Hacking your inbox to getting more clicks & opens

Yesterday’s email was a sponsored one.

That means, I get paid a nice amount of money by the person who decides to sponsor me in hopes that they get a lot of clicks (and in turn, conversions) on the link they provide me.

Logically speaking, the more traffic (clicks) I can send, the more money I can ask and the more I’ll earn.

Now, I’m 100% of the opinion that clicks and open rates don’t actually matter in the wide scheme of things. It’s sales & conversions that make the world go ‘round and keep you and your business alive.

But, there are some oddities and specific scenarios where that’s not always the case.

This is one such example; where you get paid through advertisements or sponsorships.

Then it's all about clicks and opens.

While I do know a bit about how to grab people’s attention just enough to get them to open my email and read the first sentence (which has the sole purpose of getting people to read the second sentence, and so on).

I, by no means, am an expert in the click-and-open rate side of things.

But I do know someone who claims to be an expert (self-claimed at that, always keep your eyes and ears open, remain critical of everything you read, and be your own judge).

In fact, that person also decided to sponsor today’s email.

That’s some crazy coincidence right? How we were just talking about how clicks and opens matter so much for advertising and sponsorship and here’s someone teaching all about clicks and opens who’s actually sponsoring me.

A special place, this world is.

Anyway, if you read yesterday’s email then you know the deal (or you don’t).

I’ll stop yapping about right now and I’ll leave you with the sponsored excerpt I got asked to send, including the sponsored offer.

Check it out, see if it’s for you, and decide for yourself whether you want more of it or not.

In this case, the offer is for a free marketing newsletter called “Inbox Hacking” and some free test drive for a lead gen tool for those who are interested.

(although the link points to the “thank you” page of the newsletter even though you’re not automatically subscribed when clicking the link—as far as I know, at least).

Enough about this. Check it out.

Here it is:


Inbox Hacking will be your huckleberry.

How ‘bout a useful marketing newsletter minus nap-inducing insights and regurgitated takes? Marketing news, tactics, and strategies that lighten your workload and boost revenue.

Subscribe to Inbox Hacking and get a free test drive of a lead gen tool that can 3x your click volume (instantly).

Subscribe & Get Free Access

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Building a lucrative side hustle by writing

Today, I unlocked a new achievement.

More specifically, having completed my very first self-published book launch. The book’s still for sale, but the early-bird bonus (which I believed to be worth more than the book itself—even if it was only about 7 pages long) is no longer redeemable.

I’ve already received a few written reviews and some feedback from people who bought and read the book. The book seems to be well-liked in general. There are a few bits and pieces that needed fixing (there were some issues with the fonts, the margins, and a single page that didn’t have a page number).

But overall it’s been a great success.

Turns out, many people enjoy, or at least want to enjoy the art of writing.

Which I completely understand. After all, I have been writing non-stop every day for close to two years already. It’d be weird and extremely unlikely for me to still be doing this day in, day out, if I didn’t enjoy this.

There are many benefits to learning how to write and how to enjoy the writing process from start to finish.

Writing is fun, it helps with your thinking, it can act as mediation, gives you a place to unleash your creativity, and share your passion with the world while making the world a better place through your entertainment and information at the same time, just to name a few.

But that’s not all.

In fact, if done correctly, writing can be an extremely lucrative endeavor.

It doesn’t even have to take a lot of time either. Some people just use it as a lucrative side hustle to make some extra cash on top of their main income source.

Some of those people are called “ghostwriters”.

Now, I don’t claim to know anything about ghostwriting. I’ve never done so before in the past and I likely won’t ever do so in the future.

But I do know a few people who are absolute masters at the craft, get paid 6 to 7 figures for their craft, and have hundreds of success stories teaching other people how to get into the world of ghostwriting.

In fact, those very same people decided to sponsor this particular email.

They even went so far as to provide a FREE email course to everyone who wants to discover the world of ghostwriting and build a lucrative side hustle (or potentially even turn it into their “main” hustle).

But enough yapping about.

You’ll find the sponsored section below, including their FREE offer which I highly suggest you check out right this very moment.

Here it is:


The fastest way to build a lucrative side hustle?


✅ You don’t need any startup capital.
✅ You don’t need a big social audience.
✅ And you don’t need decades of writing experience.

To become a Premium Ghostwriter you only need 5 simple (but oddly specific) skills.

And this FREE email course will give you everything you need to start ghostwriting today.

Get instant access here.

Categories Uncategorized

Last call for my behind-the-scenes marketing plan bonus

This is a reminder that tonight is the deadline for the bonus behind-the-scenes marketing plan I'll send you if you buy my latest book “The Art of Loving to write” AND send me your Amazon receipt.

I call it "Building an Entertainment Business Universe".

It's the entirety of my marketing plan, what I've done and what I'll be doing for the next coming years, explained as best I can and with lots of examples, reasons why, and arguments (both for and against) as to why I'm doing what I'm doing and how it might benefit you as well.

If you buy The Art of Loving to Write (print or Kindle) and send me your receipt by the deadline you'll get it entirely for free. I won't come up with an imaginary price or value. I've never sold this information before and I likely never will.

All I can say is that it's worth its weight in gold (multiple times over). In a way, it's THE report showing you everything I've done, am doing, and will do (as well as why and how).

Here are just some of the things you can expect to learn from this bonus:

  • The secret psychological reason why businesses such as Disney, Marvel Comics, and Dungeons & Dragons grew into such household names and how I plan on using the same framework to grow my very own entertainment empire.

  • Why you’re in the entertainment business whether you like it or not (and how to turn this into your advantage).

  • A step-by-step guide to each of the 5 phases I’ll go through from start to finish throughout the lifetime of my business to go from a no-name nobody to a name so big nobody in your industry can ignore anymore.

  • How to never struggle with freeloaders who leech off your time, energy, and resources and never plan to buy anything ever again.

  • Why so many people mess up at the very start of their business plan (yet they often don’t realize it until many years later—not to mention the amount of wasted time and money!)

  • 2 of the best, most effective, and scalable ways to generate high-quality traffic filled with people who’ve already proven to be suitable customers who are eager and ready to buy

  • Exactly what to sell (and who to sell it to) in each stage of the game regardless of what market you’re in (get this wrong and you’ll never sell anything no matter the quality of your offers!)

  • How to use (and re-use) all your writing continuously for years to come so you never waste a single word you’ve ever written and every additional word you write only increases the amount of profit you’ll generate.

  • The “DNA-String” method you can use to give a unified feeling to everything you create without diminishing the uniqueness of your offers by doing something you never expected any business or entrepreneur to do, yet it works like magic and it can turn even the most basic and average guy into someone who’s always top of mind in everyone’s head (I only know of 3 people who did this and they each became highly successful individuals because of it).

  • The first two questions every independent business owner or creative should ask them if they want to build a reliable and sustainable source of revenue (which you can use to further develop all of your other business endeavors).

  • Why every game plan shorter than 5 years (sometimes even 10 years) will miss out on 80% of the results you’re otherwise able to achieve (yet you’re probably already doing most of the things you need to, only without seeing the vast results of your labor).

  • How to never again have to think about any of the design aspects of your offers (hint: your very own content decides the design, you just aren’t looking hard enough).

  • How to all but eliminate your competition entirely by doing something so drastically different (yet something that’s at the core of my marketing plan) that nobody can get even close to the amount of authority and credibility you’ll develop).

  • Why you should think of yourself as a publisher first and what it means for your business and everything else you think about, create, and sell.

  • And much, much more…

One last time, to get the "Building an Entertainment Business Universe" bonus (which is a digital PDF) you must (1) buy The Art of Loving to Write on Amazon (print or Kindle) before Friday, July 19th at midnight CET (that’s tonight) AND (2) send me your receipt to show proof of purchase (also before the deadline).

Failure to do both by the deadline will result in you not receiving said bonus.

No excuses.


Here's the link to buy The Art of Loving to Write: https://alexvandromme.com/loving

Categories Uncategorized

A blatant sales pitch for my latest book

If you want to be able to write faster than you do now, better than you do now, while coming to love the writing process so you're not going through hell or getting stuck every other chapter whenever you write… then my latest book will show you how.

It's called "The Art of Loving to Write".

And it's all about increasing the joy you'll get while writing so you can write faster, better, and more than ever before. You will no longer have to "bleed at the typewriter" or dread the writing process. Writing will cease to be work altogether and only play will remain.

To help you decide whether this book is for you, here are but a few of the many, many things you'll learn inside:

  • A simple trick one of the most prolific writers who ever lived used to never suffer from writer's block ever again.

  • How to "hack your brain" into making writing the simplest thing in the world (while only altering one slight detail of something you're probably already doing).

  • The single most effective and easiest method to build a consistent daily writing habit.

  • What learning how to ride a bike can teach you about turning writing into the most enjoyable experience imaginable.

  • The secret to turning every activity into one that's fun, challenging (in a good way), and rewarding.

  • What never to do if you want to finish and publish a book you're proud of. (This will stop you from second-guessing yourself all the time)

  • The real reason why it sometimes feels as if the whole world is against you when trying to be productive (and how to solve it).

  • The truth about using AI to aid your writing. HINT: you'll never use AI ever again after going through this book (and you'll thank me for it).

  • How writing an additional 100 to 200 words a day can be the most profitable thing you'll ever do.

  • How to use the "Two-Part Magic Enjoyment Formula" so you can turn everything you do into a fun and play-like experience.

  • What to do immediately before and after you sit down to write and why. (Get this wrong and you'll have to suffer through 1–2 hellish hours EVERY DAY).

  • The sneaky way prolific writers use to get ten times as much work done in the same amount of time (and it only takes a few seconds a day).

  • How to get paid while doing market research and without having to put in any additional effort yourself.

  • The simple reason why it feels like you're not improving your writing skills anymore.

And the best part?

The book is only 100 pages, meaning you can read it in just one sitting if you'd like. But the information inside is so valuable and practical that you can see results as early as tonight.

Grab your copy now.

Click here for more information: https://alexvandromme.com/loving

Categories Uncategorized

Just another almost pathetic email in my inbox

Once in a while, someone will write me an email asking something along the lines of:


“Hey, Alex! I’ve got all of these amazing ideas I want to work on, write about, and share with people—maybe even make a living while doing so—but I’ve got no idea where or how to start. Can you help me out?”


Sure thing bucko.

But I can promise you this, you won’t like what I’ll have to say.

Not because it’s bad advice or because it’s difficult—not at all. In fact, quite the opposite.

It’s simple, straightforward, and you’ve heard it a thousand times before already.

So much so that you’re probably tired of hearing it.

The reality is that most people who ask those types of questions don’t really want an answer. Instead, they want some magic pill. Some hidden secret that will make everything happen on its own and remove all the difficult things in life. Or maybe they want me to discourage them from even trying and saving them all the trouble, pain, and problems that will eventually come up.

So if that’s you, tough luck.

That’s not how the world works.

My answer is simply this: stop asking those questions and just get to it.

Start writing down your ideas. It doesn’t matter if you don’t know how or why. Just do the first thing that comes to your mind. You’ll almost immediately learn whether your idea works or not. If it didn’t, then try the next. If it did, then keep doing it.

Stop overcomplicating things and stop asking other people how to do everything (including living your life).

Next thing I know I’ll start getting questions from people asking me how they should go about wiping their butt (FYI: front-to-back is the only correct answer).

But if you’re still not satisfied with this answer, then check out my book titled, “The Art of Loving to Write”.

And more specifically Chapter 11 which will get you started writing (and even profiting from it) right away.

Click here for more information about the book: https://alexvandromme.com/loving

P.S.: I’m also giving away a bonus behind-the-scenes marketing plan if you buy AND send me your Amazon receipt before the deadline of Friday, July 19th at midnight CET.

I call it "Building an Entertainment Business Universe".

It's the entirety of my marketing plan, what I've done and what I'll be doing for the next coming years, explained as best I can and with lots of examples, reasons why, and arguments (both for and against) as to why I'm doing what I'm doing and how it might benefit you as well.

If you buy The Art of Loving to Write (print or Kindle) and send me your receipt by the deadline you'll get it entirely for free. I won't come up with an imaginary price or value. I've never sold this information before and I likely never will.

All I can say is that it's worth its weight in gold (multiple times over). In a way, it's THE report showing you everything I've done, am doing, and will do (as well as why and how).

Here are just some of the things you can expect to learn from this bonus:

  • The secret psychological reason why businesses such as Disney, Marvel Comics, and Dungeons & Dragons grew into such household names and how I plan on using the same framework to grow my very own entertainment empire.

  • Why you’re in the entertainment business whether you like it or not (and how to turn this into your advantage).

  • A step-by-step guide to each of the 5 phases I’ll go through from start to finish throughout the lifetime of my business to go from a no-name nobody to a name so big nobody in your industry can ignore anymore.

  • How to never struggle with freeloaders who leech off your time, energy, and resources and never plan to buy anything ever again.

  • Why so many people mess up at the very start of their business plan (yet they often don’t realize it until many years later—not to mention the amount of wasted time and money!)

  • 2 of the best, most effective, and scalable ways to generate high-quality traffic filled with people who’ve already proven to be suitable customers who are eager and ready to buy

  • Exactly what to sell (and who to sell it to) in each stage of the game regardless of what market you’re in (get this wrong and you’ll never sell anything no matter the quality of your offers!)

  • How to use (and re-use) all your writing continuously for years to come so you never waste a single word you’ve ever written and every additional word you write only increases the amount of profit you’ll generate.

  • The “DNA-String” method you can use to give a unified feeling to everything you create without diminishing the uniqueness of your offers by doing something you never expected any business or entrepreneur to do, yet it works like magic and it can turn even the most basic and average guy into someone who’s always top of mind in everyone’s head (I only know of 3 people who did this and they each became highly successful individuals because of it).

  • The first two questions every independent business owner or creative should ask them if they want to build a reliable and sustainable source of revenue (which you can use to further develop all of your other business endeavors).

  • Why every game plan shorter than 5 years (sometimes even 10 years) will miss out on 80% of the results you’re otherwise able to achieve (yet you’re probably already doing most of the things you need to, only without seeing the vast results of your labor).

  • How to never again have to think about any of the design aspects of your offers (hint: your very own content decides the design, you just aren’t looking hard enough).

  • How to all but eliminate your competition entirely by doing something so drastically different (yet something that’s at the core of my marketing plan) that nobody can get even close to the amount of authority and credibility you’ll develop).

  • Why you should think of yourself as a publisher first and what it means for your business and everything else you think about, create, and sell.

  • And much, much more…

One last time, to get the "Building an Entertainment Business Universe" bonus (which is a digital PDF) you must (1) buy The Art of Loving to Write on Amazon (print or Kindle) before Friday, July 19th at midnight CET AND (2) send me your receipt to show proof of purchase (also before the deadline).

Failure to do both by the deadline will result in you not receiving said bonus.

No excuses.


Here's the link to buy The Art of Loving to Write: https://alexvandromme.com/loving

Categories Uncategorized

The secret lesson of nerve-racking high-school presentations

Let’s take a quick trip down memory lane.

If you’re anything like most people, then chances are you still remember the time back in high school when the teacher would force you to stand in front of the class and give a presentation about some random topic.

You’d get all nervous and sweaty. Your mouth would dry up so quickly that no amount of water would help. You’d stumble and stutter over your words.

Even more.

You suddenly became aware of everything you were doing. Where should you rest your hands? By your side? No that feels weird, behind your back, safe and hidden from view? No, the teacher doesn’t like that. The classic “in front of the crotch”? No, no, you’re not some bodyguard. What about flailing them around all the time? No, you don’t want to seem nervous—even though you very much are. And what about your feet? Should you lean? Where should you look? Oh god, they’re all looking at you. What if you say something wrong? How would you ever recover from this???

And on and on it went.

Maybe you didn’t experience those occasions as badly, maybe you experienced them even worse, who knows.

All that’s to say, this isn’t an uncommon experience.

But why is that?

Now imagine that you, at a similar age as the example above, met up with one of your best childhood friends (or a group of friends) and just so happened to start talking about the same topic as the presentation you had to give.

Your friend sounds interested and wants to know more about it. You’ve researched the topic for a while (or at least read the Wikipedia page) so you can talk about it for a while, if not for hours.

How easy (and even enjoyable, regardless of whether you truly ‘love’ the topic that was given to you) would that conversation, that ‘presentation’, be?

Answer: it’d be the easiest thing in the world, wouldn’t it?

But why is that?

And more importantly, how can we apply this knowledge to our current everyday life (I’m assuming you’re no longer being forced to give presentations in your local high school).

Well, for the answer to that question, you’ll have to check chapter two of my recently published and already well reviewed book titled,

“The Art of Loving to Write“.

(Available on Amazon in both paperback and Kindle format)

It’s an incredibly short, yet powerful, read. And one so inexpensive (as opposed to some of my other products) everyone can afford it.

No matter who you are or what market you’re in. If you do any type of writing in your life (professional or personal), I can guarantee this book can and will be useful to you—so useful in fact that you’re likely to see immediate improvements the same day after you finish reading the book.

Which, good news, the book is short enough for you to finish it in one sitting if that’s what you like

Plus, I’m giving away an extremely valuable bonus as a digital PDF explaining How I plan to grow and monetize my writing-based publisher-like business empire (without focusing on social media) which I’ll mail directly to you after you:

Buy The Art of Loving to Write before Friday, July 19th at midnight CET

Send me the Amazon receipt before that same deadline

You’ll find more info about the bonus in the P.S. below.

That said, here’s the link to get your hands on The Art of Loving to Write: https://alexvandromme.com/loving

P.S.: Regarding the bonus behind-the-scenes marketing plan I'll send you if you buy AND send me your Amazon receipt before the deadline of Friday, July 19th at midnight CET.

I call it "Building an Entertainment Business Universe".

It's the entirety of my marketing plan, what I've done and what I'll be doing for the next coming years, explained as best I can and with lots of examples, reasons why, and arguments (both for and against) as to why I'm doing what I'm doing and how it might benefit you as well.

If you buy The Art of Loving to Write (print or Kindle) and send me your receipt by the deadline you'll get it entirely for free. I won't come up with an imaginary price or value. I've never sold this information before and I likely never will.

All I can say is that it's worth its weight in gold (multiple times over). In a way, it's THE report showing you everything I've done, am doing, and will do (as well as why and how).

Here are just some of the things you can expect to learn from this bonus:

  • The secret psychological reason why businesses such as Disney, Marvel Comics, and Dungeons & Dragons grew into such household names and how I plan on using the same framework to grow my very own entertainment empire.

  • Why you’re in the entertainment business whether you like it or not (and how to turn this into your advantage).

  • A step-by-step guide to each of the 5 phases I’ll go through from start to finish throughout the lifetime of my business to go from a no-name nobody to a name so big nobody in your industry can ignore anymore.

  • How to never struggle with freeloaders who leech off your time, energy, and resources and never plan to buy anything ever again.

  • Why so many people mess up at the very start of their business plan (yet they often don’t realize it until many years later—not to mention the amount of wasted time and money!)

  • 2 of the best, most effective, and scalable ways to generate high-quality traffic filled with people who’ve already proven to be suitable customers who are eager and ready to buy

  • Exactly what to sell (and who to sell it to) in each stage of the game regardless of what market you’re in (get this wrong and you’ll never sell anything no matter the quality of your offers!)

  • How to use (and re-use) all your writing continuously for years to come so you never waste a single word you’ve ever written and every additional word you write only increases the amount of profit you’ll generate.

  • The “DNA-String” method you can use to give a unified feeling to everything you create without diminishing the uniqueness of your offers by doing something you never expected any business or entrepreneur to do, yet it works like magic and it can turn even the most basic and average guy into someone who’s always top of mind in everyone’s head (I only know of 3 people who did this and they each became highly successful individuals because of it).

  • The first two questions every independent business owner or creative should ask them if they want to build a reliable and sustainable source of revenue (which you can use to further develop all of your other business endeavors).

  • Why every game plan shorter than 5 years (sometimes even 10 years) will miss out on 80% of the results you’re otherwise able to achieve (yet you’re probably already doing most of the things you need to, only without seeing the vast results of your labor).

  • How to never again have to think about any of the design aspects of your offers (hint: your very own content decides the design, you just aren’t looking hard enough).

  • How to all but eliminate your competition entirely by doing something so drastically different (yet something that’s at the core of my marketing plan) that nobody can get even close to the amount of authority and credibility you’ll develop).

  • Why you should think of yourself as a publisher first and what it means for your business and everything else you think about, create, and sell.

  • And much, much more…

One last time, to get the "Building an Entertainment Business Universe" bonus (which is a digital PDF) you must (1) buy The Art of Loving to Write on Amazon (print or Kindle) before Friday, July 19th at midnight CET AND (2) send me your receipt to show proof of purchase (also before the deadline).

Failure to do both by the deadline will result in you not receiving said bonus.

No excuses.


Here's the link to buy The Art of Loving to Write: https://alexvandromme.com/loving

Categories Uncategorized

Don’t believe what I say, listen to someone else

The first review of my book “The Art of Loving to Write” is in:

(I originally received this email in Dutch from Victor, a long-time reader and fellow Belgian, so the translation is entirely mine but I kept it as close to the original meaning as I could)



I bought your book this morning and immediately finished reading it in an hour.

That's when I put aside my Kindle, picked up my MacBook, and wrote 7 emails in the next 2 hours.

Amazing tips (The one about ……. for example)

It gave me a lot of motivation to start writing again. Your book showed me that writing doesn't have to be a drag, but it can in fact be the highlight of my day.

Thanks Alex.

Your philosophy of writing, marketing, and online business just resonates inside my head. So simple, so logical, so fun.

Looking forward to seeing what I'll be able to achieve with this in the coming year.




And so it goes in my world.

If I say something is immediately practically, instantly useable, and will help you write more than you do now, better than you do now, so you can earn more than you do now, all the while learning how to enjoy every second of it so it becomes the highlight of your day…

Then, my dear friend, I’m not just making it up.

That’s, unfortunately, something this industry often gets wrong. So many people out there make extremely overhyped claims they can never hope to deliver on.

Sure, it works to get the initial sale.

But nobody earns a living from the first sale. It’s the second, third, and even tenth sale that helps you earn a living.

And no way in hell will someone who’s lying about their claims ever get repeat customers.

Those people simply aren’t capable of playing the long game.

If, instead, you are one of the people who knows how important it is to play the long game, and build yourself a business that’s meaningful and worthwhile (not just a get-rich-quick scheme).

Then I’ve got an important suggestion for you.

Learn how to write a lot and, even more importantly in my biased, yet correct, but humble opinion, learn how to enjoy ever second of the writing process. Because you’ll be doing this for a loooooong time.

And man, would I hate to see you “suck it up” for years because you never learned how to enjoy the writing process.

Which brings me to my book, “The Art of Loving to Write”, which Victor just told you all about.

“The Art of Loving to Write“.

You can find it on Amazon all over the world in both paperback and Kindle format.

It’s an incredibly short, yet powerful, read. And one so inexpensive (as opposed to some of my other products) everyone can afford it.

No matter who you are or what market you’re in. If you do any type of writing in your life (professional or personal), I can guarantee this book can and will be useful to you—so useful in fact that you’re likely to see immediate improvements the same day after you finish reading the book.

Which, good news, the book is short enough for you to finish it in one sitting if that’s what you like

Plus, I’m giving away an extremely valuable bonus as a digital PDF explaining How I plan to grow and monetize my writing-based publisher-like business empire (without focusing on social media) which I’ll mail directly to you after you:

Buy The Art of Loving to Write before Friday, July 19th at midnight CET

Send me the Amazon receipt before that same deadline

You’ll find more info about the bonus in the P.S. below.

That said, here’s the link to get your hands on The Art of Loving to Write: https://alexvandromme.com/loving

P.S.: Regarding the bonus behind-the-scenes marketing plan I'll send you if you buy AND send me your Amazon receipt before the deadline of Friday, July 19th at midnight CET.

I call it "Building an Entertainment Business Universe".

It's the entirety of my marketing plan, what I've done and what I'll be doing for the next coming years, explained as best I can and with lots of examples, reasons why, and arguments (both for and against) as to why I'm doing what I'm doing and how it might benefit you as well.

If you buy The Art of Loving to Write (print or Kindle) and send me your receipt by the deadline you'll get it entirely for free. I won't come up with an imaginary price or value. I've never sold this information before and I likely never will.

All I can say is that it's worth its weight in gold (multiple times over). In a way, it's THE report showing you everything I've done, am doing, and will do (as well as why and how).

Here are just some of the things you can expect to learn from this bonus:

  • The secret psychological reason why businesses such as Disney, Marvel Comics, and Dungeons & Dragons grew into such household names and how I plan on using the same framework to grow my very own entertainment empire.

  • Why you’re in the entertainment business whether you like it or not (and how to turn this into your advantage).

  • A step-by-step guide to each of the 5 phases I’ll go through from start to finish throughout the lifetime of my business to go from a no-name nobody to a name so big nobody in your industry can ignore anymore.

  • How to never struggle with freeloaders who leech off your time, energy, and resources and never plan to buy anything ever again.

  • Why so many people mess up at the very start of their business plan (yet they often don’t realize it until many years later—not to mention the amount of wasted time and money!)

  • 2 of the best, most effective, and scalable ways to generate high-quality traffic filled with people who’ve already proven to be suitable customers who are eager and ready to buy

  • Exactly what to sell (and who to sell it to) in each stage of the game regardless of what market you’re in (get this wrong and you’ll never sell anything no matter the quality of your offers!)

  • How to use (and re-use) all your writing continuously for years to come so you never waste a single word you’ve ever written and every additional word you write only increases the amount of profit you’ll generate.

  • The “DNA-String” method you can use to give a unified feeling to everything you create without diminishing the uniqueness of your offers by doing something you never expected any business or entrepreneur to do, yet it works like magic and it can turn even the most basic and average guy into someone who’s always top of mind in everyone’s head (I only know of 3 people who did this and they each became highly successful individuals because of it).

  • The first two questions every independent business owner or creative should ask them if they want to build a reliable and sustainable source of revenue (which you can use to further develop all of your other business endeavors).

  • Why every game plan shorter than 5 years (sometimes even 10 years) will miss out on 80% of the results you’re otherwise able to achieve (yet you’re probably already doing most of the things you need to, only without seeing the vast results of your labor).

  • How to never again have to think about any of the design aspects of your offers (hint: your very own content decides the design, you just aren’t looking hard enough).

  • How to all but eliminate your competition entirely by doing something so drastically different (yet something that’s at the core of my marketing plan) that nobody can get even close to the amount of authority and credibility you’ll develop).

  • Why you should think of yourself as a publisher first and what it means for your business and everything else you think about, create, and sell.

  • And much, much more…

One last time, to get the "Building an Entertainment Business Universe" bonus (which is a digital PDF) you must (1) buy The Art of Loving to Write on Amazon (print or Kindle) before Friday, July 19th at midnight CET AND (2) send me your receipt to show proof of purchase (also before the deadline).

Failure to do both by the deadline will result in you not receiving said bonus.

No excuses.


Here's the link to buy The Art of Loving to Write: https://alexvandromme.com/loving

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Become a prolific writer by never struggling from writer’s block ever again

You may or may not have heard of the name Eugene M. Schwartz before.

In case you haven’t, the late, great Gene Schwartz is widely considered to be one of the best copywriters who has ever lived.

He wrote the book “Breakthrough Advertising” in which he shared everything he knew about the advertising trade and all of the secrets he kept for himself during his outstanding career. Needless to say, it ended up shaping and redefining the direct mail and advertising business as we know it today.

I highly recommend you study Schwartz no matter who you are or what you do.

One of the important things about Schwartz wasn’t how technically skilled and talented he was (although, he definitely knew what he was doing).

No, no.

It’s the fact that he was an extremely prolific writer.

He’d pump out sales letters, articles, and books as if they were nothing.

This—the simple ability to write so damn much—undoubtedly contributed enormously to him being one of the highest-earning copywriters of his time (as well as getting in so much more practice than everyone else).

So how’d he do it?

Did he have a magical gift that allowed him not to get tired?

No, in fact, he would only work about 3 hours or so every day before he got tired and had to call it a day.

Did he perhaps have unparalleled creativity?

Well, no. While he NEVER suffered from writer’s block (as he proclaimed himself), that’s only because of one simple trick he utilized every day to get him to write—even when he didn’t feel like it.

Other than that, he didn’t find himself to be a particularly creative guy. In fact, he would only ever write if he had tonnes and tonnes of information about the product he was writing about in front of him.

So you’re probably wondering right now, “Then, what’s the trick?”.

But it wouldn’t be any fun if I just told it to you right now, would it?

Instead, I’ll give you a small hint: George Lucas used to have a similar trick up his sleeve, although he used it less efficiently.

If you, however, would like to discover everything there is to know about this incredible “never have writer’s block ever again” and “turn yourself into a prolific writer within minutes” trick, then you’ll have to get your hands on my latest books titled,

“The Art of Loving to Write“.

The book is available on Amazon all over the world in both paperback and Kindle format.

It’s an incredibly short, yet powerful, read. And one so inexpensive (as opposed to some of my other products) everyone can afford it.

No matter who you are or what market you’re in. If you do any type of writing in your life (professional or personal), I can guarantee this book can and will be useful to you—so useful in fact that you’re likely to see immediate improvements the same day after you finish reading the book.

Which, good news, the book is short enough for you to finish it in one sitting if that’s what you like

Plus, I’m giving away an extremely valuable bonus as a digital PDF explaining How I plan to grow and monetize my writing-based publisher-like business empire (without focusing on social media) which I’ll mail directly to you after you:

Buy The Art of Loving to Write before Friday, July 19th at midnight CET

Send me the Amazon receipt before that same deadline

You’ll find more info about the bonus in the P.S. below.

That said, here’s the link to get your hands on The Art of Loving to Write: https://alexvandromme.com/loving

P.S.: Regarding the bonus behind-the-scenes marketing plan I'll send you if you buy AND send me your Amazon receipt before the deadline of Friday, July 19th at midnight CET.

I call it "Building an Entertainment Business Universe".

It's the entirety of my marketing plan, what I've done and what I'll be doing for the next coming years, explained as best I can and with lots of examples, reasons why, and arguments (both for and against) as to why I'm doing what I'm doing and how it might benefit you as well.

If you buy The Art of Loving to Write (print or Kindle) and send me your receipt by the deadline you'll get it entirely for free. I won't come up with an imaginary price or value. I've never sold this information before and I likely never will.

All I can say is that it's worth its weight in gold (multiple times over). In a way, it's THE report showing you everything I've done, am doing, and will do (as well as why and how).

Here are just some things you can expect to learn from this bonus:

  • The secret psychological reason why businesses such as Disney, Marvel Comics, and Dungeons & Dragons grew into such household names and how I plan on using the same framework to grow my very own entertainment empire.

  • Why you’re in the entertainment business whether you like it or not (and how to turn this into your advantage).

  • A step-by-step guide to each of the 5 phases I’ll go through from start to finish throughout the lifetime of my business to go from a no-name nobody to a name so big nobody in your industry can ignore anymore.

  • How to never struggle with freeloaders who leech off your time, energy, and resources and never plan to buy anything ever again.

  • Why so many people mess up at the very start of their business plan (yet they often don’t realize it until many years later—not to mention the amount of wasted time and money!)

  • 2 of the best, most effective, and scalable ways to generate high-quality traffic filled with people who’ve already proven to be suitable customers who are eager and ready to buy

  • Exactly what to sell (and who to sell it to) in each stage of the game regardless of what market you’re in (get this wrong and you’ll never sell anything no matter the quality of your offers!)

  • How to use (and re-use) all your writing continuously for years to come so you never waste a single word you’ve ever written and every additional word you write only increases the amount of profit you’ll generate.

  • The “DNA-String” method you can use to give a unified feeling to everything you create without diminishing the uniqueness of your offers by doing something you never expected any business or entrepreneur to do, yet it works like magic and it can turn even the most basic and average guy into someone who’s always top of mind in everyone’s head (I only know of 3 people who did this and they each became highly successful individuals because of it).

  • The first two questions every independent business owner or creative should ask them if they want to build a reliable and sustainable source of revenue (which you can use to further develop all of your other business endeavors).

  • Why every game plan shorter than 5 years (sometimes even 10 years) will miss out on 80% of the results you’re otherwise able to achieve (yet you’re probably already doing most of the things you need to, only without seeing the vast results of your labor).

  • How to never again have to think about any of the design aspects of your offers (hint: your very own content decides the design, you just aren’t looking hard enough).

  • How to all but eliminate your competition entirely by doing something so drastically different (yet something that’s at the core of my marketing plan) that nobody can get even close to the amount of authority and credibility you’ll develop).

  • Why you should think of yourself as a publisher first and what it means for your business and everything else you think about, create, and sell.

  • And much, much more…

One last time, to get the "Building an Entertainment Business Universe" bonus (which is a digital PDF) you must (1) buy The Art of Loving to Write on Amazon (print or Kindle) before Friday, July 19th at midnight CET AND (2) send me your receipt to show proof of purchase (also before the deadline).

Failure to do both by the deadline will result in you not receiving said bonus.

No excuses.


Here's the link to buy The Art of Loving to Write: https://alexvandromme.com/loving

Categories Uncategorized

When you love to write but don’t have to motivation to do so

Came a post on Reddit that said the following:


“Here´s the thing. I´ve been trying to write for a while now. I love writing. I love to create places and characters and outlines. I´ve had a story in my mind for years and I have it all outlined and planned. But when I have to sit down and actully write it I lose all motivation, inspiration and fun. I dont know. Am I doing something wrong? Does this happen to you as well? Could use some advice.”


My answer: you don’t "love writing”.

You love ideating stories and thinking about writing.

The solution?

Learn how to actually love the writing process. With that I mean the entire process. Ideating, first drafting, experimenting, going back to clean up your mess of a first draft, writing a second, and a third draft, editing everything, making sure the timeline fits and there are no plot holes, fixing the dialogue, and ultimately getting your writing ready to be published (or posted).

Every one of these can be further divided into their own steps—if you’d like to play the complex game that is.

Or you can look at the source of everything, that is, enjoyment as a whole, and why we, as people, find one thing more fun and enjoyable than another.

Hint: there are only two ingredients to a “fun activity” no matter what it is, who it’s for, or how to do it.

Playing chess, writing a book, going skydiving, painting, poetry, playing a video game,… it doesn’t matter. Every single one of these shares the same two foundational ingredients to what makes something fun.

If those two ingredients are present the activity becomes fun. If they’re missing from the activity (including those mentioned above) you’ll no longer enjoy it.

The trick lies in knowing you can artificially implement these ingredients into everything you do, essentially turning everything into something fun and enjoyable.

As to what these ingredients are, and how to apply them to learning to love the writing process, no matter what kind of writing you do, how long you’ve already been writing, or who/what you’re writing for (business or professional, fiction, non-fiction, or persuasive) and especially if you want to learn how you can write more than you do now, better than you do now, and faster than you do now (so you’ll also earn more money than you do now) then I’ll have to refer you to my latest self-published book titled:

“The Art of Loving to Write“.

Available now on Amazon all over the world in both paperback and Kindle format.

It’s an incredibly short, yet powerful, read. And one so inexpensive (as opposed to some of my other products) everyone can afford it.

No matter who you are or what market you’re in. If you do any type of writing in your life (professional or personal), I can guarantee this book can and will be useful to you—so useful in fact that you’re likely to see immediate improvements the same day after you finish reading the book.

Which, good news, the book is short enough for you to finish it in one sitting if that’s what you like

Plus, I’m giving away an extremely valuable bonus as a digital PDF explaining How I plan to grow and monetize my writing-based publisher-like business empire (without focusing on social media) which I’ll mail directly to you after you:

Buy The Art of Loving to Write before Friday, July 19th at midnight CET

Send me the Amazon receipt before that same deadline

You’ll find more info about the bonus in the P.S. below.

That said, here’s the link to get your hands on The Art of Loving to Write: https://alexvandromme.com/loving

P.S.: Regarding the bonus behind-the-scenes marketing plan I'll send you if you buy AND send me your Amazon receipt before the deadline of Friday, July 19th at midnight CET.

I call it "Building an Entertainment Business Universe".

It's the entirety of my marketing plan, what I've done and what I'll be doing for the next coming years, explained as best I can and with lots of examples, reasons why, and arguments (both for and against) as to why I'm doing what I'm doing and how it might benefit you as well.

If you buy The Art of Loving to Write (print or Kindle) and send me your receipt by the deadline you'll get it entirely for free. I won't come up with an imaginary price or value. I've never sold this information before and I likely never will.

All I can say is that it's worth its weight in gold (multiple times over). In a way, it's THE report showing you everything I've done, am doing, and will do (as well as why and how).

Here are just some of the things you can expect to learn from this bonus:

  • The secret psychological reason why businesses such as Disney, Marvel Comics, and Dungeons & Dragons grew into such household names and how I plan on using the same framework to grow my very own entertainment empire.

  • Why you’re in the entertainment business whether you like it or not (and how to turn this into your advantage).

  • A step-by-step guide to each of the 5 phases I’ll go through from start to finish throughout the lifetime of my business to go from a no-name nobody to a name so big nobody in your industry can ignore anymore.

  • How to never struggle with freeloaders who leech off your time, energy, and resources and never plan to buy anything ever again.

  • Why so many people mess up at the very start of their business plan (yet they often don’t realize it until many years later—not to mention the amount of wasted time and money!)

  • The 2 best, most effective, and scalable ways to generate high-quality traffic filled with people who’ve already proven to be suitable customers who are eager and ready to buy

  • Exactly what to sell (and who to sell it to) in each stage of the game regardless of what market you’re in (get this wrong and you’ll never sell anything no matter the quality of your offers!)

  • How to use (and re-use) all your writing continuously for years to come so you never waste a single word you’ve ever written and every additional word you write only increases the amount of profit you’ll generate.

  • The “DNA-String” method you can use to give a unified feeling to everything you create without diminishing the uniqueness of your offers by doing something you never expected any business or entrepreneur to do, yet it works like magic and it can turn even the most basic and average guy into someone who’s always top of mind in everyone’s head (I only know of 3 people who did this and they each became highly successful individuals because of it).

  • The first two questions every independent business owner or creative should ask them if they want to build a reliable and sustainable source of revenue (which you can use to further develop all of your other business endeavors).

  • Why every game plan shorter than 5 years (sometimes even 10 years) will miss out on 80% of the results you’re otherwise able to achieve (yet you’re probably already doing most of the things you need to, only without seeing the vast results of your labor).

  • How to never again have to think about any of the design aspects of your offers (hint: your very own content decides the design, you just aren’t looking hard enough).

  • How to all but eliminate your competition entirely by doing something so drastically different (yet something that’s at the core of my marketing plan) that nobody can get even close to the amount of authority and credibility you’ll develop).

  • Why you should think of yourself as a publisher first and what it means for your business and everything else you think about, create, and sell.

  • And much, much more…

One last time, to get the "Building an Entertainment Business Universe" bonus (which is a digital PDF) you must (1) buy The Art of Loving to Write on Amazon (print or Kindle) before Friday, July 19th at midnight CET AND (2) send me your receipt to show proof of purchase (also before the deadline).

Failure to do both by the deadline will result in you not receiving said bonus.

No excuses.


Here's the link to buy The Art of Loving to Write: https://alexvandromme.com/loving

Categories Uncategorized

It’s finally here!

My new self-published non-fiction book that is.

The book about learning how to enjoy the writing process from start to finish so you can write faster than you do now, better than you do now, and ultimately make more money than you do now I’ve been talking about for the past few weeks is finally here.

I can’t even begin to explain what a journey this has been.

Not in such a short email at least.

It’s been incredibly rewarding, fulfilling, and especially educational to say the least (not to mention motivational with the amount of wisdom and ideas I gained by going through this process).

See you may (or may not) know that I’ve been writing (daily) emails for close to two years already.

During that time I was also incredibly active on social media, which is how I persuaded young and naive souls such as yourself to give me their email addresses so I could entertain (annoy) them with my daily theatrics.

It was also during that time that I created this name for myself as a daily email connoisseur, supremacist, and artiste.

Or in the words of the people, “that guy who’s obsessed with writing daily emails and can’t get enough of it”.

So much so that I eventually had people asking me whether I had a course on (email) writing.

But not just any kind of writing course.


A course on how to enjoy it, make it feel like play, and actually turn it into something fun and sustainable for everyone, regardless of their original passion or enjoyment of writing (because let’s be honest, most people come to despise both reading and writing after formal schooling sucked out all joy and creativity that makes (or breaks) these activities into what they are).

Needless to say, I didn’t had anything like that back in the day.

And neither did I think it was necessary or something people actually wanted, needed, or even something I was qualified to talk about.

But, alas, time is a wonderful thing and it has the power to change everything it touches—including me and my opinion on the matter.

I soon came to realize just how much of a help such an offer could be to people and just how qualified I really was—after all, I have been writing every single day (sometimes up to 5 thousand words or more) for close to two years now.

So it’s with a lot of pride, joy, and excitement that I present to you:

“The Art of Loving to Write“.

Available now on Amazon all over the world in both paperback and Kindle format.

It’s an incredibly short, yet powerful, read. And one so inexpensive (as opposed to some of my other products) everyone can afford it.

No matter who you are or what market you’re in. If you do any type of writing in your life (professional or personal), I can guarantee this book can and will be useful to you—so useful in fact that you’re likely to see immediate improvements the same day after you finish reading the book.

Which, good news, the book is short enough for you to finish it in one sitting if that’s what you like

Plus, I’m giving away an extremely valuable bonus as a digital PDF explaining How I plan to grow and monetize my writing-based publisher-like business empire (without focusing on social media) which I’ll mail directly to you after you:

  1. Buy The Art of Loving to Write before Friday, July 19th at midnight CET

  2. Send me the Amazon receipt before that same deadline

You’ll find more info about the bonus in the P.S. below.

That said, here’s the link to get your hands on The Art of Loving to Write: https://alexvandromme.com/loving

P.S.: Regarding the bonus behind-the-scenes marketing plan I'll send you if you buy AND send me your Amazon receipt before the deadline of Friday, July 19th at midnight CET.

I call it "Building an Entertainment Business Universe".

It's the entirety of my marketing plan, what I've done and what I'll be doing for the next coming years, explained as best I can and with lots of examples, reasons why, and arguments (both for and against) as to why I'm doing what I'm doing and how it might benefit you as well.

If you buy The Art of Loving to Write (print or Kindle) and send me your receipt by the deadline you'll get it entirely for free. I won't come up with an imaginary price or value. I've never sold this information before and I likely never will.

All I can say is that it's worth its weight in gold (multiple times over). In a way, it's THE report showing you everything I've done, am doing, and will do (as well as why and how).

Here are just some of the things you can expect to learn from this bonus:

  • The secret psychological reason why businesses such as Disney, Marvel Comics, and Dungeons & Dragons grew into such household names and how I plan on using the same framework to grow my very own entertainment empire.

  • Why you’re in the entertainment business whether you like it or not (and how to turn this into your advantage).

  • A step-by-step guide to each of the 5 phases I’ll go through from start to finish throughout the lifetime of my business to go from a no-name nobody to a name so big nobody in your industry can ignore anymore.

  • How to never struggle with freeloaders who leech off your time, energy, and resources and never plan to buy anything ever again.

  • Why so many people mess up at the very start of their business plan (yet they often don’t realize it until many years later—not to mention the amount of wasted time and money!)

  • 2 of the best, most effective, and scalable ways to generate high-quality traffic filled with people who’ve already proven to be suitable customers who are eager and ready to buy

  • Exactly what to sell (and who to sell it to) in each stage of the game regardless of what market you’re in (get this wrong and you’ll never sell anything no matter the quality of your offers!)

  • How to use (and re-use) all your writing continuously for years to come so you never waste a single word you’ve ever written and every additional word you write only increases the amount of profit you’ll generate.

  • The “DNA-String” method you can use to give a unified feeling to everything you create without diminishing the uniqueness of your offers by doing something you never expected any business or entrepreneur to do, yet it works like magic and it can turn even the most basic and average guy into someone who’s always top of mind in everyone’s head (I only know of 3 people who did this and they each became highly successful individuals because of it).

  • The first two questions every independent business owner or creative should ask them if they want to build a reliable and sustainable source of revenue (which you can use to further develop all of your other business endeavors).

  • Why every game plan shorter than 5 years (sometimes even 10 years) will miss out on 80% of the results you’re otherwise able to achieve (yet you’re probably already doing most of the things you need to, only without seeing the vast results of your labor).

  • How to never again have to think about any of the design aspects of your offers (hint: your very own content decides the design, you just aren’t looking hard enough).

  • How to all but eliminate your competition entirely by doing something so drastically different (yet something that’s at the core of my marketing plan) that nobody can get even close to the amount of authority and credibility you’ll develop).

  • Why you should think of yourself as a publisher first and what it means for your business and everything else you think about, create, and sell.

  • And much, much more…

One last time.

To get the "Building an Entertainment Business Universe" bonus (which is a digital PDF) you must (1) buy The Art of Loving to Write on Amazon (print or Kindle) before Friday, July 19th at midnight CET AND (2) send me your receipt to show proof of purchase (also before the deadline).

Failure to do both by the deadline will result in you not receiving said bonus.

No excuses.


Here's the link to buy The Art of Loving to Write: https://alexvandromme.com/loving

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