Email daily, you lazy bum

For reasons beyond my understanding, some people don’t like to hear this.

But it needs to be said: The more emails you write, the more money you’ll make. It really is that simple.

There’s no secret trick, no special method, no crazy life hack.

You email more, you earn more.

You have to realize that most people, especially when they’re new to a market, will subscribe to a bunch of different newsletters and email lists.

Almost nobody stands out from the get-go (and that’s ok).

But now imagine that, after they subscribed to a whole bunch of email lists, out of everyone, you’re the only one sending daily emails—something that could very well be the case, since most people don’t bother.

In that case one of two things will happen:

1) They get annoyed and bored of your emails and unsubscribe. This is a good thing because they would never buy anything worthwhile from you, anyway. They don’t see the value in what you’re giving them, so they would never spend a dime on any of your products. It’s good to rid yourself of these people and only keep the people who understand the value of what you offer.

2) They see your name 7x as much as all the other people and build a relationship with you that’s 10–20 times stronger because you’re the only one who’s putting in the constant effort to show up and check in on them. You’re giving value and entertaining them day-in, day-out.

Already they’re much more likely to buy from you than from anyone else.

On top of that, eventually—and this happens to everyone—they get tired of getting so many emails from all these different people, and they’ll unsubscribe to most of the email lists they’ve subscribed to. But because you’ve spent so much time building a relationship with them, you’re one of the few that they’ll keep reading daily—if not the only one.

At that time you don’t have any competition anymore and you win simply because you showed up every single day.

On top of those examples. You’ll be the person who improves the fastest (you’re getting more practice in after all).

Not only that, you’ll also be seen as the one and only true expert—even a leader. While everyone claims to be the expert. Only you’ve put in the work to prove it.

So start emailing daily today.

And if you’re not sure where to start, then check out my flagship course Email Valhalla here:

How many email lists/newsletters are you subscribed to?

Chances are you’re either subscribed to 2 or 3 or subscribed to a shit ton of email lists, potentially as many as 50.

The latter is most often the case with people who are new to a certain market or industry—or still at a lower awareness level in the market.

And that’s a good thing.

That’s how it should be. Discover all there is to discover in your market. Learn about the different problems you (or other people) might be facing, the causes of those problems, their solutions, the specific products or services, and the thousand and one personalities and authority figures in that market.

But sooner or later, and this is always the case, I’ve never seen it not be the case, and I’m staking my entire net worth and everything I own on this fact, every single person will come to a point where’ve done enough “exploring”.

They don’t need to be subscribed to 30 email lists anymore.

In fact, they come to a point where they realize that 90% is bullshit anyway. They’ve learned what they needed to learn. They found the people they liked, the philosophies they wanted to embrace, and the solutions they enjoyed using.

It’s at that point when people cut the fluff, unsubscribe from almost every single email list, and only keep a handful of them around.

At most, they’ll keep 3 different email lists.

Take this message I received many moons ago from a long-time reader and fellow creator, Eshana:


Alex's emails are the best! One of the very few daily emails I read. And I have subbed to about 50 haha.


That’s the start of it.

And, even though I haven’t asked him, I’m fairly certain of the fact that he finally decided to take a few minutes out of his day to unsubscribe from a good 45 of those email lists.

But yet he’s still on mine.

And that’s one of the powers of daily emails.

Hook them in the exploratory phase, stay close to them, focus on the relationship with your readers, show up every single day, stay top of mind, be relevant, be engaging, be valuable, and you’ll outperform—outlast—99% of all other lists out there.

And I teach exactly how to do so in Email Valhalla.

Click here to check it out:

I have a confession to make

I haven’t been hand-copying sales letters anymore.

This bad behavior of mine has been going on for almost a month now (25 days to be precise). Truth be told, I have no excuse for it either.

It all started when I messed up my shoulder a while back (even though it wasn’t my writing shoulder). Still, my mind found it a good enough reason to convince myself that it’s ok to “take a break” because of it.

Yet it wasn’t until I sat down recently and looked at my daily goals and tasks I was supposed to do that I finally noticed how I still hadn’t gotten back to doing this daily practice of mine (a practice I have no doubt has been helping me develop as both a (copy)writer and a marketer).

This might sound recognizable to you, it might not.

Who knows.

Either way, let this be a reminder to check back in on your (positive) habits once in a while to make sure everything’s in order.

Another such habit that I’ve found to immensely improve my life ever since the day I started doing it—and it has only continued to improve my life more and more the longer I keep on doing it consistently and religiously, day in, day out—was the practice of writing an email every single day.

No exceptions.

I was writing daily emails when barely anybody was reading them, when I had nothing to sell, and yes, even when I thought I had nothing to say or write about.

Even more.

All of these so-called “problems” are solved by writing daily emails and staying consistent.

Day after day.

Email after email.

Do this for at least 30 days and you’ll soon realize 1) people will start listening/reading your stuff 2) you’ll figure something out that you can sell (and something your readers need/want 3) the more you write, the more things you’ll have to say to the point where if you’ve been writing for a long enough time you’ve got too many things you want to say/write about and not enough time/days/emails to write about them.


If you’d like a head-start to properly get this habit of daily email writing going then check out Email Valhalla here: