Get shit done

I’ve always been a big procrastinator.

I never got anything done unless it was absolutely necessary. This has put me in a lot of trouble in the past. But it didn’t need to.

It was only last year that I realized I could fix this problem.


By setting deadlines. In fact, while I’ve always been a big procrastinator, for some reason, whenever there was a deadline, nobody could ever outwork me (go ask my classmates in uni who saw my producitivy skyrocket to infinity and beyond 2 days before we had to upload our assignment).

So yes, setting deadlines was the secret to getting things done.

But there’s one problem.

What if there is no deadline?

Imagine you wanted to launch your newsletter, create a product, or write a new email sequence. In this case, it’s very much your own project. You don’t have a boss to tell you when something is due.

So what do you do to get shit done?

Well, to learn the answer to that question you’ll have to check out Product Creation Made Easy—one of my best-selling courses, to date, which will teach you how to ideate, create, and launch profitable digital products in 21 days or less.

And believe me. There’s almost no room for procrastination if you want to accomplish that goal.

Check out Product Creation Made Easy here:

My bum is on fire! Help!

Well, not literally of course.

See, I’ve previously spoken about “lighting a fire under your ass” and the benefits it brings.

In fact, I haven’t found any other way that’s better at effortlessly increasing your motivation, discipline, productivity, and everything else that goes along with it (including your enjoyment of the process) no matter what kind of work you do.

It’s like jumping out of an airplane and crafting yourself a self-made parachute while you’re falling.

Which sounds scary, and it can be, but it doesn’t have to be nearly as life-threatening or career-destroying as you might think (which, trust me, I know isn’t something you‘ll likely want to do)

No, instead, there’s a few methods you can use to light the proverbial fire under your ass to get you going and increase your productivity (and feeling of progression, aka, enjoyment) without risking your career to go to waste.

I use these methods all the times.

And I teach them to many of my students and clients alike, with great success.

In fact, one of these “strategies” is one of the foundations of the product creation framework I teach in “Product Creation Made Easy” where I teach people how to easily and effortlessly ideate, create, and launch digital products in 21 days or less.

And it works absolute miracles.

It works so well that even I, the self-proclaimed king of procrastination around town, am able to use it to actually get shit done on time.

So you better be sure that it’ll work for you as well.


If you’d like to learn more about this strategy, you can do so by checking out Product Creation Made Easy here:

How to get shit done

I’m always working on something.

Whether it’s writing an email, reworking a sales page for the 10th time, crafting a new offer, batching social media content, working with clients, or updating a product I made a while ago.

This might look overwhelming to many people.


Some might fall into the trap of working on their stuff indefinitely, trying to get it “just perfect”.

Yet this is the least productive task you could probably spend your time on.

That 100th revision won’t make the difference. That one typo you fixed in your 2,117-word email won’t make you more money. That logo you redesigned won’t magically land you more clients.

Creating more content, launching more offers, and talking to more people. Now that will make you more money.

Which brings the question: how do you handle saying to yourself “it’s good enough” and just go with it.

My answer?

Public deadlines.

See, I’m a big procrastinator.

Always have been and always will be. I never get anything done unless it’s absolutely necessary. This has put me in a lot of trouble in the past. But it didn’t need to.

I realized it last year that I could use this to my advantage.


By setting deadlines.

Whether artificial or real—setting deadlines is the secret to getting things done. Especially for a procrastinator—they get extra productive when those deadlines come close.

So imagine I have to write an email that has to be published by 8pm.

There’s no way I’m procrastinating on that one when the clock strikes 7.30. Neither will I avoid researching a topic for a coaching call an hour before I’m supposed to hop on the call.

But there’s one problem.

What if there is no deadline?

Imagine if you wanted to launch your newsletter or create and sell a new product. It’s your own project. You don’t have a boss to tell you when something is due.

But you do have (potential) customers, readers, followers, or whatever you call the people who like your stuff.

The solution?

You announce that you’ll be launching a new product before you even start creating it. Tell your followers that your course will launch in 2 weeks. Even stronger. Announce that your product is available for early purchase at a discounted price.

Now you have no choice but to 1) create a sales page 2) write those promotional emails 3) create a curriculum 4) design your product 5) figure out your pricing and most importantly 6) get everything done in 2 weeks.

No time to mess around. No time to procrastinate. And no chance for you to “keep gathering information and not take action”.

Now I’m sure this might not be possible with everything in life.

But so far I’ve found a way to apply this trick to everything that’s functional and important in my life.

Try it out for yourself and see how much you can truly get done in a short amount of time.

On another note.

If you’d like to discover my framework for writing high-converting emails that keep your readers engaged and coming back each and every day, without having to spend hours writing them (in fact, you could easily start writing emails in less than 5–10 minutes), then check out Email Valhalla here: