See, many people want to be liked (which goes hand in hand with getting a lot of engagement on their posts).
They constantly need confirmation that what they’re doing is good and that they’re sharing awesome stuff.
They want people to tell them how much they love what they’re doing and thank them all the time.
Get them a few naysayers and all hell breaks loose.
I hate to break it to you though, but ‘being’ liked doesn’t pay the bills. Being respected does.
What this means is, people will give compliments to the guy they like, they’ll engage with him, reply to all his stuff, and tell him how amazing his content is, but when it gets down to actually taking out their credit cards and buying some new product they’ve been eyeing for a while, they’ll always purchase from the guy they respect rather than the one they like. In fact, there’s something to be said that your biggest haters and dislikes are actually your most valuable customers, but that’s something for another time.
Now, I don’t know about you but I’d rather be respected than liked if it meant actually getting paid (in real-life money, not imaginary likes or thank you’s) for what I do.
So how do you go about it?
Well, there are many ways to be respected.
But if I were to name one, just one, that you could start doing today, without any issues, without much work, that’ll have an almost immediate effect, and will keep increasing its effect until nobody dares not to respect you, let alone compete with you, for months, years, even decades (not saying you’ll have to do it for decades, just showing you the absolute power of this), then it would have to be, without a doubt, the act of mailing your list daily, showing up day after day, showing who’s the boss, sharing something every day, never taking any shit, proving you know your shit, and doing it your way.
I know, it ain’t exciting.
It’s nothing new.
But it’s by far the best, most effective, and, dare I say, fastest way to become respected instead of merely being liked (something that isn’t as valuable as you might think at first).
To learn more about the most effective way to send daily emails, build up a reputation, show your readers you know your shit, and do it in a manner that’s easy, simple, and doesn’t take any time whatsoever, but has massive effects for you, both in the short-run as in the long-run, then check out Email Valhalla.
Click here to learn more: