Creativity is like a fart

If you have to force it, it’s probably shit.

And so it is for creating content, selling your offers, getting clients, and everything else in business—and in life in general

Don’t believe me?

Spend 2 months chasing a single client who’s still on the fence and has trouble committing to your offer with lots and lots of objections.

Then when you finally get that client on your program.

You’ll know what shit feels like.

And you’ll probably never make that same mistake ever again.

In fact, never forcing anything is a serious life hack, both in business and in life. I’m no woo-woo guy and I sure as hell don’t understand why or how this even works. But the moment you take things for what they are, let them be, and go with the flow, without forcing anything in a particular direction, but merely take the things that are happening and use them in such a way that they benefit you best.

Man, incredible things are waiting for you to happen.

Now, that’s easier said than done in some cases. It can feel especially difficult to say no to ‘shit’ clients or turn people down from working with you if they so much show a single red flag, especially if you’re low on cash—having ‘screw you’ money makes life a lot easier after all.

But even then.

Taking things as they are, not forcing anything, and being particularly ruthless without your curation will go a long way.

Fun fact:

Some of my biggest paydays came AFTER I turned people down to work with me, refunded someone’s payments, or said no to some project/idea that came my way.


I’m even writing this email entirely “with the flow”. The only thing I had prepared for this email was the first “Creativity is like a fart” sentence. Everything else just happened—even I didn’t know where I was going before I wrote it down.

In some way, I’m always going through the same journey of discovering what’s coming in this email just like you when reading it.

And if I’m following the flow of this email, then this feels like a great moment to talk about Email Valhalla, my flagship course that’ll teach you how to write highly entertaining emails that get you paid and keeps your readers reading day after day.

Check it out here: