Why is the public so stupid?

Here’s an insightful comment George Lucas said after a bunch of critics (who have no feel for the outside world and the common man) gave the first Star Wars an awful review, calling it the “infantilization” of film.

One critic even said, “What happened with Star Wars was like when McDonald’s got a foothold; the taste for good food just disappeared.”

Lucas’s response:


“Why do people go see these popcorn pictures when they’re not good? Why is the public so stupid? That’s not my fault. I just understand what people like to see”


Which brings me to my point.

Don’t get angry if your audience doesn’t “get” what you’re doing. Or it doesn’t see the value in what you’re promoting. It’s not your job to convert them—not directly at least. See, the truth is that it doesn’t matter. At least, as long as you know the difference between what your audience wants and what it needs.

Sometimes you gotta treat them like dogs. Not the filthy type, but the type who needs to take their medicine, yet won’t have any of it.

So what do you do? You wrap it up in ham and feed it to them anyway.

You need to understand your audience. To know what they like to see. Then give them exactly that. And only then, can you give them what they actually need. By including the solution to their problem in the thing they wanted.

It’s the same with email marketing.

And I’ll teach you exactly how to do this in Email Valhalla so people will pay attention from start to finish and actually learn the things they need to learn.

Click here for more information about Email Valhalla: https://alexvandromme.com/valhalla

In which business are you, really?

After the initial success of Episode IV: A New Hope (then simply titled “Star Wars”) in 1977, George Lucas decided to create the next Star Wars his way.

That meant controlling as much as possible: filming, editing, merchandizing, sequel rights, and even the funding—which he could now afford.

He wanted to control pretty much everything except for the distribution. For that, he still had to work with a bigger studio—something he always despised. Standard studio negotiations would almost always favor the studio. Often giving them as much as 50% to 80% of the profits.

But not this time.

First, George Lucas already secured his own funding with his prior profits as collateral for a loan. Secondly, pretty much every big studio wanted to get their hands on the next Star Wars release… meaning the negotiations would look a lot different than studios were used to.

Ultimately Lucas closed a deal with 20th Century Fox, giving them only a 22.5% share of the profits in return for handling the distribution (and putting the Fox logo before the opening credits).

In a later quote, Steven Spielberg said:


“If you’re an executive, suddenly you realize that if you’re going into business with George Lucas, you are no longer in the 20th Century-Fox business, you are in the George Lucas business.”


Read that quote again. Take it in. Then pause and think about it. Try to truly understand the implications. Because if you understand what’s going on here. Which forces are at play. And if you do everything in your power to build your business in a similar manner—to create your own business universe in a way. Then I can guarantee this will be one of the most profitable lessons you’ll ever learn.

Don’t think of yourself as being in the “personal-branding”, “copywriting”, “life-coaching”, “web-design”, or even the “marketing” business.

You’re in the you-business.

Just as everyone who works with me is in the Alex Van Dromme business.

There was no competing with Star Wars back in the day because of that. They weren’t in the movie business, nor were they in the fantasy or science-fiction business. They were in the George Lucas business.

Luckily for you, one of the fastest and easiest ways I know to start building your own business universe is to build your own unique, world-driven, and valuable (and profitable) collection of (digital) products and services that you and you alone could offer.

I urge you to try this—I even dare you to try and not be successful after thinking this through and building your own business universe step by step.


If you want to learn how to get started building your collection of products.

Then click the link here: https://alexvandromme.com/pcme

The piece of writing advice that changed George Lucas’ life

One of my favorite biographies I’ve read so far is George Lucas: A Life by Brian Jay Jones.

There’s a tremendous amount of useful insights and life lessons (as well as high being a highly entertaining read).

For example.

As a young, fresh, recently graduated filmmaker, George Lucas had the golden opportunity to “protegé” under Francis Ford Coppola—famous for films such as The Godfather and Apocalypse Now—who was eager to take Lucas under his wing.

The two seemed to connect excellently.

Sure, they had their fair share of drama across the years, but George Lucas wouldn’t be the same—and we probably wouldn’t have gotten the Star Wars that exists today—if it weren’t for the support and teachings of Coppola.

One of Coppola’s teachings, which had an immense influence on Lucas—he often stated he had to be chained to his desk to get any work of writing done at all, and that still wouldn’t be without blood, sweat, and tears, if that tells you anything—went as follows:


Don’t ever read what you’ve written. Try to get it done in a week or two, then go back and fix it… you just keep fixing it.”


Now if that ain’t the truth.

And it’s the same for every type of writing. Whether it’s film scripts, novels, biographies, non-fiction business books, sales letters, email sequences, entire promotions, paid advertisements, and whatever else you can imagine.

It’s all the same.

You start writing it. You try to get it done as fast as possible—no re-reading allowed. And only once you’re done with the entire first draft do you go back to the beginning and start fixing the damn thing.

After all, it’s only after god-knows-how-many revisions that the project starts to resemble a finished product.

Just look at the early drafts of Star Wars.

Some of the scenes are hardly recognizable or non-existent to begin with.


I’ve learned a lot—and still do every time I pick it up again—from Jones’ biography George Lucas.


I’d recommend everyone in business, especially in creative fields, to check out the book for themselves.

Simply the way George Lucas approached his projects, and why he made the decisions he did, is worth its weight in gold.

But enough rambling.

Check out the book here and see for yourself: https://alexvandromme.com/lucas

Star Wars is racist

Not everyone seemed to enjoy Star Wars when it was first released back in 1977.

Even though it was an immediate success and raked in insane amounts of money, the likes of which had almost never been seen before.

More specifically.

Some critics called the movie “as simple as black and white—and not in a good way,” even going as far as writing “The blockbuster, bestselling movie Star Wars is one of the most racist movies ever produced.”

Another criticism read, “The force of evil in Star Wars is dressed in all black and has the voice of a black man… That character reinforces the old stereotype that black is evil.”

Here’s another example (taken word for word from the book George Lucas by Brian Jay Jones):


Another critic even ‘pointed out’ that the two droids acted, and were treated, like slaves, all the way down to being sold to a young white man they called “Master”.


Seriously, I wish I was making this stuff up.

This proves to me one thing and one thing only.

People will hate you no matter what. The more successful you are, the more the hatred will become.

There’s just no pleasing everyone.

One of my favorite quotes (and guiding principles) I’ve learned in the past year is from the great Dan Kennedy himself: “If you haven’t offended anyone by noon each day, you’re not marketing hard enough.”

The more I grow and learn, the more I realize how true this is.

Don’t believe me?

Try it out yourself. The next email you write, the next post you share, or the next podcast you’re on, try sharing your opinion about something controversial without holding back. Truly express your opinion. Don’t sugarcoat it one bit.

Yes, you’ll get backlash, yes people will take offense.

But those people weren’t your audience anyway.

What’s more important is how much more trustworthy you’ll be to the people that matter.

And if you’d like more email tips like this, then check out Email Valhalla here: https://alexvandromme.com/valhalla

George Lucas bled on the page every time he had to write

As a young lad and still widely unknown director, George Lucas didn’t have the luxury of hiring screenwriters—or any other writer, for that matter.

So he had to go and write everything himself.

Which turned out to be an absolute nightmare for him. In fact, the writing has always been a disaster for him. From the first time he ever tried to write a screenplay up until the last and most recent word he ever wrote down.

He even mentioned as much himself by once having said in an interview, “I can be chained to my desk and I still can’t write it.”

This obviously didn’t make his life any easier.

But, there was hope.

In fact, one of his early friends and mentors was Francis Ford Coppola himself. At one point Lucas and Coppola were touring around, driving to all sorts of locations, filming together for Coppola’s latest project at that time.

At the same time, however, Lucas was working on writing the script of what would become THX 1138.

He wasn’t making any progress at all.

Rewriting scene after scene, never getting any proper ideas, always getting stuck on certain parts, and just never seeming to have the creativity or even the motivation to create a good, well-written, thought-out, and coherent script.

That’s until Coppola gave him the following piece of advice (referring to writing the first draft): “

Don’t ever read what you’ve written. Try to get it done in a week or two, then go back and fix it.. you just keep fixing it.”

This meant, just picking up his pen, writing everything that came to mind, never looking back, never making adjustments, just keep on going, keep on writing, and whatever comes out of out, comes out of it.

Only after you have created a first draft, that’s when you’re allowed to go back and start improving or changing things you’ve written.

That said.

The same principle applies to everything else that needs creating.

For example, that new digital product you’d like to create.

Honestly, I’ve seen countless of people trying to create a product only to spend months, sometimes years on the product, only to create a sub-par deliverable that could’ve been made in a few weeks (if they even finish it in the first place).

The worst part?

It could’ve been easily avoided by having (and following) a proper framework that guides you on how to easily ideate, create, and launch a digital product in 21 days or less.

A framework like I teach in Product Creation Made Easy for example.

In fact, I’ve dedicated one whole module to this exact issue (and the solution to actually getting more work done in less time when it comes to creating your product).

If you’d like to learn more about it, then check it out here: https://alexvandromme.com/product

Is the public stupid?

A long time ago I picked up a good read titled George Lucas: A Life by Brian Jay Jones.

I first heard about it from Ben Settle, one of the greatest email marketers alive, who called it “one of the best biographies ever to come out that should be a must-read for everyone who does business.” (I’m paraphrasing).


As I was reading I came across this perfect passage. It’s something George Lucas said after a bunch of critics (who have no feel for the outside world and the common man) gave the first Star Wars an awful review, calling it the “infantilization” of film.

One critic even said, “What happened with Star Wars was like when McDonald’s got a foothold; the taste for good food just disappeared.”

Here’s Lucas’s response:


“Why do people go see these popcorn pictures when they’re not good? Why is the public so stupid? That’s not my fault. I just understand what people like to see”


Which brings me to my point.

Don’t get angry if people don’t “get” what you’re doing. Or if they don’t see the value in what you’re promoting. It’s not your job to convert them—not directly at least.

It doesn’t matter if you know what people need. They’re like dogs who need their medicine. They won’t have any of it.

So what do you do?

You wrap it up in ham.

You need to understand your audience. To know what people like to see. Then give them exactly that.

And only then, can you give them what they actually need by including the solution to their problem in the thing they wanted.

This is the same no matter what market you’re in

But when it comes to email?

There’s no better way to learn how to do this so so people will start craving your solution—to the point where they take out their credit cards before you even mention buying anything—than by checking out Email Valhalla Enough about this.

Click here to learn more: https://alexvandromme.com/valhalla

In what business are you?

George Lucas decided to do the next Star Wars his way after the initial success of Episode IV: A New Hope (then simply titled “Star Wars”) in 1977.

This meant being in control of as much as possible: filming, editing, merchandizing, sequel rights, and even the funding itself—which he could now do with the profits from the first movie.

He wanted to control pretty much everything except for the distribution.

For that he still had to work together with a bigger studio—something he always despised.

Standard studio negotiations would almost always be in favor of the studio. Giving them as much as 50% to 80% of the profits.

But not this time.

The fact that 1) George Lucas already secured his own funding with his prior profits as collateral for a loan and 2) pretty much every big studio wanted to get their hands on the next Star Wars release meant that the negotiation would look a lot different than studios were used to.

Ultimately Lucas decided to work together with 20th Century Fox, giving them only a 22.5% share of the profits in return for handling the distribution (and putting the Fox logo before the opening credits).

In a later quote, Steven Spielberg said:


“If you’re an executive, suddenly you realize that if you’re going into business with George Lucas, you are no longer in the 20th Century-Fox business, you are in the George Lucas business.”


Read that quote again.

Take it in. Then pause and think about it.

Try to truly understand the implications.

Because if you understand what’s going on here. Which forces are at play. And if you do everything in your power to build your business in a similar manner—to create your own business universe in a way.

Then I can guarantee this will be one of the most profitable lessons you’ll ever learn.

Don’t think of yourself as being in the “personal-branding”, “copywriting”, “life-coaching”, “web-design”, or even the “marketing” business.

You’re in the you-business.

Just as I and everyone who works with me is in the Alex Van Dromme business.

This is why there was no competing with Star Wars back in the day.

They weren’t in the movie business, nor were they in the fantasy or science-fiction business.

They were in the George Lucas business.

And one of the fastest and easiest ways I know to start building your own business universe is to build your own unique, world-driven, and valuable (and profitable) collection of (digital) products and services that you and you alone could offer.

I urge you to try this—I even dare you to try and not be successful after thinking this through and building your own business universe step by step.


If you want to learn how to get started building your collection of products.

Then click the link here: https://alexvandromme.com/pcme/