Wherever you look on the internet, whenever people talk about marketing, they just can’t stop bitching about algorithms.
And here’s the problem.
These people are all thinking too short-term. They forget to think about the bigger picture.
You’re on a platform. A platform that’s not yours. Anything can happen. You knew this when you signed up. So it’s your job to be prepared for the worst. To do the best you can, no matter what.
In the grand scheme of things, you should be building your own world—a place filled with people who want to be with you, hear from you, and buy from you. People who’ll go to the end of the world to find you.
These people ultimately don’t care about the platform, they care about being where you are.
So why are you keeping them ON the platform to begin with.
In that case, if the algorithm fucks you over (which it will), then that’s your fault.
As with any world you’re creating, you should have a place where people can gather. That place shouldn’t be a social media platform you don’t have any control over.
It’s on you to secure your own safety.
What does that mean for your online business?
You either create your own platform, which for many of us won’t be possible (yet), or you simply create an email list. Nobody can take it from you, no matter who decides what on some social media platform.
There are many other tips and practices that you can follow to not be affected by changes such as these. But this should undoubtedly be your first step.
If you don’t have your own email list, then create yours now. Like right now. This second.
And not knowing how to do so isn’t an excuse. Because I’ve got just the thing for you.
It’s called Email Valhalla and it’s a course I created to teach you everything you need about creating, growing, and even monetizing your email list.
Get it here to secure your future: https://alexvandromme.com/valhalla