Why stagnation is a fate worse than death

A couple of weeks ago, I went to a high school reunion.

There I saw so many of the recognizable faces who made up the bigger part of my 6 years in high school quite a while ago, some of whom I’ve kept in touch with and have regularly seen after high school, others I hadn’t seen for over 5, 6, or 7 years.

And the craziest thing to me wasn’t how much some people have changed, that’s certainly fun to see (and talk about). No, the craziest thing was how LITTLE some people changed.

Which is quite saddening to think about.

Here are people who had something going for them, who were developing themselves in high school, had support all around them, yet somehow, someway, that same support suddenly stopped after high school graduation.

They got pushed into a career they weren’t keen about, were forced to do stuff they didn’t want (but other people wanted for them) and they lost their spark.

They stopped innovating. They stopped experimenting. They stopped trying.

Essentially, they stagnated.

Which, just as in business as in life, means death.

If you’re not growing, you’re dying goes the saying. And that’s absolutely true in every regard.

You could be the biggest business in your market for years, even decades. But the moment you stop growing, you start to crumble and fade away. Others will start catching up. Others will pass you by. You will become forgotten and obsolete.

There’s also no point arguing or getting mad about this.

That’s just the way things go.

It’s up to you to decide what to do with this information. Realize this truth and try to make the best of it or act as if it isn’t true and slowly, sometimes even unknowingly, wither away until there’s nothing left.

So many people are alive, yet not living.

And like so, many businesses exist, yet aren’t functioning.

Now, I don’t know about you. But I’d rather accept this truth at face value, and rightly act upon it—growing both my business and myself.


I’m not the personal guru teaching you self-growth (maybe I sometimes do, if so, that’s an accidental benefit). But I can help you grow your business, especially when it comes to your marketing and your email game.

If that’s your jam, then check out Email Valhalla here: https://alexvandromme.com/valhalla