strategy to force yourself to write a small opening line (or a subject line) to an email every time you think of an idea worthy to write down.

You want to write it down anyway, so why not practice creating more curiosity in your writing—and then send it to the world and see what happens?


Another way to learn how to create more curiosity in your writing and improve your persuasiveness is by checking out Email Valhalla here:

The best lifehack I discovered since ’00

But before I can share it with you, here’s some context you need:

See, if you’ve been on my list for any reasonable amount of time, you’ll probably know I’m big on bouldering. I try to go bouldering at least once a week… unless I’ve got injuries and my physical therapist forbids me to.


Last week I finally got myself a hangboard—a wooden training instrument with specific sized holes to train yourself to hang on to small ledges with anywhere from all 5 to 2 fingers per hand.

A great and useful tool.

In my case, I mounted it above the door of my room where I work, read, sleep, relax, and more than occasionally waste some time—I’m in there a lot.

I also enter and leave a lot, whether it’s to get something to drink, to eat, to go to the toilet, to go on a walk, to the gym, talk to people, whatever it is.

So my new lifehack?


Every time I either enter or leave through my door I have to use the hangboard at least once.

It’s the easiest thing ever. It takes all but 5 seconds and it’s always “on the way” to whatever I want to do.

The result?

I get tons of practice and training in without even thinking about it, let alone even realizing I’m “training”.

Now I don’t know how this might be useful in your life, but what I do know is that you could use this same strategy to force yourself to write a small opening line (or a subject line) to an email everytime you think of an idea and want to write it down.

You want to write it down anyway, so why not practice creating more curiosity in your writing?


Another way to learn how to create more curiosity in your writing and improve your persuasiveness is by checking out Email Valhalla here:

I have a confession to make

I haven’t been hand-copying sales letters anymore.

This bad behavior of mine has been going on for almost a month now (25 days to be precise). Truth be told, I have no excuse for it either.

It all started when I messed up my shoulder a while back (even though it wasn’t my writing shoulder). Still, my mind found it a good enough reason to convince myself that it’s ok to “take a break” because of it.

Yet it wasn’t until I sat down recently and looked at my daily goals and tasks I was supposed to do that I finally noticed how I still hadn’t gotten back to doing this daily practice of mine (a practice I have no doubt has been helping me develop as both a (copy)writer and a marketer).

This might sound recognizable to you, it might not.

Who knows.

Either way, let this be a reminder to check back in on your (positive) habits once in a while to make sure everything’s in order.

Another such habit that I’ve found to immensely improve my life ever since the day I started doing it—and it has only continued to improve my life more and more the longer I keep on doing it consistently and religiously, day in, day out—was the practice of writing an email every single day.

No exceptions.

I was writing daily emails when barely anybody was reading them, when I had nothing to sell, and yes, even when I thought I had nothing to say or write about.

Even more.

All of these so-called “problems” are solved by writing daily emails and staying consistent.

Day after day.

Email after email.

Do this for at least 30 days and you’ll soon realize 1) people will start listening/reading your stuff 2) you’ll figure something out that you can sell (and something your readers need/want 3) the more you write, the more things you’ll have to say to the point where if you’ve been writing for a long enough time you’ve got too many things you want to say/write about and not enough time/days/emails to write about them.


If you’d like a head-start to properly get this habit of daily email writing going then check out Email Valhalla here:

A hidden secret to make your customers do the stuff you want

I’m a big movie guy.

Well, I’m a big a lot of stuff guy. But for the sake of today’s email, it’s movies.

(Stick with me for a moment, it’ll all make sense in a second why I’m talking about movies)

One of my (and almost everyone else’s) favorite movie franchises is Pirates of the Caribbean. There’s a lot of good (and bad) to be said about it. Many of which has already been said by other people I won’t bother you with today.

But I want to talk about something else.

Something not many people often talk about.

And that’s the quotability of the dialogue.

See, we all know famous lines of movies that get quoted a lot. Think of lines such as “I am your father”, “I’ll be back”, or You shall not pass”.

All great lines and great scenes.

But Pirates has it’s own unique trick to create this quotable dialogue.

You might remember quotes such as “Why is the rum gone?”, “This is the day you will always remember as the day you almost caught Captain Jack Sparrow”, and many more.

And there’s a huge difference here.

While some scenes were definitely great, most of them weren’t. They’re just average scenes with average dialogue.

So why are they so quotable?

Because the characters themselves often quote others or repeat their own dialogue. And they use the same lines in multiple settings, under multiple different conditions, often with different outcomes and with different emotions to them.

Simply said.

Pirates uses a lot of repetition to make you remember certain lines of dialogue, almost making a game out of it.

This makes the dialogue immediately quotable because, well, the movie shows you how quotable it is.

So getting back to what this has to do with you.

If you want people to pick up a certain habit, if you want them to do something, if you want them to remember something, then show them how to do it, when/where they can do it, and most importantly, repeat yourself often.

I dive deeper into this topic in Product Creation Made Easy where I show you how you can create your products in such a way that ensures people will take action and actually do the stuff you tell them to do, remember the stuff you teach them, and even repeat what you said to others—at which point they’re basically doing your marketing for you.

If you want to learn more about that, then check out Product Creation Made Easy here: