How to get better at telling stories

One of the biggest improvements I made in my email and business career was when I started telling more stories everywhere I went.

In my emails, in my (back when I did all of these) X or LinkedIn posts, during X spaces, during consultation calls, in the DMs to explain concepts and close prospects, or simply outside of business when talking with friends or family members. No matter when or where. It’s always a good time to tell stories—not to mention how good of a practice it is to develop your storytelling and, in turn, your copywriting abilities.

I've never encountered a situation in which sharing a well-told and relevant story didn’t help me out in some way, shape, or form.

And I don’t want you to read this and think you have to become a guru who doesn’t shut up about storytelling tips, tricks, tactics, or god forbid, teaches you how to use ChatGPT to tell better stories, yet never actually tells any stories. Seriously, there’s a direct inverse relation between how often someone shares storytelling tips and how often someone tells relevant stories.

Don’t listen to the person doing the most teaching. Listen to the person doing the most doing. (take that grammar nazis)

And talking about people doing a lot of doing—I happen to do a lot of doing, especially when it comes to sending emails, they get a lot of doing from me.

So much doing.

I sometimes even do the doing multiple times a day, as you may have noticed during my last promotion.

That’s a lot of doing.


If you want to learn how to do the doing as well, then check out Email Valhalla here:

CrapGPT who?

Here’s something I find hilarious:

So-called “writers”, “creators”, or worse, “experts” who rely on CrapGPT to tell them 1) who their target audience is 2) what those people like 3) which topics they should write about.

I’m serious.

Explain to me how you can, without bursting into tears laughing, have the nerve to call yourself a writer, a creator, an expert, a leader, or even a marketer for all I care, and aren’t able to, from your own mind, your own experience, your own creativity (which you don’t need as much of as you might think) come up with ANYTHING to say or write about.

No clue what to write about, what to talk about, what to sell, and who to sell it to.

At this point, I’m convinced these types of people require help to get them out of bed as well in the morning. If it weren’t for their mom waking them up every morning, chances are they might not even realize where they are or what they’re supposed to do.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again.

And while this focuses on writing, it’s equally applicable to everything else you do from public speaking to music creation and more.

Here goes.

If you write about whatever you’re passionate about, and enjoy whatever it is you’re writing, then chances are whoever reads it will enjoy it as much as you do—if not more.

Vice versa, write stuff that bores you about topics that don’t interest you and whoever reads it will be bored out of their mind as well.

Call it the second law of writingdynamics to make it feel all sciency and shit so you’re more likely to remember it.

Anyway, this begs the question:

How do you “optimize” (I don’t enjoy using this word, but for the lack of a better one, let’s go with this one right now) the enjoyment you have while writing—which you’ll eventually transfer to the reader?

Well, that’s the exact topic of the book I’m currently still working on.

So if you’d like to learn more about that, stay tuned and keep your eyes open for more information about that (which will be sooner than you might expect).

In the meantime, check out Email Valhalla to increase your email writing skills so you can grow you list, sell more products, and build a better relationship with your audience.

Here’s the link: