This email contains an incredible tip to get your emails opened

And I mean truly incredible.

But at the same time so simple, so easily overlooked, and not to mention how extremely underrated it is.

In fact, I’ll probably get some people laughing at me because of it.

But really, sometimes it’s just that simple.

Want to know what the tip is?

Well, it’s the simple “This email contains …” subject line.

It’s easy, straight-to-the-point, and effectively attention-grabbing—especially if you combine it with some of the other 11 attention-grabbing principles and subject line types I teach in my flagship course Email Valhalla.

Speaking of which.

If you’d like more information about Email Valhalla, check it out here:

The 5 best ways to pick up a chair

Here we go:

#1: Grab both the back posts with each hand and lift it that way.

#2: Pick up the chair at the top rail with your non-dominant hand while using your other dominant hand to support (and lift up) the chair from underneath the seat.

#3: Turn the chair upside down and hold it by any 2 legs (attention: holding it up by the two diagonal legs, although perfectly possible, might feel a bit awkward)

#4: Sit on the chair and ask someone else (you might need 2 people to do this depending on how much you weigh) to pick up the chair while you get to relax (don’t lose your balance though).

#5: Just leave the chair where it is. No need for you to pick it up. That’s somebody else’s problem now.

Now, I don’t know how useful this information might have been for you.

But there’s just something about reading “X ways to do Y” that makes it so you just need to check out the email/article/video/whatever it is and see what’s inside.

That said.

More useful information (we’re talking 100’s of ways to do many things, mostly revolving around writing emails, growing your list, and getting paid) can be found here: