Am I a Dan Koe copycat?

Many moons ago I received a message from a reader telling me how my writing is “like Dan Koe, but CLEAR!”

That was a sign I was doing at least something right.

Since then my writing has evolved a lot—as everything you do should do if you're actually growing—and it differs immensely from Dan's writing now.

But I still like to look back at this message with a smile on my face.

Partly to stroke my ego.

But more importantly, to see how far I've come in 1) emulating and incorporating ideas from people I admire (or used to admire at the time) and 2) how I evolved and incorporated everything I've learned into my own style, my own writing, my own creations.

Starting out as a "me too" business is a great starting point.

Staying one isn't.

And the best way to “find your voice” is by writing a lot and writing often.

It helps if that writing practice is as fun as it can be—something I’m currently writing a new course about, which you’ll hear more about soon.

As for now.

Learn how to write better emails (ones that sound more like ‘you’) with Email Valhalla.

Check it out here:

How I make more money the more inadequate I feel

Thanks to the type of business I run, I regularly wake up to notifications telling me someone bought a product of mine.

Less regularly, but not THAT irregularly, comes along a feeling of inadequacy or imposter syndrome where I doubt if my products are actually worth what I’m charging.

It’s a funny feeling that.

And it happens to everyone in this business. I’ve never spoken with someone who hasn’t, at one point (most of the time at many points) in their career, felt the same way.

See, almost every single person with every single product will launch it at a certain price, more often than not severely UNDERvaluing the product.

Then through repeated additions, refinements, and customer feedback, it becomes clear that the product has significantly improvement in quality and a price increase is justified (if not necessary).

Yet after a few of those the question arises: “Is my product actually worth this much?”.


Yes, it is.

Case in point: it’s helping more people than it was before, more people are buying it, and most, if not all, people who bought your product continue buying other products of yours (showing they were at least satisfied enough with your product, more likely completely ecstatic about it, to continue trusting you and wanting, even needing, more of your good stuff).

So why do I (and many others) get this feeling?

Well, for one, we clearly remember where we came from and how we started.

That $500 offer? I once sold it for $50. In fact, at one point long ago, people could get it for free (only then nobody seemed to want it, much less get the same amount of results from it—big lesson here).

Another point.

Everything inside my own products is obvious to me. I already know all that stuff. There’s nothing new to me. Nothing I need repeated either because I do it all the time. I created it. It’s based on my experience.

You wouldn’t pay someone $1,000 to tell you what your name is, where you live, how old you are, and what kind of work you do or to have them help you solve a math problem you solved 10 minutes ago.

My point is.

It takes a lot of experience, wisdom, and time to understand/see the value in the information you can offer people (As Dan Koe, who probably got it from someone else, often says, every single person has a $1,000,000 idea in their head right now, they just don’t see it).

But there’s a benefit to all of this as well.

Everytime I get this feeling, I can’t just sit around and do nothing until it passes. No I have to do something. I have to justify it to myself again and again and again that these products are in fact worth the price, if not many times more.

I just can’t help it.

And so I add new content, improve upon my old content, I add bonuses, share more value, write better stories, or even create new additional offers (more often than not entirely for free or at a large discount for existing customers) just to improve the product even more.

So I’m not sure if I’ll ever have a 100% completed product I’ll stop tampering with.

But then again, I’m not sure if I’d want to. After all, stagnation is a fate worse than death.


If you want to learn how to sell your own products so you can get a similar feeling of inadequacy so that you’ll in turn get the undying motivation to create more and better products, only to later increase the price and keep the cycle going (beware, it’s addictive).

Then check out Email Valhalla here: