How to grow your email list from zero

Last week I wrote an email where I talked about how I had a cool and exciting offer for people who owned an email list of 500 people or more.

I received quite a few responses.

Some big lists, some mediocre, and some merely passed the requirement.

But I also received a few responses from people who didn’t yet meet the criteria—either because they only started their list recently or hadn’t started at all yet, but were interested in starting soon.

I always encourage people to respond and love getting to know my readers better and more personally, so this was a welcome surprise.

That said.

I understand the struggle of people just beginning on the journey of creating and growing their email list.

See, I’ve been there, and let me tell you… It ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. It’s hard to get started. Truly difficult work.

Not only because you’re not sure what to write about, when to write, who to target, and why you should even bother (since nobody’s reading your stuff anyway—yet). But also because there’s a dozen bazillion ways to do everything, everyone gives a different answer (and everyone who says their method is the best is full of crap), and you feel lost and alone in the jungle of possibilities, afraid to even pick something and give it a go.

I’m not kidding when I say I could count the people who read my first few emails on one hand.

It feels like a lost cause at first.

But, as with anything in life, at first you suck, you discover 100’s of ways to create something that’s hardly indistinguishable from real-life horse crap, and then slowly, but surely, you learn every single way there is to create said crap, that the only thing that’s left for you to try will result in you creating actual good stuff.


There’s no reason for you to go through it all by yourself.

Why not get the help from someone who’s been there, who tried all the ways to create horse crap? Someone who knows the way and who’s there to guide you.

And, well, that’s exactly why I’m here.

In fact, for the next 24 hours only, I’ll do something absolutely incredible. Something I probably shouldn’t do. Something any single business mentor or coach out there would curse at me for because it’s that much of a steal, but I’ll do it anyway, simply because I care and I want to give back to you and help you as best as I possibly can.

So with that out of the way…

Anyone who buys Email Valhalla in the next 24 hours will also get a free (Yes, totally FREE!) 30-minute call with me one-on-one where I’ll help you get started, show you how to get the most out of the course, give you the best ways to ways to grow your list, write your emails, sell whatever it is your selling, and make sure you’re on your way to building a great successful business (and everything will be personalized and tailored to your business, your market, your audience, and your preferences).

Long-time readers know I barely do consultation calls anymore (it’s been months since I did any) and when I do they’re about as cheap as a white guy’s sense of rhythm (that’s to say, not cheap at all—some people paid $500 for an hour of my time).

So I’m not exaggerating when I say this is an absolute steal.

Anyway, if you’d like to buy Email Valhalla and grab your free 30-minute consultation/implementation call, then buy Email Valhalla here in the next 24 hours:

PS: People who previously bought Email Valhalla can also hop on this offer. Simply reply to this email to let me know you’re interested and I’ll get back to you.