The evergreen equation to getting more sales

Dangle the right product in front of the right person at the right time and you’ve got yourself a sale.

That’s all you need.

Finding the right person is easy because, if done right (and this means thinking about it for at least 5 minutes), you decide who the right person is. So is finding the right time (just mass-create content and advertise your product and the magic of internet marketing will do its thing).

The difficulty lies in finding the right product.

See, everyone can make an offer that some people are slightly interested in. But creating an offer that most people—or at least your target audience—desperately need is a whole different story.

It’s the difference between “Oh I’ll bookmark this because I might want to get this later” and “Damn where did I leave my credit card? I need to buy this shit”.

It’s the difference between receiving a message from someone saying “Nice sales page, I’ll buy this later!” (they never do) and getting a testimonial from someone saying “This product changed my life”.

Luckily for you though, there are a few ways you can use to discover what your audience desperately needs and come up with the perfect offer, the perfect packaging, and the perfect positioning to make sure you’ll get flooded with buyers without having to put in much, if any, effort at all.

In fact.

They aren’t just some random methods you can use.

I’ve used every single method myself, multiple times, even going as far as using ALL of them before I created my Abundant-Client System—which turned out to be a certified winner and became the biggest launch I ever had at that time.

I share both those methods and the exact case study of how I applied them to pre-validate the perfect product idea, design, and framework for one of my best launches ever in Product Creation Made Easy.


I'm increasing the price of Product Creation Made Easy to $398 (that's almost double) this Friday, April, 12th at midnight CET.

If you're interested in ideating, creating, and launching your very own digital products in 21 days or less, then consider buying Product Creation Made Easy before then to get it at the low price of $249.

Here’s what to do to get it:

1. Read every single word at the URL below to make an informed purchase

2. Buy it before Friday, April, 12th at midnight CET.

3. Use code BOB at checkout in case the discount didn’t get added automatically and make sure you see the price change before entering your info

Here’s the link:

Tolkien changed how I do business

Here's something fun:

I became obsessed with reading and writing in early 2023.

Before that, I had read maybe 5 books in total (and never the full book) because a book assignment in school forced me to do so.

All of that changed in 2023.
I started out reading a lot of non-fiction business and self-improvement books.

But I quickly expanded to reading fiction as well. Starting with famous literary works such as A Farewell To Arms by Hemingway, To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, 1984 by George Orwell, and many, many more.

A few months later a friend of mine I met through Twitter when I first got into business (or tried to at least) recommended me to read The Mistborn trilogy from Brandon Sanderson.

Little did I know that this would spiral me into the world of high fantasy.

I loved the genre so much.

It inspired me to start writing my own fantasy-themed Viking novel. And I’m even taking lessons from the genre as to how to run my business—as crazy as it sounds.

With all that said.

I simply had to pay homage to the founding father of high fantasy and read Tolkien’s works.

Decades later and it’s still the most famous and well-loved fantasy series, making every other attempt almost look like a failed copycat.

One of the greatest facts I learned about the making of The Hobbit is how Tolkien didn’t have a clue where he was going with it.

Many people mistakenly assume Tolkien had everything planned out, knowing exactly what was about to happen with the story even before he started writing it.

And while some writers work that way.

Tolkien didn’t.

All Tolkien had was this idea of a few Hobbits living in a grassy plains area.

He thought it’d be a nice, cozy, and fun story to read to his children as a bedtime story.

It’s only after C.S. Lewis—who was part of the same writers group—urged Tolkien to make the Hobbits go on an adventure outside of their homeplace—because it would be dreadfully boring otherwise—that Tolkien started coming up with any sort of real adventure on the spot as he was writing each page.

There wasn’t even a single mention of the famous ring until one of the final stages when he was almost finished writing The Hobbit.


This directly influenced how I work—both with my writing and in business.

I don’t plan out everything in advance. Which is also what I’m teaching in Product Creation Made Easy.

You start with a single topic idea/burning problem you want solved, then you immediately go on to validate it before even doing anything else. Next up is adding all the spices to it, such as the big idea, the unique mechanism (as much as these are buzzwords and 90% of people are spouting BS they don't even understand themselves when talking about big ideas and the like, they still have a place and time to think about), and actually turning it into an actual offer people want to get their hands on.

Here’s where most people would spend months perfecting it building out everything as they planned.

But not me.

And not you either (not if you're smart and like money at least).

Not anyone who cares about their speed of implementation, the amount of people they’ll be able to help, and the amount of profit they’ll make from it.

Nono, you immediately launch it as a product up for pre-purchase—just like you might have seen me do once in a while (don't respect, follow, or even listen to people who don't walk the talk—which nowadays seems to be the vast majority)

Only then, once it’s up for purchase—which has many benefits I won’t get into now—will you work on creating and finishing the actual product (or the MVP, depending on the situation and scope of the project) in less than 7 days using the simple method I teach even a 10-year-old could follow.

Anyway, there’s already so much I revealed in this email.

If you’d like to learn exactly how to ideate, create, and launch your very own digital product in 21 days or less then get Product Creation Made Easy today.

Here’s the link:

PS: I'm increasing the price of Product Creation Made Easy to $398 (that's almost double) this Friday, April, 12th at midnight CET.

If you're interested in ideating, creating, and launching your very own digital products in 21 days or less, then consider buying Product Creation Made Easy before then to get it at the low price of $249.

Here’s what to do to get it:

1. Read every single word at the URL below to make an informed purchase

2. Buy it before Friday, April, 12th at midnight CET.

3. Use code BOB at checkout in case the discount didn’t get added automatically and make sure you see the price change before entering your info

Once again, here’s the link:

Gary Bencivenga’s #1 secret to his multi-million dollar achievements

Many months ago I got my hands on a small book from one of my favorite email marketers (and whose emails I read daily) John Bejakovic, titled The 10 Commandments of A-List Copywriters.

It’s a short book filled with 10 commandments or principles from top copywriters such as Gary Bencivenga, Gene Schwartz, Jim Rutz, Claude Hopkins, Parris Lampropoulos, and more (I highly recommend picking it up and reading it for yourself).

The first chapter (or commandment) of Bejakovic's book reads, “Thou shalt put proof above all other copy elements”.

He then goes on to tell a story of how Gary Bencivenga consistently outperformed every other living copywriter by utilizing the power of proof—whether done by revealing his processes, showing prior case studies of his work, or by borrowing authority from other high-name individuals in the market.

Gary Bencivenga would bombard his sales letters with proof one way or another.


Because customers are your biggest critics.

You need them to trust you and your product before they even consider pulling out their credit cards and investing their hard-earned money in your offer.

This brings me to my offer of this week called Product Creation Made Easy, which teaches you how to ideate, create, and launch profitable digital products in 21 days or less.

One of the modules goes in-depth into the creation and writing of your product’s sales page.

More specifically.

It’ll show you how to write the sales page of your product in such a way that builds instant credibility and authority with everyone who reads it—no matter who you are.

Throwing in proof by—correctly (do this wrong and you’ll have your sales plummet before your eyes not even knowing what hit you)—borrowing authority is only one of the methods you’ll learn.

These methods are all teachings I picked up from true masters of their craft (unlike of many so-called internet gurus who have little to no idea what they're actually talking about) such as Ben Settle, Russel Brunson, Dan Kennedy, Gary Bencivenga, and many, many more.


If that tickled your fancy, then check out Product Creation Made Easy today.

Here's the link:

PS: I'm increasing the price of Product Creation Made Easy to $398 (that's almost double) this Friday, April, 12th at midnight CET.

If you're interested in ideating, creating, and launching your very own digital products in 21 days or less, then consider buying Product Creation Made Easy before then to get it at the low price of $249.

Here’s what to do to get it:

1. Read every single word at the URL below to make an informed purchase

2. Buy it before Friday, April, 12th at midnight CET.

3. Use code BOB at checkout in case the discount didn’t get added automatically and make sure you see the price change before entering your info

Once again, here’s the link:

How I survived a disaster (by accident)

I lost my Twitter account 4 months ago thanks to a suspension that came out of nowhere.

At the time I almost thought everything I’d worked for was gone. All the content I wrote. All the time I spent networking with others. The followers I had built up. And most importantly, the revenue I was generating because of it—mostly consulting clients and product sales.

Not ready to risk another suspension I decided to start writing on LinkedIn and try to build something back up again.

But soon after I realized two things.


I didn’t enjoy the full-time consulting gig, nor did it get me closer to my goals. I was blindly offering this service because it seemed like the logical thing to do and other so-called “experts” were saying I had to.


During last year I spent most of my time focusing on building my email list (a good thing I did) and building a relationship with my readers. I also spent most of my time learning email marketing and copywriting.

So, as opposed to what I first thought when I lost my Twitter, my product sales kept coming in, I still had many many people, who checked in every day to read my emails (and like what they read).

It didn’t take me long to find other ways of growing my list that didn’t rely on social media either.

With all that said.

It made me realize how important and vital (and maybe even destined to be by some force outside of our control, who knows) the skills of product creation and email marketing have been to me. If it wasn’t for those two, both of which complement each other like nothing else in existence (find me a better combination, I dare you), then I wouldn’t, I couldn’t, be where I am today.

The best part?

Product creation doesn’t have to be complicated either. It can be as simple, as straightforward, and as relaxing as you’d like—which is one of three main pillars of my business philosophy after all.

Hell, I’ve even designed my own framework to ideate, create, and profitably launch digital products in 21 days or less (and with less than an hour or 2 of work each of those days).

Talk about simple.

Not to mention how profitable it can get (and will continue to be without barely any work that needs to be put into it). With the right amount of creativity (which isn’t a whole lot, trust me) and some simple systems in place, you’ll be able to keep on earning for months, years, even decades sometimes, for a few hours of work you’ve put into creating that one single product (let alone how your earnings rise exponentially—yes, not linearly, exponentially—the more products you have).


You can find everything I know about product creation, ideating, and launching (including many different strategies and systems you can set up to keep generating revenue post-launch with little or no extra effort) in Product Creation Made Easy.

On that note.

I'm increasing the price of Product Creation Made Easy to $398 (that's almost double) this Friday, April, 12th at midnight CET.

If you're interested in ideating, creating, and launching your very own digital products in 21 days or less, then consider buying Product Creation Made Easy before then to get it at the low price of $249.

Here’s what to do to get it:

1. Read every single word at the URL below to make an informed purchase

2. Buy it before Friday, April, 12th at midnight CET.

3. Use code BOB at checkout in case the discount didn’t get added automatically and make sure you see the price change before entering your info

Here’s the link:

3 reason you might want to consider running classified ads

I’ve run 2 ads in the past few weeks in my daily emails.

The thing is, I wouldn’t have believed you if you told me that last year.

Not because I didn’t think I could do so (everyone can) but simply because, at least back then, I told myself I’d do any ads because why would I advertise for someone else’s stuff if I could just sell my own and earn more?

I still believe that, at least to a certain extent, but, as with anything, there are exceptions.

First, sometimes you just don’t care, don’t want to offer, or simply can’t offer (either because of a lack of expertise, time, or other resources) a certain solution that would help your readers out.

Would it then be fair to withhold such an opportunity from your readers?

No, of course not.

My main goal, first and foremost, will always be to keep the customer and the market in mind, think about what they want (read: need—the customer doesn’t even know what they want, let alone what they truly need) and how I can offer it to them.

So in that case, I’ll gladly refer people to someone else to buy from or do business with—and if I can get paid for it in the meantime, then even better.

Another one.

There’s always unused capacity in everything you do—daily emails are no exception.

Yeah, I can write daily emails selling my own stuff all the time (and I mostly do), but I can’t be running promotions 24/7, and even when I’m not running promotions, there’s always a diminishing return from sending more emails (most people don’t send enough emails to notice it though, me including). So withholding one email here and there to write an affiliate email or do a sponsored post is making use of the unused capacity and filling the gap or “less optimized” email you would otherwise have sent.

Last but not least.

It’s simple to do and doesn’t require much (if any at all) investment on your part (not every reason has to be profound, right?).


This has been an important lesson for me (and one I found valuable enough to share with you) and marks another clear sign of personal growth in my entrepreneurial journey of email marketing.

That said.

If you’d like to pick up pace in your own journey and learn more about email marketing and building, growing, and selling to your list then check out Email Valhalla here:

This simple Dan Kennedy lesson could earn you millions

Today, I was (re-)reading The Ultimate Sales Letter by Dan Kennedy (a must-read)

One of the most vital things I read today was the importance of having a PS at the bottom of your sales letter.

Here’s what he wrote:


“Every sales letter needs a PS—do not consider your efforts complete until you have composed one. The PS can make or break your letter.”


So a PS is important. But why?

See, many people simply skip to the end of your letter. Whether that be a sales page, an email, physical mail, or even a Twitter thread or a LinkedIn post.

Why do people do this? Well, they all have different reasons.

Some know there’s often a recap at the end and want to know whether the whole thing is worth reading. Others are simply lunatics and want to know how it ends before they start—believe me, they exist.

Hell, some people look up the ending of movies before they watch them.



People do weird stuff. But that’s a tremendous opportunity for you.

By summarizing your offer/promise/most important takeaways in your PS, you can inspire the reader to read the whole thing.

And even if you’re dealing with someone who reads your stuff in the order you intended it to. Even then, it can serve as a great incentive to make people respond or commit to your offer.

You can compare it with having a second headline in your sales letter. One of the best high-impact tools any marketer has access to.

PS: if you’d like to learn more evergreen principles to help you write better emails, make more money, and build a thriving business with email as its foundation, check out Email Valhalla today:

Another round, another go

Exactly two weeks ago I wrote an email promoting a free 5-day email course created by Nicolas Cole about building yourself a one-person writing business.

If you don’t know who Nicolas Cole is, he’s the founder of Digital Press, a successful ghostwriting agency for big-name clients (think C-level executives & Silicon Valley founders and investors), he’s written for over 300+ industry leaders, scaled his agency to $2M ARR with 24 full-time employees, the author of The Art & Business of Ghostwriting as well as The Art and Business of Online Writing, and he’s also the co-founder of the popular Ship30For30 cohort together with Dickie Bush.

Or in short.

He knows a thing or two about writing.


That email did well, it got lots of clicks—full transparency: every click I got paid me about $3, regardless of whether people actually signed up for the free 5-day email course or not—as well as quite some people thanking me for sharing this resource with them.

My readers got high-quality and valuable (important distinction) free stuff and I got paid without having to do anything? Sounds like a win-win for me.

Turns out.

Nicolas Cole’s team liked the results as well and they offered to sponsor another email (as most emails only get seen by about 50% of people on the list, if that many at all).

Seeing how many people enjoyed it, I thought this was a great idea and a good second chance for those who might have missed it the first time.

So in case you have no idea what I’m talking about (or you simply forgot to check it out), here’s the deal:

You can sign up for a free (yes, FREE!) 5-day email course (which you can read through in less than 20 minutes, without having to wait 5 days if you want to) teaching you 5 useful, practical, and immediately applicable packaging & pricing secrets to position yourself better, charge more for your work, become a leader figure in your market, and get more happy clients who’d want to work with you.

In the email course, Nicolas mainly teaches how to build a one-person writing business in which he almost exclusively talks about (ghost)writing but—as I’ve noticed after going through the course myself just now—everything he talks about can be applied to almost every single market out there.

Even more.

I found myself taking multiple notes just going through his funnel, seeing how the course was created, what he was talking about, and noticing the tiny details Nicolas focuses on to get people to go from strangers to almost die-hard fans and customers in no time at all.

Seriously, even if you don’t care about ghostwriting at all (I certainly don’t), I still highly recommend you check out the funnel as a whole.

It’s a great exercise for you to do and you’ll undoubtedly walk away with something useful. If you don’t care about anything else after the email course, then you can simply unsubscribe and you won’t be bothered anymore (just don’t tell Nicolas Cole I said this).

So that said.

Here’s the ad copy the guys at the Premium Ghostwriting Academy have prepared including the link to claim your free 5-day email course on how to build your one-person writing business:

Make $5,000+/Month As A Freelance Writer

Do you feel overworked and underpaid?

Then this FREE 5-day email course will help you:

  • Fix your biggest pricing mistakes

  • Instantly raise your prices

  • Grow your 1-person writing business (without burning out)

Click here to get access.

Are you interested in writing emails and making sales?

Well, I’ll assume you are since you opened this email.

So did you know you don’t have to write 200-300+ word emails all the time?

Yeah, I’m serious.

You could even write sub-50-word emails.

Don’t believe me?

Check out Email Valhalla here and see for yourself:

How I make more money the more inadequate I feel

Thanks to the type of business I run, I regularly wake up to notifications telling me someone bought a product of mine.

Less regularly, but not THAT irregularly, comes along a feeling of inadequacy or imposter syndrome where I doubt if my products are actually worth what I’m charging.

It’s a funny feeling that.

And it happens to everyone in this business. I’ve never spoken with someone who hasn’t, at one point (most of the time at many points) in their career, felt the same way.

See, almost every single person with every single product will launch it at a certain price, more often than not severely UNDERvaluing the product.

Then through repeated additions, refinements, and customer feedback, it becomes clear that the product has significantly improvement in quality and a price increase is justified (if not necessary).

Yet after a few of those the question arises: “Is my product actually worth this much?”.


Yes, it is.

Case in point: it’s helping more people than it was before, more people are buying it, and most, if not all, people who bought your product continue buying other products of yours (showing they were at least satisfied enough with your product, more likely completely ecstatic about it, to continue trusting you and wanting, even needing, more of your good stuff).

So why do I (and many others) get this feeling?

Well, for one, we clearly remember where we came from and how we started.

That $500 offer? I once sold it for $50. In fact, at one point long ago, people could get it for free (only then nobody seemed to want it, much less get the same amount of results from it—big lesson here).

Another point.

Everything inside my own products is obvious to me. I already know all that stuff. There’s nothing new to me. Nothing I need repeated either because I do it all the time. I created it. It’s based on my experience.

You wouldn’t pay someone $1,000 to tell you what your name is, where you live, how old you are, and what kind of work you do or to have them help you solve a math problem you solved 10 minutes ago.

My point is.

It takes a lot of experience, wisdom, and time to understand/see the value in the information you can offer people (As Dan Koe, who probably got it from someone else, often says, every single person has a $1,000,000 idea in their head right now, they just don’t see it).

But there’s a benefit to all of this as well.

Everytime I get this feeling, I can’t just sit around and do nothing until it passes. No I have to do something. I have to justify it to myself again and again and again that these products are in fact worth the price, if not many times more.

I just can’t help it.

And so I add new content, improve upon my old content, I add bonuses, share more value, write better stories, or even create new additional offers (more often than not entirely for free or at a large discount for existing customers) just to improve the product even more.

So I’m not sure if I’ll ever have a 100% completed product I’ll stop tampering with.

But then again, I’m not sure if I’d want to. After all, stagnation is a fate worse than death.


If you want to learn how to sell your own products so you can get a similar feeling of inadequacy so that you’ll in turn get the undying motivation to create more and better products, only to later increase the price and keep the cycle going (beware, it’s addictive).

Then check out Email Valhalla here:

A simpler and more passive list-growing method than social media

I’ve been gradually getting more passive email subscribers the past few days.

All because I took the time to create and host my very own WordPress site, publish all of my emails online, and learn some of the basics of SEO and making it so my emails (or “posts” as WordPress calls them) show up in search engines.

This combined with Beehiiv’s Boost function, and me teasing my Email Valhalla course on sign-up also means I’m semi-passively (I still have to write the emails after all) earning an income because of it.

Not only that, but I’ll keep earning based on past emails I’ve written—emails that will only grow in numbers and get better in quality the more I write.

To me there’s truly no better business model out there.

Find me another business where you can earn a living by writing whenever you want, from wherever you want, all the while helping people accomplish their own dreams, getting thank-you emails on the regular, and, last but not least, do all of this without a income ceiling limited by any one resource such as time, distribution, money, or costs.

I applaud anyone building a coaching business, working as a freelancer, owning their own agency, or any other service-based business for that matter—let alone selling physical products.

But that’s not for me (at least not yet, who knows when the Banana Viking merchandise might be released?)

I like to keep it simple, efficient, and with a freedom-first aspect.


If you’re only using social media to get leads, you’re seriously missing out.

Go get your online real estate up and running.

And if you’re not even building your own email list yet, what are you waiting for?

Check out Email Valhalla today and get started right away: