Everything is slowly turning into a subscription model.
From your daily entertainment to your groceries, the clothes you wear, the books you read, the music you listen to, the hobbies you practice, the perfumes and fragrances you use, the cars you drive (if that market won’t completely turn into a subscription-based Uber-like “get driven by autonomous vehicles" service eventually), the traveling you might want to do, hell, chances are even the phones you’ll buy and every other gadget or consumable you can think of will become subscription based.
It might not be this year.
It might not even be next year.
But I promise you, everything will and shall turn into a subscription model—even the things you couldn’t believe were possible.
So what should you do when it comes to subscriptions?
Should you follow? Should you be different for the sake of it?
Well, that’s not something I can answer for you. As with anything, it depends. I don’t know what you do, what you sell, who you sell it to, how much you’re charging for it, how much it costs you to sell it, how easy it is to deliver, how often people use it, how many people want it, and a lot more other vital pieces of information you’d need to make a decision like this (anyone telling you there’s a one-size-fits-all answer is trying to sell you horsecrap).
What I do know is that a lot more people are trying to jump into the subscription business (as will I eventually, not going to hide it).
And with that there’s also many people who are making the big mistake (unless they’re already a big industry name, then they can do whatever they want) of trying to sell the continuity as the first thing the customer sees.
In case you didn’t know, it’s a difficult sell to get someone to hand you money ever single month.
A better way to do things?
Sell something low-ticket first (alongside selling yourself). Build up trust. Show them you know your stuff. Help them get a feeling of satisfaction.
Only after that, offer them a subscription to get more of the same (with more convenience and/or a better price) or offer them more (and better/more in-depth) complimentary stuff.
Something to think about and take into consideration.
If you’d like to learn how to sell, whether it’s a continuity or not, and more specifically, learn to sell it through email, then check out Email Valhalla where I share all the tips, tricks, deets, and secret sauce.
Click here to learn more: https://alexvandromme.com/valhalla