Why do I write daily emails?

The short answer: I enjoy it

The longer answer: I enjoy it and it makes me more money.

Jokes aside, I could go over all the reasons why I write daily emails—aside from helping me make more money, being top of mind, having a better connection with you, my reader, and getting better at writing infinitely faster than someone writing monthly, weekly, or semi-daily emails.

But I won’t go into that today.

Another reason is that I find it motivating as well.

First of all, I get more responses. More people reply sharing how they liked my emails. It helps me stay accountable making it so I can’t take a single day off. I have to show up every single day, even when don’t feel like it—especially when I don’t feel like it.

I simply have to write something, come up with ideas, write a (hopefully) engaging story, and share the lesson in a way that hits just right, so it’ll be impactful to you as a reader, ensuring you’re getting a benefit from it and continue reading my emails the following day as well.

That’s far from an exhaustive list of why I write daily emails.

But it should be more than good enough to get you started.

So if you’d like to learn the craft of writing emails that get you paid and keep your readers reading day after day, then check out Email Valhalla right here: https://alexvandromme.com/valhalla

What’s the hardest thing about self-publishing?

So read a recent question asked to hundreds of (aspiring) self-published authors.

The most common answer (it’s not even close compared to the second)? To quote one of the users, using the exact words they used:


“Marketing is such a pain in the arse.”


Which honestly saddens me.

Marketing doesn’t have to be complicated. It doesn’t have to be time-consuming either. In fact, if done right, it can almost be a “set and forget” type of deal.

Sure, it might take a short while to get everything up and running. But once you do, you’re done… forever if you’d like.

Even if you publish new books, create new offers, venture out into new territory, everything you did the first time can be re-used, re-purposed, and re-peated to save you a bunch of time (and a lot of headaches).

So, if marketing can truly be that simple… then why are so many people finding it a “pain in the arse”?

My best guess?

Because there’s too much noise out there; too many so-called “experts” who truly have no idea what they’re doing, and haven’t achieved anything worthwhile themselves (or maybe they have but it was purely by accident and they have no idea how to reliably do it again, let alone for someone else in another market).

I dare you to look around, really look at who’s doing the talking, who people are following, what they’re doing, and what everyone has accomplished.

It’s truly the blind leading the blind out there.

Which brings me to the good news of the day…

Because of this exact reason I’ve decided to create a paid ads course, backed up by years and years of old-school direct response marketing (the type that brings immediate results, measured in $$$) specifically focused on independent creatives in the art & entertainment industry, with a very (and I mean VERY) big emphasis on self-published fiction authors—arguably one of the most difficult markets to do advertising in because there’s no real talk of “benefits” or “big ideas” many guru fanboys like to brainlessly yap about all the time, so if it works for them, you’ll be sure as hell it’ll work for anyone in the entertainment industry.

A fair word of warning.

The course won’t be sexy, nor will it contain a buttload of new trendy tactics. No exciting stuff at all. Just pure principles, simplicity, and effectiveness.

The bad news?

The course isn’t here yet (but it’s close!).

You’ll just have to sit down your sweet patooty and wait a bit longer.

Until then, consider checking out Email Valhalla to help you master my way of doing email marketing, which will act as an extremely profitable “supplement” to my way of doing advertising, making it so it’s virtually impossible not to succeed.

For more information about Email Valhalla, click the following link: https://alexvandromme.com/valhalla

Boil’em, mash’em, stick’em in a stew

I enjoy eating potatoes (also known as taters or, more cultured, Po-Tay-Toes).

But I can’t remember the last time I ever ate a lone potato, without anything else—I won’t eat a lone one anytime soon either.

That’s the thing with preparing a good meal.

Sure, part of it is about your selection of ingredients and how you decide to prepare them. But more important is how you choose to combine those ingredients.

I’d eat fries with some salad and a steak all day, any day. But you’ll have to drug me before you ever get me to eat fries stuffed in a lemon & chocolate cake decorated with hot sauce.

See, I’m not one to make generalizations, however, I do believe I’m quite safe saying the above statement holds true for most people (don’t bother replying to this email about how you’re different because you’re vegan or whatever—I do not care and you’re smart enough to understand the point I’m making).

Chances are, I’ve told you nothing you didn’t already know.

So why, whenever I look around at the market, do I see tons of people valuing individual, mostly hot, exotic, and trending ingredients over the big-picture meal they’re preparing? It’s all “Try out this new guarantee to skyrocket your sales” or “Check out this new subject line hack to double, triple, or even quadruple your open rate!!” Yet when you ask these people about their big-picture business plan, they’ll tell you a story with more holes than a fishing net.

The sad part?

Such a business plan doesn’t have to be more than 4 simple questions:

  1. Who are you helping?

  2. How are you reaching them?

  3. What are you selling them first?

  4. What are you selling them next?

Answer those four questions for yourself and you’ll already have yourself a better-functioning and more effective business than 90% of posers and wannabes you’ll see crying about on social media.


If you don’t want to be stuck eating lone potatoes all your life, I’d highly suggest you check out Email Valhalla which will not only show you how to write emails that get you paid while keeping your readers reading day after day, but it’ll also show you how to build yourself an actual (extremely simple, yet outrageously effective) business without so much as a single hole in sight.

Check out the following link to learn more: https://alexvandromme.com/valhalla

Late-night drinks turns into a motivational speech

Last night I went to get some drinks with a few friends.

One of those friends had already previously expressed her long-time interest in writing her own novels at one point in time. We’d often chat about the act of writing a book and what type of genre/direction she’d want to go in.

So much so she even considered pursuing some form of creative writing education in the UK (don’t remember all the details—this was quite a while ago).

That said.

Like most people’s dreams, that’s all that happened; talking about the dream, never making any real steps towards accomplishing, or even starting, that dream.

Well. until now at least.

Apparently she started taking notes, creating outlines, doing research, brainstorming about ideas, learning about the trade, and picking up both writing and marketing tips and tricks from people she looks up to (or at least that’s who I’m assuming she got it from), even getting set up with useful writing tools and software to make her life easier.

Now, I’m still unsure how much writing has been accomplished already—if any.

But at least she’s actually fired up and making considerable progress towards her final goal—all of which is to be applauded and supported—I sincerely hope she goes through with it until the end, I really do.

All of this, however, reminded me of an important lesson.

Something I learned quite some years ago from (in)famous psychologist, author, speaker, deep thinker, and celebrity with an extremely engaged and almost cult-like following, Jordan B. Peterson. Love or hate the guy, I don’t care and that’s not what really matters here anyway. If you’re not wise and intelligent enough to realize you don’t have to like, or even agree with, someone in order to learn from, get inspired by, and broaden your perspective on how you view the world, then you’ve got much bigger issues to focus on in your life.

I’m not even sure if this is something I should attribute to Peterson, but it’s who I heard it from first and who comes up first in my mind whenever I think about this.

And that specific valuable lesson in the following:

You have no idea how little encouragement people need to drastically improve every single aspect of their lives. Yet most people still aren’t getting any encouragement at all.

Imagine how much better the world would be. How many more creative masterpieces, technological breakthroughs, or truly revolutionary thinkers we’d have if more people simply got told “I believe in you" or “Go give it everything you’ve got” at least once?

Truly a shame.


Let this be your reminder to believe in yourself and go give it everything you’ve got. You’ve only got one life. Nobody else is going to write that book you’ve been dreaming about, direct the movie you once envisioned, record the song you keep humming to yourself, build that life-changing product you once thought about when you couldn’t sleep, but never did anything about it because you weren’t sure if you were up to the task.

Well, I’m here telling you that you are.

Even more.

It’s almost laughably easy to produce and create anything you put your mind to in today’s digital age where you can reason billions of people all across the globe from the luxury of your home just by pressing a few buttons on your computer.

In fact, using today’s advertising technology it’s truly never been easier to reach anyone you want (you have no idea how specific and niche your target audience can be).

And I’ll show you exactly how to make that dream of yours a reality in my paid advertising course… once it’s finished, which will be sooner than you might think, so keep your eyes open.

In the meantime, consider learning how to write daily emails that get you paid and keep your readers reading day after day by getting my flagship course Email Valhalla today:

Click here for more information: https://alexvandromme.com/valhalla 

The loving torture room

Back in early 2021, a couple of buddies and I went on a city trip.

Nothing fancy, just discovering a “medieval” style city in-country which was close by and easily accessible by train.

I still have a bunch of pictures from that specific trip.

Pictures of the old cathedral, the food we ate, some funny street names, ducks, and a particular weird monument or art piece that I still, to this day, have no idea what it’s supposed to resemble.

But none of those pictures compare to a particular picture I took of a simple shop we happened to stroll past.

More specifically.

It’s a picture of a Valentine’s store all dressed up in pink, decorated with hearts, teddy bears, swans, and glitter everywhere. But that’s not all. Not by a long shot.

See, right next to our lovey-dovey pink little store was the entrance to the torture museum, all in black, decorated with human skulls, spider webs, and some other wooden contraptions which I don’t wish anyone to be trapped in.

Either of these storefronts might catch the attention of the occasional passer-by.

But put both of those together? And, well, I doubt anyone could resist the urge to see what’s going on, or at least to do a double take to check whether their eyes weren’t deceiving themselves.

This, truly, was one of the best examples I’ve ever seen of how the power of contrast can be used to its full potential when it comes to catching attention and building interest.

It wasn’t until just recently that I got reminded of this example when I learned about how extremely powerful contrast can be when used correctly. Just think of all the possibilities when it comes to writing, advertising, or even the names of popular books, TV shows, or video games for that matter (I very much doubt the classic hit video game Little Big Planet would’ve become as popular as it did if it wasn’t for it’s extremely obvious and effective use of contrast).

So with this, I challenge you.

The next time you sit down to create something, regardless of what it is, focus on adding more contrast to it than you would otherwise. See what the results are.

I’ve got an entire module dedicated to the usage of contrast in my upcoming course about running profitable paid ads to consistently and reliably grow your email list—including real-life examples of the tremendous results it has gotten me—and for a good reason.

In the meantime, you might want to check out Email Valhalla where I also show you some tips and tricks of how to add more contrast to your writing to make it demand instant attention and actually help you get paid.

Click here for more information: https://alexvandromme.com/valhalla

Don’t fall into this trap

“Working for free” is a coping mechanism for not daring to get rejected.

Many people will work for free or for testimonials before they feel comfortable getting out there and charging for their offer. Even though the only thing they have to do is to get the right offer in front of the right person and they’ll say yes.

And sure.

You might get 5 people who say ‘no’.

You might even get 10, 20, or even 50 people who reject your offer.

But why should that get in the way of you making more offers and getting closer to your next yes—your next client?

I’ve worked with many people who didn’t see any proof of work of mine. No testimonials. No prior results or projects. Some of them didn’t even read my emails to see whether I actually walked the talk.

At the end of the day, it’s a numbers game.

Learn the fundamentals of creating a great offer, getting leads, qualifying prospects, and ultimately landing clients. Do this and you’ll be golden.

And on that note.

Arguably, the best and most effective way to communicate your value, build trust with potential clients, and get them to want to work with you and you alone is by getting them on an email list and mailing them every single day.

For more information on how to best to just that, check out Email Valhalla here: https://alexvandromme.com/valhalla

It pays to be scared

One of the leading causes of death for professional skydivers, ironically, is the diver becoming too comfortable falling.

They become so comfortable they pull too late—or forget to pull their chute at all.

Another case.

One of the leading causes of death for professional freedivers is also becoming too comfortable (in the water). More specifically, too comfortable holding their breath.

Due to frequent practice of holding their breath, they become ‘immune’ to the negative feelings paired with a lack of oxygen.

They become so used to it in fact that it’s entirely possible for a diver to keep swimming, holding their breath comfortably and without any issues until suddenly, without any warning whatsoever, their brain shuts off and they lose consciousness altogether.

Both of these facts sound surreal and almost fake to the non-professional.

Yet we experience it everyday with everything we do.

I don’t fear falling when riding a bike anymore—while I used to be extremely scared to do so when I was younger.

Most people aren’t anxious 24/7 while driving. Hell, most experience drivers repeatedly doze off while driving, not even thinking about what they’re doing. Yet people who just started learning will tell you how scared they are—they couldn’t imagine NOT paying attention.

I once saw a documentary about snake venom.

And there are these people whose job it is to breed snakes and drain their venom to help with medicine and antidotes and whatnot. Extremely venomous snakes as well. It’s a dangerous job. One bite can kill you for good if you’re not paying attention.

There was this one guy working there we said, and I still remember this well, “The day I stop being scared is the day I resign”.

And it even happens in his profession where people stop being scared, only to doze off and accidentally get bitten.

My point is this.

The more used to get to something and the more experienced you become, the less you’re aware of the risks involved in what you’re doing.

This is also true for social media.

I used to post on Twitter religiously ever single day. During that time I’d often see people getting blocked, restricted, or outright banned indefinitely.

Yet for some reason I thought “this will never happen to me, I’m not doing anything wrong.”

What a young an naive person I was.

Just a while later I unexpectedly woke up to a notification telling me my account had been suspended. It can happen just like that—without you even knowing why.

In fact, the longer you stay, the more likely you’ll get banned, hacked, or something equally terrible happens to your profile.

Moral of the story: It pays to be scared.

So build your email list.

And if you want to know how I built mine, how I write my emails, and more importantly, how I get paid for doing so.

Then check out Email Valhalla here to learn more: https://alexvandromme.com/valhalla

The best piece of writing advice I’ve ever gotten

Yet it’s also the most overlooked, often thought of as “unhelpful”, and sadly not even considered to be “good advice” by most people.

Sucks to be them I’d say because there truly isn’t a better way to become a better writer—or a better anything for that matter.

See, this piece of writing advice isn’t just applicable to becoming a better writer.

No, no.

It’s applicable to every single thing you’ve ever done, everything you do, and everything else you will do in both the near and distant future alike.

This is the closest to a “Theory of everything” we’ll ever get.

Now, that I’ve got the preliminary pieces of warning out of the way, it’s finally time to share with you the best piece of advice you could ever get which, once again, can be applied to everything you can ever think of.

Yet, it’ll also be the most obvious and boring thing you’ll ever hear me say—probably to the point where many people will dismiss it altogether, only to go chasing newer, shinier, and cooler (yet a whole lot less effective) ways of improving at their craft; only to end up asking themselves why they’re barely making any progress after putting in, what they claim to be, "tons and tons” of effort.

The golden piece of advice?

Here it is, exactly as it was written in the gem of a book, “On Writing Well” by William Zinsser:

You learn to write by writing. It’s a truism, but what makes it a truism is that it’s true. The only way to learn to write is to force yourself to produce a certain number of words on a regular basis.”

I told you it was boring.

Yet I’ve never heard better advice than this, nor do I think I’ll ever hear something better in the future.

But so it goes for everything else you do in life.

For example.

It’s been the exact same for me recently when I got into the world of creating and running ads online.

My first ad was shit. My second one was shit. And my third one was shyte.

But the fourth one?

Also shit.

It wasn’t until I got enough practice in. Learned what makes people click, what makes an ad demand attention, how to get people to finish reading the ad, click through on the offer, match the landing page to the ad, make sure there’s enough hurdles for the customer to jump through (to pre-qualify them so you don’t end up wasting more money than necessary), but at the same time limit the amount of hurdles so you don’t scare away the good customers, and much much more.

Sure I devoured everything I could get my hands on when it came to creating ads.

But none of it would’ve mattered if I didn’t get my hands dirty and experimented dozens of ads to compare what worked (and what didn’t).

True knowledge can only ever come from practical hands-on experience.

Which is why I’m putting a heavy emphasis on practical experimentation in my upcoming course all about how to successfully run ads that get you paid, while making sure those “practice ads” remain as cheap as possible so you’re not punished simply because you want to learn.

But more about my course in the future.

For now, if you’d like to learn how to write daily emails that get you paid and keep your readers reading day after day, a practice that’s invaluable if you combine it with the power of running online ads to sell your products and grow your list at the same time, then consider checking out my flagship course Email Valhalla.

Click here for more information: https://alexvandromme.com/valhalla

The most insightful off-the-cuff comment I’ve ever heard from a family member

My sister came to visit yesterday and said something to me, totally off the cuff—I doubt she even thought about it for 2 seconds or pondered about the significance of what she said—yet incredibly insightful and meaningful if you truly look into it.

At least, insightful about how I approach business, personal matters, and literally everything else I do in life. As biased as it may sound, I also think this is the superior way of working, experimenting, making progress, approaching every problem and obstacle you’ll ever face, and generally living life a productive, meaningful, and successful life.

What was it that my sister said to me?

Well, before I get to that, I’ll have to give you a bit of context first.

See, I’ve always believed that, at least for me, the most important task(s) should be done first thing in the morning. Whatever my top priority is at a certain period in life, that’s what I should be focussing on immediately when I wake up.

As of late, that priority was more often than not writing something, whether a sales page, an email, a digital course, or a book I’m working on.

Early 2021 to 2022, that would’ve been going to the gym.

But a few days ago I came across someone (can’t remember who it was) who talked about the benefit of going on an hour-long early walk first thing in the morning, preferably before the sun is up so you’ll see the sunrise during your walk.

So that’s what I did.

As for how well it’s fairing, no idea, I’ll have to keep on doing it for a few more days to adapt to this routine and see how it compares.

Anyhow, I told my sister this and she replied (translated & paraphrased) “You’re always living the extremes, aren’t you? One moment you’re on a walk at 6 am, the other you almost sleep until noon”.

Now, the waking up/walking part isn’t what matters here; instead, it’s the “living in extremes”.

It’s incredibly insightful and absolutely true.

I love experimenting with how I approach life and fill in my day, partially because I haven’t quite found my ideal and optimal way of life yet (who truly has?) but also because, as I’ve heard Alex Hormozi once say, who probably got if from someone else, who got it from someone else yet again, “If something’s worth doing, it’s worth doing well”.

Now I don’t often listen to Alex Hormozi anymore, but this little jingle is something that stuck around.

If I commit to trying out some new thing, whether that’s learning a new skill, building out a new offer, or even trying out a new daily routine, I’m going to give it my all.

No ifs, ands, or buts about it.

This, however, also means that whenever I give something my all and it doesn’t work out, then I’m completely burned out and need some time off to recharge—meaning I’ll wake up at noon and do nothing at all for a day or two,

In other words.

I’m, as my sister correctly stated, always living life in the extremes… and I couldn’t have gotten to where I am today, nor can I go to where I want to go (at least as far as I know, because who truly does?) if it wasn’t for this specific way of life.

This is also why people who ask me whether it’s good enough to email their list monthly, weekly, or worst of all, whenever they feel like it, will never truly be successful with their email marketing practices.

Email is something worth doing, so treat it like a priority and take the time to do it well (read: mail every single day).


If you’d like to learn how to come up with and write daily emails that get you paid and keep your readers reading day after day, then check out Email Valhalla here: https://alexvandromme.com/valhalla

How this world-famous film director got good without going to film school

I was watching an interview with Christopher Nolan on the ReelBlend podcast the other day.

One of the most interesting things Nolan said was how he didn’t go to film school.

Just imagine that. One of the biggest, best, and definitely one of the most popular, directors currently around. Yet he didn’t go to film school or any other form of formal training in the art.

Instead, he simply got in there and started practicing making films at an early age.

Nolan was seven years old when he first borrowed his dad’s Super 8 camera to play around with.

He loved watching other films, thinking about the narratives, and just indulging himself in the world of cinema.

But that’s not where our story ends.

Christopher Nolan isn’t the only person where this is the case. Coincidentally, another big industry name who works closely together with Nolan, and someone who, as you may (or may not) know, I can’t seem to shut up about, also didn’t have any formal training.

More specifically, Hans Zimmer.

Zimmer never went to music school. Instead, he used to play in rock/punk band when he was younger and loved to improve music on the piano or create his own compositions.

Now, this isn’t to say the only solution for you is to start young.

Maybe it is if you want to compete at the highest level of Hollywood. But I’m guessing that’s not your gig. And it’s not mine either.

Instead, I want you to realize the importance of going out there in putting in the work. Getting the practical experience. Getting your hands dirty so to say. You don’t have to get some formal schooling to be good at your craft (this isn’t medical advice).

I don’t care how if you’ve gone to business school, med school, music school, or no school at all.

The only thing that matters is how often you’re practicing your craft.

And that’s one of the many, many, seriously many, reasons why I recommend you and everybody else to start mailing daily and start doing so today. The amount of growth you’ll experience is almost unfathomable—both in personal ability as well as in business and revenue growth.

You don’t need to go to email or business school to get started.

But getting a quick 1–2 hour introduction to point you in the right direction never hurts.

With that said.

Check out Email Valhalla to learn the foundations and avoid the early pitfalls so you can focus on getting in there and getting that practice starting today.

Here’s the link for more information: https://alexvandromme.com/valhalla