Standing out in a crowded marketplace

Once upon a time, I received this testimonial from long-time reader, Aaron, who wrote:


Alex delivers gold nuggets of information and inspiration every day. I enjoy his authentic, direct perspective. He is really passionate about what he does. Walks the walk and puts in the work to grow.

When I first started on Twitter, I signed up to many copywriter email lists because who better to learn from than them. Over time, I vetted out creators like Glenn, Tatsuya Thomas, and Virgil Brewster. While keeping Kieran Drew and Alex around. Can't wait to see where he goes.


I want you to read that last paragraph again.

Too often I hear people struggling and moaning, thinking they have no chance of breaking through in a “saturated market” with many (and I mean MANY) big creators, experts, leading figures, and authorities in the field.

But here’s the thing.

People aren’t drawn to knowledge, results, or previous war stories.

They’re drawn to personality, reliability, commitment to the craft, and engaging stories—all of which you can give people right now, right here. No matter your prior experience, no matter how long you’ve been in the industry already, no matter how many followers you might have on a certain social media or which business you’ve previously worked with.


It’s never been easier to “breakthrough” than it is now.

Modern technology allows you to reach everyone, everywhere, and at any time you desire.

The only things required are the will to create, the commitment to show up day after day, and knowledge of the simple foundations that transcend products, media, markets, ideas, philosophies, and everything else we’ve come up with as a species.

Even more.

You don’t need to be on social media to make this happen (god forbid if this is the only place people can hear from you).

The best place to make all of this happen is straight in their inbox, where there’s no competition, no algorithm to obey, and no fear of your message not getting delivered.

Which leads me to Email Valhalla.

It’s my flagship course that teaches you all of these simple fundamentals you require to make it work. To build your business with a focus on freedom, simplicity, and enjoyment—your email empire.

Check it out today:

The ironic tragedy of life

In The Psychology of Money, Morgan Housel writes:


Optimism is a belief that the odds of a good outcome are in your favor over time, even when there will be setbacks along the way.”


So it is in life as well as business.

Sure, it won’t always feel as if life is getting better moment by moment.

But when you expand your view, and look at life as a whole, you’ll more often than not find the quality of your life has been increasing consistently over time—however volatile it may be.

As Chris Williamson said in one of his Modern Wisdom podcast episodes, starring Matthew McConaughey (who heard it from Danish philosopher, Søren Kierkegaard):


“The ironic tragedy is that life has to be lived forward, but only makes sense in reverse.”



I’m not pretentious enough (yet) to act as if I know the secret to life, or even to pretend what to make of all of this.

The only thing I know is how I’ll (ab)use my own long-term optimism.

And that’s by continuing to write these emails day after day, keep honing my skills, never stop experimenting with different offers, trying angle after angle, seeing what sticks and what doesn’t, and doing everything in my power to make each new day better than the last.

Which brings me to the point of my email where it’s time to promote some offer. And what better to promote than my beloved Email Valhalla, which will show you how to write simple, yet highly entertaining emails day after day that people love to read.

All while getting paid, of course.

For more information, click here:

My secret to enjoying life more often

Whenever I put more effort into my business—aka whenever I write more emails, create more content, or talk to more people—I earn more money.

But above all, I enjoy everything a lot more.

It doesn’t just work with business stuff.

I also enjoy reading more if I read more often instead of less.

Now, I’m no expert, no psychologist, no other special type of person who studied stuff like this and can confidently say why this happens.

But I can tell you my experience. And I can guarantee this is no fluke.

In fact, try it out yourself.

Take something you don’t absolutely despise doing. Something you find at least something interesting. And just do a lot of it.

You’ll become better at it. Start to discover the hidden intricacies of the skill you’re pursuing. And you’ll start to appreciate everything you’re doing—and can do—a whole lot more. Which often ends up with you enjoying the activity even more.

I’m not saying you can’t enjoy stuff you don’t do often. Or you can’t enjoy stuff you’re not good at.

Far from it.

I enjoy playing the guitar and I’m awful at it.

But most of the time, your enjoyment only becomes stronger when you actually put in the time and effort to develop the skillset and the understanding to appreciate everything you (or even other people) are doing.

Which brings me to my point.

If you don’t feel like you enjoy writing emails. Or you don’t see it paying off monetarily. Then maybe, just maybe, you’re simply not doing it enough?

And in that case, maybe check out Email Valhalla to help you increase the volume (and overall quality) of your email writing game.

Click this link to learn more:

For my programmer people

For the past 5 days (I started late) or so I’ve been enjoying getting myself tested an challenged by a coding challenge every morning.

Now, I’m definitely no expert programmer by any means. But I know my way around Python, C#, and a bit of Java on the side.

After all, I did study programming during my years in university (not the main focus, but it was included in my curriculum) and I’ve been honing my skill in game development over the years as a hobby.

If you have no interest in programming whatsoever, feel free to ignore this email—I’m assuming that’s most people reading this email.

But in the small chance you are, I just have to share this with you.

It’s called Advent of Code and it’s a website/event where every year leading up to Christmas, there are daily challenges being put online and you’re tasked to provide an answer—anyway you like.

No specific programming language required. I’ve even seen people do this using Excel.

But in case you like to code or you want to start learning how to code, then this is an excellent motivator and I’m glad to be able to share this with you.

I’m in no way, shape, or form affiliated with the people running the Advent of Code. I don’t get anything from convincing you to check it out.

This is purely a “I just want to let you know because I enjoy it so much” type of email.

Click here to see what I’m talking about:

10 commandments I’d advise anyone to follow

The least they’ll do is get you paid more.

Anyway, here I go:

  • Don’t just educate—entertain and elevate as well

  • Email daily—nobody ever made less money by more frequently speaking to their customers, entertaining them, and letting them know about your offers

  • Don’t be boring—being boring is the biggest sin in all of marketing

  • Screw perfection, embrace your flawed self

  • Actively try to find the limits of everything you do (and see whether you can cross them)

  • Nobody likes an expert as they do a leader

  • Write like you talk—accent, grammar mistakes, and typical speech patterns alike

  • Share stories and share’em often

  • Answer the questions you receive publicly

  • Be a real person, share your opinions (especially, but not limited to, the controversial ones)

  • Join the Email Valhalla supremacist fan group.

Every single one of these has drastically helped me more than you could ever imagine.

But who am I to tell you what to do?

So as with anything, test them out for yourself and see how it goes.

And about that last one…

…more information about Email Valhalla, and how to build a better email business, can be found here:

When simply buying your stuff isn’t enough

Let’s talk about consumption.

More specifically.

How to get people to consume your product or service (potentially for a very long time) instead of merely buying it.

But first… why would you bother?

After all, they’ve already purchased the product. You’ve already been paid, haven’t you?

Well, that’s true enough.

But as every person behind a successful business knows, it’s never about the first purchase. In fact, more often than not, most businesses actually LOSE money on the first purchase. Instead, what matters is how many follow-up purchases you can get your customers to make.

Or, in other words, you don’t want onetime-only customers. You want repeat customers.

And the best way to get those?

You guessed it. You get repeat customers by ensuring people consume your products from start to finish and leave them satisfied enough so they’ll come to trust you and what you deliver… and want to keep buying from you.

As for how to motivate consumption, I’m working on something behind the scenes to talk about just that.

But for now, check out this bit from Nir Eyal’s Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products:


“The more users invest time and effort into a product or service, the more they value it. In fact, there is ample evidence to suggest that our labor leads to love.”


The implications should be clear enough, no?

In that case, do yourself a favor and put some time and effort into clicking the following link, which will teach you more of the same about how to build habit-forming products (and get people to consume, rather than merely buy):

Keep it short

Once in a while, I’ll write an extremely short email.

For instance, I once wrote an email that was only 2 sentences or 31 words long—and it was a tremendous success.

We often see marketers write elaborate sales pages with thousands upon thousands of words—so much copy you have to scroll for ages until you reach the bottom.

You could’ve made yourself a cup of tea, done the dishes, finished writing your next email, scheduled a week’s worth of blogposts, eaten 500 banana, and read the entirety of the Bible in the meantime.

That’s how long some of them are.

So it’s only natural that we think longer copy is always better copy.

Except that’s not the case.

You simply don’t need to know how to write long copy to make sales. Some of my biggest paydays came from 300-word emails.

And that’s the essence of my flagship course Email Valhalla: how to write simple emails that get sales and keep your readers reading day after day.


Check it out here:

Running some sneaky “experiments”

In the past, I’ve run some sneaky “experiments”.

More precisely.

I deliberately wouldn’t send an email at the “usual” time I send them.


Well, I once heard Josh Spector, who runs a 40,000+ email list called For The Interested, mention in an interview a little tactic to see whether you really have “fans” on your list.

Or if it’s just a bunch of readers who don’t really care much about you.

The tactic?

Don’t send an email for a day—or send one a lot later than you normally would.

Then just wait and see whether people will message you asking about your missing email. If you do get one or more of these questions, then you’re doing it right (remember, if one person asks something, a hundred are thinking it).

So that’s what I did once in a while.

And lo and behold.

I usually receive a few such questions (obviously not from the same people because they already know this happens).

But doing so shows you the power of daily email and building that relationship.

That said.

If you’d like to learn how to build a relationship with your reader by writing simple, yet entertaining, daily emails that just so happen to get you paid in the meantime as well…

Well then look no further than my flagship course Email Valhalla.

Check it out here:

Reading recommendations just for you

It’s no secret I love to read.

If anything, I might mention my reading habits too often. Perhaps even at the expense of making more sales because instead of yapping about what I’m reading (or how I’m reading) all the time, I could instead mention other cool facts, interesting stories, and controversial opinions which would undoubtedly lead to more sales.

But I don’t.

See, most people would greatly benefit from developing a better reading habit (not to be confused with those “you have to read at least 52 books a yaer!!!” type people).

As it stands, I’m a writer.

Sure some purists out there might object and say I'm “not a real writer”. Yet the fact remains, I press keys on my keyboard, which makes words appear on my screen (often quite a lot of them), which I then publish on the internet for many others to read. And this process is getting me paid.

So yes. I’ll call myself a writer.

And, as most people intuitively realize, there are two major “practices” writers do to become better at their craft (and yes, you have to do both).

First is to write frequently and write a lot.

Second is to read frequently and read a lot.

The more types of writing you read, the better. Good writing, bad writing, literary writing, junk writing, persuasive writing, pop culture writing, technical writing, and every other type of writing you can imagine.

A simple method to start reading is to read whatever interests you most.

That’s an extremely underrated (and weirdly effective) method to go about reading.

But in case you still don’t know where to start, no worries—I got you.

Because as of today I’ve created a recommended reading list on my website where I post what I’m currently reading, as well as every book I’ve read so far that I found either extremely enjoyable or insanely valuable (mostly both).

It’s not a big list by any means. (Not yet, at least)

But it’s enough to get some people started and give some honest recommendations.


Check it out here:

Know who your customers are

Once upon a time, I received the following email from a long-time reader who got his hands on my Product Creation Made Easy framework (and who prefers not to share his full name):


I have a couple more items to go but just wanted to let you know that I've had a number of 'a-ha!' moments.

Favorites include: Prevalidation and minimal viable product and ideation.

Another thing that I personally appreciate is that it's not spread out in 50 modules. This hits the important things and gets me started – great for busy folks like me.

So far – easy 5-star product.


I’m partly sharing this to boost my ego and tell you about my confirmed 5-star-worthy product and how it helps people create profitable digital products in 21 days or less from start to finish—that is, from ideation, all the way to launch and beyond.

But that’s not all.

More importantly, I’m sharing this to show the importance of knowing who your customers are. In my case, that’s, more often than not, busy folk working a job, taking care of their kids or other family members, while using almost all of their remaining hours to work on their creative passions and build something that’s uniquely theirs.


Whether you’re writing a book, recording an album, working on a video game, running a fitness business, tending to your garden, improving your cake-baking skills, or getting your digital marketing agency up and running (all of which are real examples of people I spoke with on my list)… When creating a product, any type of product, a written digital course, a mentorship program, poetry, a card game, or a limited-time small-scale rollercoaster experience in your backyard, when creating such a product, all the principles are—and will always remain—the same.

Now, some gurus or experts you follow might not like to say or hear this.

But that’s only so they can feed (and sell) you the same crap over and over again by disguising it as somehow “being different” or “only working in this market”.

Which is nothing more than a pile of crap.

Everything inside Product Creation Made Easy is as evergreen as it gets. It’s always been useful, it will always remain useful, and it’s as applicable in your market as it is in the next guy’s.

The only downside?

There’s no hand-holding or spoon-feeding.

I give you the tools, the reasoning, the examples, and the know-how to create your next (or even your first) profitable digital product in 21 days or less. But I can’t create it for you. That’s something you’ll have to do yourself.

It’s as they say, you can bring a horse to water but you can't make it drink.


Here’s the water, go and drink some: