A fair warning first.
I’m no psychologist, therapist, or any other type of person who formally studied any of this.
I can only tell you about my experience.
But if you pick something you don’t enjoy doing (yet don’t absolutely despise doing either) and just do a lot of it?
Well then you’ll slowly but surely start becoming better at it.
A lot better even in certain cases.
You’ll start to discover the hidden intricacies of the skill you’re pursuing and you’ll start to appreciate everything you’re doing—and can do—a whole lot more.
Which almost always leads to you starting to like and sometimes even come to love what you’re doing.
It’s extremely rare that your enjoyment doesn’t increase when you actually put in the time and effort to develop the skillset and understanding that goes along with what you’re doing.
And so it is for writing emails (or any other form of writing even).
The more you do it, the better you’ll become, and the more fun you’ll have.
This brings me to remind you of my flagship course Email Valhalla which will show you how to write extremely quick and easy emails that get you paid and keep your readers reading for years to come.
Check it out here: https://alexvandromme.com/valhalla