Anyone can put something together, slap a price on it, spend some money on advertising, and get people to buy it as long as the price is low enough.
But few can create something their target audience not just wants, but desperately needs, allowing them to sell it effortlessly at almost any price of their choosing.
This holds true regardless of the market you’re in.
The moment price becomes the main differentiator between your product and that of your competitors is the moment you lose.
“Ok”, you ask, “so how do I create a product my audience desperately needs?” you may ask.
Except that’s the wrong question.
Instead, you should ask, “How do I get to know my customers better than they know themselves?”
This is the kind of thinking I once heard Steve Jobs talk about in an interview when asked what kind of technology he and his team had been working on (and contributed to society) for the past decade—this question was asked in a “prove my you’re better than your competitors” kind of way.
Jobs immediately pointed out how this “technology first” kind of thinking was an extremely flawed way of doing business.
Instead of thinking “What technology can I create and how can I sell it?”, every business should ask themselves, “How can I deliver the best customer experience?”.
Once you answered that, only then is it time to ask yourself “What technology do I need to make it happen?”.
Who knows, maybe you already have everything that’s required.
Either way, this will set you up correctly.
Coincidentally, even though this interview is publicly available for everyone to watch, interpret, and learn from on YouTube (and has been for many, many years), still so many people spend weeks, months, even years creating something to sell, never bothering to think how the customer will benefit from it or if they even need it at all, only to have to figure out how they’re going to sell it once they’re done building the product.
While I’m unable to help you discover how to best help your target audience, I do know one of the best ways to do so is by staying in frequent contact with your customers.
One way to do so, which my biased ass highly recommends to you, is by writing simple, efficient, and entertaining emails on a daily basis.
If that sounds like something you’d want to do, then check out Email Valhalla here to learn more: