Would you go bouldering without limbs?

Because that’s exactly what I witnessed last week.

As you may (or may not) know, I’m a big bouldering fan. I’ve been climbing for just about a year now and I try to go at least once a week, sometimes more.

It’s a fun, engaging, healthy, and challenging hobby and one I share with many friends of mine.

But just last week I saw something I never could’ve expected.

There I was, practicing a new competition boulder my gym placed (I’m competing in my first ever boulder competition next week) when a friend told me to look behind me at someone who was climbing across the room.

Nothing could’ve prepared me for what I saw.

Up on that wall, I saw a guy who lost both his legs and one arm. All three of them replaced by prosthetics. Yet that didn’t seem to stop him from going climbing.


What a chad.

I doubt many people in the same situation would even dare to attempt the same. Hell, I’m sure a few people reading this won’t even believe me. But that’s fine. This isn’t for them. This is for you.

Because you know how much is possible if you set your mind to it.

You know that no explosion or accident (I don’t know how the guy lost his limbs, I didn’t talk to him, this is just me guessing) would ever hold you back from bouldering (assuming you’d want to go bouldering).

But seriously.

You should’ve seen it.

That said.

What’s your excuse for not making and selling the products you want and making a buttload of money while helping as many people as you possibly can?

And if you can’t answer that question.

Then check out Product Creation Made Easy and get started right away: https://alexvandromme.com/pcme

A monthly reminder from your favorite banana overlord

And not just any old reminder.

THE holy reminder of email marketing. The one every person should do if they care about making sales, landing clients, and earning money—which, hopefully, includes you.

So what’s the reminder?

Well, if anything, if I’ve done my job correctly, then you shouldn’t need this reminder at all.

You’d know this by reading any single one of my emails.

It’s always there.


Visible for anyone to see (or at least for those who wish to see it).

It’ll be in this email as well. You haven’t seen it yet. But you know it’s coming.

Down under in this email. You know what’s waiting for you. And you know why it’s waiting for you. You might have already guessed it. And if so, I better hope you know why it matters.

It’s what keeps your business running.

It’s what keeps your list nicely curated and full of high-quality readers—more specifically, high-quality buyers.

Do this one thing wrong a few times and your profits will go down the drain during that time

Do this one thing wrong repeatedly—god forbid forever—and you’ll build yourself a list that’ll end up hating you for when you finally do what you’re supposed to do. You’ll teach your own list to behave in a way you can’t stand.

You’re quite literally digging your own grave if you’re not doing this one thing.

What ‘one thing’ am I talking about?

Plugging an offer in every single one of your emails of course.

It’s so simple, so logical, yet I see so many people forgetting this one simple holy commandment given to us by the email gods of old (now imagine some old Mayan god writing “emails” on a stone tablet and showing it to everyone in god-ville while eating a banana or something).

With that said.

Here’s my offer for today:

If you want to create a digital product to sell, but you’re unsure of what to create, how to create it, or even how to successfully launch it, then check out Product Creation Made Easy here: https://alexvandromme.com/pcme

Do what you think is cool, even if no one else does

But that goes with an important caveat.

One that many people (myself included) forget. And one that all but guarantees your business will fail and you won’t make any money.

Before I get into that, I do want to say that I absolutely, completely, undeniably, and with every cell of my body agree with the first statement I made.

You have to do what you think is cool, even if no one else does.

If you think dinosaurs are cool, then talk about dinosaurs, include dinosaurs in all of your designs, create a whole line of different offers, and name them all after different types of dinosaurs.

Truly bring your reader into their world and make it known how cool you think dinosaurs truly are.

But that said.

And this brings me to the fatal caveat.

You can’t forget the number one rule of business, selling something people want. If nobody cares about what you’re selling, then nobody is going to buy. And no, merely talking about what excites you won’t magically excite other people.

You have to do your homework and figure out what people are buying.

Then you build your version of that thing people are buying and sell it as your own.

I can build the coolest banana peeler the world has ever seen. But nobody is buying banana peelers and the kitchen gadget market is already filled with useless thrash nobody buys (and even they haven’t built a banana peeler—as far as I know).

So the rule would actually be:

Do what you think is cool, even if no one else does, but make sure what you do is also something people are already buying in some way, shape or form.

But that’s not as sexy, is it?


I teach more about building products that people want to buy—while doing it your way (the way you think is cool)—in Product Creation Made Easy.

Check it out here: https://alexvandromme.com/pcme

I dissapointed a reader of mine

Yesterday I wrote an email covering 25 reasons why people aren’t growing and earning more.

It got a lot of responses and praise, as well as some other comical answers.

One of those was an email by Carlo who wrote in to tell me he was disappointed because I hadn’t mentioned the most important 26th reason: “You’re not eating enough bananas.”

And credits to him.

He’s absolutely right.

But that also made me wonder how many other reasons I left out for the simple sake of keeping it to 25 reasons.

Soon after I thought of a whole bunch more. But no worries. I won’t send the exact type of email again (not so soon at least).

There was, however, one reason in particular that I found so important and so valuable that I couldn’t wait to share it with you.

Want to know what it was?

Another reason (let’s call it the 27th) that you might not be growing or earning more than you are right now is that you’re being limited by your time.

I see so many people—especially coaches and freelancers—who are capped by the amount of clients they can take on and don’t have any other income source. Yet there’s a whole untapped market of people who are eager to hand you their hard-earned money if you would just give them something.

Now, that something doesn’t have to be your time. And frankly, it shouldn’t. You should protect your time at all costs. It’s way too valuable to just hand it out to everyone just like that.

No, I’m talking about higher-leverage offers.

More specifically, digital products.

You build them once, you get paid forever. No extra costs, no extra time investment.

You get paid for doing nothing at all, so you’re happy.

And people can get relatively inexpensive (as compared to your main offer) help and assistance from you(r product), so they’re happy.

Everyone’s happy.

Now, if that tickles your fancy and you don’t yet have a product that’s selling consistently, then check out Product Creation Made Easy where I’ll teach you step-by-step my entire process for ideating, creating, and even launching profitable products (in 21 days or less).

Check it out here: https://alexvandromme.com/pcme

To work or not to work

I’ve been taking it slow the past few days.

In fact, I’ve barely been doing anything at all.

This reminded me of an interview with Mr. Beast I once saw where he was explaining his “work schedule”.

I use the word ‘schedule’ conservatively here.

But what he said is that he’d work all the time, every single day, until you just can’t do it anymore. He works until he burns out and only then does he take a day or two off to reset and start working again… until he can’t anymore and the cycle repeats.

Admittedly, he didn’t recommend anyone to try it for themselves, but I found it a logical and efficient approach.

Now, I’m far from a Mr. Beast.

I don’t work nearly the hours he works, but I can and will work a lot depending on the situation.

And on that note, taking a day or two off once in a while isn’t a bad thing.

(I can already hear the hustle bros and productivity community screaming at me)

But let this be a reminder.

Not every system has to be complex, not every system has to be perfect, and certainly not every system is a one-size-fits-all.

Even my systems and solutions aren’t.

They’re simply created and optimized for my life, my business, and my philosophy.

But then again.

If you like the way I do things and want to build a similar business. Then I’d highly recommend you to check out Product Creation Made Easy where I dive deeper into my whole product creation framework—which (next to how I do email) is the backbone of my entire business.

Check it out here: https://alexvandromme.gumroad.com/l/product

In what business are you?

George Lucas decided to do the next Star Wars his way after the initial success of Episode IV: A New Hope (then simply titled “Star Wars”) in 1977.

This meant being in control of as much as possible: filming, editing, merchandizing, sequel rights, and even the funding itself—which he could now do with the profits from the first movie.

He wanted to control pretty much everything except for the distribution.

For that he still had to work together with a bigger studio—something he always despised.

Standard studio negotiations would almost always be in favor of the studio. Giving them as much as 50% to 80% of the profits.

But not this time.

The fact that 1) George Lucas already secured his own funding with his prior profits as collateral for a loan and 2) pretty much every big studio wanted to get their hands on the next Star Wars release meant that the negotiation would look a lot different than studios were used to.

Ultimately Lucas decided to work together with 20th Century Fox, giving them only a 22.5% share of the profits in return for handling the distribution (and putting the Fox logo before the opening credits).

In a later quote, Steven Spielberg said:


“If you’re an executive, suddenly you realize that if you’re going into business with George Lucas, you are no longer in the 20th Century-Fox business, you are in the George Lucas business.”


Read that quote again.

Take it in. Then pause and think about it.

Try to truly understand the implications.

Because if you understand what’s going on here. Which forces are at play. And if you do everything in your power to build your business in a similar manner—to create your own business universe in a way.

Then I can guarantee this will be one of the most profitable lessons you’ll ever learn.

Don’t think of yourself as being in the “personal-branding”, “copywriting”, “life-coaching”, “web-design”, or even the “marketing” business.

You’re in the you-business.

Just as I and everyone who works with me is in the Alex Van Dromme business.

This is why there was no competing with Star Wars back in the day.

They weren’t in the movie business, nor were they in the fantasy or science-fiction business.

They were in the George Lucas business.

And one of the fastest and easiest ways I know to start building your own business universe is to build your own unique, world-driven, and valuable (and profitable) collection of (digital) products and services that you and you alone could offer.

I urge you to try this—I even dare you to try and not be successful after thinking this through and building your own business universe step by step.


If you want to learn how to get started building your collection of products.

Then click the link here: https://alexvandromme.com/pcme/

Why I don’t sell to newbies

Before I tell you, I have to share something with you first, so it makes sense.

A long-time reader and beloved customer, Henry, recently wrote me the following about Product Creation Made Easy:


FYI – I finally have some time to focus on your product creation.

I have a couple more items to go but just wanted to let you know that I’ve had a number of ‘a-ha!’ moments.

Favorites include: Prevalidation and minimal viable product and ideation.

Another thing that I personally appreciate is that it’s not spread out in 50 modules. This hits the important things and gets me started – great for busy folks like me.

Will let you know how it goes after I’m done..planning on finishing this weekend.

But so far – easy 5 star product.


Am I sharing this to brag about my product and get you to consider purchasing it yourself?

Well, yes.

But more importantly, I’m sharing this to highlight the importance of knowing who your customer is—and who you WANT your customer to be.

In my case, that’s busy people.

Busy in the sense of actually doing stuff instead of merely sitting around and talking about how to do stuff—or even worse, talking about the possibility of maybe doing stuff in the future.

I don’t sell to people who have trouble sitting down and getting to work.

I don’t sell to people who don’t know left from right and are looking to learn some marketing and don’t even know what “copywriting” means.

Arguably, they probably couldn’t afford my products or services without having to worry about where their next meal was coming from.

Some people (successfully) sell to newbies and beginners—I’ve got many people on this list who do.

But not me.

And I build my products accordingly.

Not in the sense that they’re difficult to follow. But in the sense that they’re built for action-takers. There’s no checklist, no helping hand guiding you along, and there’s no “do this, then this, and finally this”.

I give you the entire tool belt to use and a shit ton of inspiration on how to use each tool, when you might consider it, and why it makes sense to do so.

But at the end of the day, it all comes down to you to go through it and implement everything.

If you don’t implement my stuff, you won’t benefit from it.

And if you won’t benefit from it, I don’t want to sell to you.


Maybe you do fit that customer profile.

Maybe you are a go-getter, an action-taker, and someone who actually does the work, implements my products, and benefits from them.

In that case, go check out Product Creation Made Easy today and imagine what your life would be like if you could ideate, create, and launch profitable digital products in 21 days or less.

Click the link here and see for yourself: https://alexvandromme.com/pcme/

Wanted: Someone with the initials C.D.

Here’s some (useless) thinking I was doing yesterday:

My dad’s initials spell out DVD.

So one of the funniest things I could do is only date women with the initials CD and start a little disc collection in the family.

Now this isn’t a marketing lesson.

In truth, this makes no sense whatsoever—other than it being hilarious (and if you don’t get my sense of humor, then that’s a you-problem).

But it made me realize that despite how absurd this sounds, I could probably achieve it if I wanted to.

If for some reason all I cared about was this one particular goal and I’d be ready to sacrifice everything and everyone else that comes my way, just to fulfill this one goal. Then, even though I haven’t done the math on this, I’m 120% certain I could achieve this goal.

But that’s not all.

See, the above statement isn’t just limited to finding (and seducing) someone with the initials CD, is it?

It applies to everything.

There’s all this potential inside of me, you, and everyone else walking this earth. An insane amount of potential energy waiting to be unleashed, to be used to achieve just about any goal in life.

And that’s the thing.

You have the potential to achieve anything—but not everything.

You can’t be picky.

You can’t say “oh I’ll do this and this and this, and oh how about this as well?”. No it doesn’t work that way.

Pick one goal and one goal only.


Whatever goal you pick. You’ll have to accept the sacrifices that come along with it. You can’t be picky with those either. You can’t take the good without the bad.

Here’s an example.

I made it my goal to “Build a business of my own that allows me to work whenever I want, wherever I want, and with whomever I want by way of writing,” (writing because that’s what I like to do—I’m not much of a video person).

That’s it.

The moment I try to do something else is the moment I fail in both.

Yes I could earn more money doing regular workshops, yes I could earn more money creating and selling video content, yes I could earn more money working with high-ticket copywriting clients as a freelancer, but those aren’t my goals.

In fact, they’ll take me further and further away from my goals every time I try to do something else.

I’m not saying not to experiment—of course you should.

But be clear on what it is you truly want.

I’ve seen many people—clients, readers, and friends alike—get distracted in the jungle of opportunity, losing track of their goals, and never getting closer to reaching their goals despite already “working” on their goals for the past year and a half.


This, like most important lessons in life, isn’t exactly a practical one.

You’ll have to figure out what it is that you want on your own.

But in case your goals involve creating and selling (digital) products or courses online, then check out Product Creation Made Easy—it’ll show you how to ideate, create, and launch profitable digital products in 21 days or less.

It’s all based on experience and insights I’ve learned by working in the trenches myself and learning from other industry experts. Everything’s battle-tested and ready for you to use.

Check it out here: https://alexvandromme.com/pcme/

Ben Settle helped me create my best-selling course

One of the most important lessons I learned in the past months was something I picked up from Ben Settle.

I don’t remember if I read it in one of his emails, his paid newsletter, one of his numerous books, a podcast, audio training, or wherever.

But it’s an insight, a principle, something to pay attention to, that has made me countless amounts of sales and one that most creators get wrong—especially beginner creators, but even many seasoned ones still make this same mistake.

The first time I heard of it was during the promotion of my Product Creation Made Easy course—my best-selling course where I teach you my framework to ideate, create, and launch profitable digital products in 21 days or less.

Upon hearing I immediately switched gears.

I changed my approach to writing emails, edited the modules of the course itself, rewrote the sales page for the product, and had a completely different mindset when it came to writing the modules that still had to be written.

The result?

More product sales for my Product Creation Made Easy course. But that’s not all. No no, far from it, if that was all it wouldn’t have been nearly this special. No I also made a lot more sales on all of my other products and services as well. Even my coaching and consulting calls.

The true change was a drastic change in my customer LTV, which stands for life time value and measures the total value I receive from each and every buyer.


People not only bought the one course. They bought more products and signed up for my higher-ticket offers more often, while staying longer than before.

A true win I’d say.

What were those magic words Ben Settle imprinted upon me?

“Interweave content with sell.”

Yeah yeah, it sounds obvious but let me explain.

Too many people separate the two. They’ll tell a story which teaches some lesson or something and only afterwards will they link the story or the lesson to whatever they’re selling.

The content and the sell aren’t harmoniously linked. They’re separated.

Often times the gap between content and sell is so big even a mouse who’s fighting for his life because an eagle captured him still notices the gap across the country without even looking for it

Don’t mind the quality of that analogy, just remember the key point.

Interweave your content with sell.

Tell your story well, inconspicuously sell inside of it, and you’ll find people to even like getting sold to.

Try it out next time you try selling one of your products.

And if you haven’t got a product of your own to sell yet, then check out Product Creation Made Easy so you can build yours and make a guaranteed profit in 21 days or less.

Check it out here: https://alexvandromme.com/pcme

There’s a new reigning champion among my products

Yesterday my Product Creation Made Easy course surpassed every other product I’ve ever sold in total profit earned.

But that’s not all.

That course is also my worst-selling product of all time.

Not what you expected huh?

How could that be? It’s my worst-selling product (also the most recently launched I have to add), and yet it made me the most profit out of every product I’ve sold so far.

That’s the realization I made yesterday.

And while to some, especially beginner—trust me, I was one of them—creators, this might sound absurd. It’s also fairly logical.

You see.

Product Creation Made Easy holds one other title—the one that made all of this possible.

It’s my most expensive product to date, it’s currently 2.5x times as expensive as my other 2 courses (Email Extraordinaire & Abundant-Client System), and it even started out as such, even when I launched it at a $120 early-bird discount.

Now I’m not telling you to take all of your bad and outdated products you’ve got lying around and slap a 10x price tag on it.

No, far from it.

But I am telling you to start increasing your prices. That goes for everything: courses, consultation calls, workshops, sprints, group coaching, freelance projects, and the stuff you sell during a garage sale.

I’m not entirely sure about that last one but my point still stands.

Increase the value you give. Increase the prices you charge. Target higher-paying clients. Earn more profit.

It’s that simple.

And if you don’t know where to start. Don’t look any further than my worst-selling course, Product Creation Made Easy. Which shows you in an easy and step-by-step manner how to ideate, create, and launch your very own digital product in 21 days or less and actually make it high-quality so you can slap a nice expensive price on it and get yourself your very own best-earning, worst-selling product.

As I’ve explained in this email, it ain’t cheap.

It’s not for people who just want to look around and see what I’m talking about without implementing anything. If you’re not serious about creating and selling your own products, don’t even consider it.

If you are serious however, click the link here: https://alexvandromme.com/pcme