Never stop learning

Even more.

Do all of your learning in public.

Start new projects all the time. Share your progress. Give regular updates. Talk about what you’ve learned, where you made mistakes, and how you’d go about avoiding those same mistakes in the future.

When it’s time you can ever start educating other people on the skills you’ve learned and the experience you’ve gathered.

There are many places you can learn, record, and even build stuff in public.

Personal websites, portfolios, and blogs are good.

Building an audience on social media platforms is better.

Growing your own email list which you own, control, and gives you direct access to every single one of your readers is the best.

Remember, you’re playing a long-term game here.

You’re not in it to MAYBE go viral and MAYBE get a chance at becoming popular and extremely rich. You’re here to guarantee you’ll be seen and guarantee you’ll have a decent income.

You probably won’t get extremely rich, sure. But chances are you wouldn’t have gotten rich by enslaving yourself to a social media platform, hoping the algorithm works in your favor, always following whatever the latest trend or the latest update is, following the crowd wherever you go, and never truly being able to master something or to stick to one formula.

Instead, you find a format that works and stick to it for decades. You become a platform onto yourself by building an email list which you control.

Most importantly, you take your marketing into your own hands, doing things you can control, which guarantees a positive outcome.

Everyone who’s out there playing the algorithm game is gambling with their future—and gamblers always lose (and they lose hard).

Don’t be a gambler.

If you’d like more information on how to best take matters into your own hand by building yourself something you control and can guarantee a positive outcome, then check out Email Valhalla here: