I came across the following Reddit post:
“Here´s the thing. I´ve been trying to write for a while now. I love writing. I love to create places and characters and outlines. I´ve had a story in my mind for years and I have it all outlined and planned. But when I have to sit down and actully write it I lose all motivation, inspiration and fun. I dont know. Am I doing something wrong? Does this happen to you as well? Could use some advice.”
My answer: you don’t "love writing”.
You love ideating stories and thinking about writing.
The solution?
Learn how to actually love the writing process. With that I mean the entire process. Ideating, first drafting, experimenting, going back to clean up your mess of a first draft, writing a second, and a third draft, editing everything, making sure the timeline fits and there are no plot holes, fixing the dialogue, and ultimately getting your writing ready to be published (or posted).
Every one of these can be further divided into their own steps—if you’d like to play the complex game that is.
Or you can look at the source of everything, that is, enjoyment as a whole, and why we, as people, find one thing more fun and enjoyable than another.
Hint: there are only two ingredients to a “fun activity” no matter what it is, who it’s for, or how to do it.
Playing chess, writing a book, going skydiving, painting, poetry, playing a video game,… it doesn’t matter. Every single one of these shares the same two foundational ingredients to what makes something fun.
If those two ingredients are present the activity becomes fun. If they’re missing from the activity (including those mentioned above) you’ll no longer enjoy it.
The trick lies in knowing you can artificially implement these ingredients into everything you do, essentially turning everything into something fun and enjoyable.
As to what these ingredients are, and how to apply them to learning to love the writing process, no matter what kind of writing you do, how long you’ve already been writing, or who/what you’re writing for (business or professional, fiction, non-fiction, or persuasive) and especially if you want to learn how you can write more than you do now, better than you do now, and faster than you do now (so you’ll also earn more money than you do now) then I’ll have to refer you to my little gem of a book titled:
“The Art of Loving to Write“.
It’s an incredibly short, yet powerful, read (and so inexpensive everyone can afford it).
No matter who you are or what market you’re in. If you do any type of writing in your life (professional or personal), I can guarantee this book can and will be useful to you—so useful in fact that you’re likely to see immediate improvements the same day after you finish reading the book.
Which, good news, the book is short enough for you to finish it in one sitting if that’s what you like
Here’s the link to get your hands on The Art of Loving to Write: https://alexvandromme.com/loving