My ideal day-to-day schedule

Here it goes:

  • Wake up early

  • Write an hour or two

  • Go on an hour-long walk

  • Write another hour or two

  • Time for lunch

  • Pick and read one of the bazillion fiction books on my to-read list for 20–30 minutes

  • Go to the gym (regular one or boulder gym depending on the day) in the afternoon

  • Personal education (any non-fiction book for example) or work on a non-writing related project of mine—think of stuff like music orchestration, game development, or general art

  • Some good steak (or any other evening meal)

  • Another 20–30 minutes of fiction reading

  • Wind down doing whatever I find relaxing and enjoyable (playing some games, meeting up with friends, or watching a movie with family)

  • Tuck myself in, go to sleep, and do the same thing again the next day

As a famous farmer might say… “It ain’t much”. And it doesn’t have to be.

Many people would find this kind of life boring or simple, but I love everything about it. The freedom/flexibility it brings, how I’m following my curiosity all the time, the creative exploration I can do, as well as the simplicity and enjoyment of it all.

Sure I deviate from this from time to time.

That’s life. And that’s how it should be after all.

But I wouldn’t be able to do this if it weren’t for the skillset I built over the past 2 years—the direct marketing, and more specifically, the email writing toolset I picked up and continue to improve and master every single day.

Now, I don’t know what you’re ideal day looks like.

I do know, however, that the chance of you realizing that ideal day would be a helluva lot higher if you mastered the skill of daily email writing for yourself and your business as well.

So do me a favor.

Think about your ideal day. How would you structure it, what would you do, who would you spend it with, where would you live, what hobbies would you have?

Answer all those questions.

Then ask yourself whether reaching that goal is worth more than the $70 (discounted from $100 if you use discount code ‘TODAY’) I charge for Email Valhalla, the course that’ll teach you my exact email marketing toolset.

But you have to be quick because that discount is only valid until later today at midnight CET (that’s only 3 more hours).

If it is, then go to and apply the discount code ‘TODAY’ at checkout (make sure you see the price change before entering your credit card details).