Build yourself a base of operations

Every building needs a foundation. Every project needs a base of operations. Every business needs a central place everything leads to.

The bigger the building, project, or business, the more vital the foundational layer is. You can build a crappy wooden shack on a crappy foundation but good luck trying that with a skyscraper.

Your business is no different.

In my case, the core of my business is direct marketing, or more specifically a central email list where I grow, keep, entertain, and sell to my audience.

The aim is to open as many “portals” (aka, entryways to my ‘world’ of business) as I can and have them all leading to my email list.

Whether this remains one single email list with fancy segmentation where needed or split up my email lists into multiple different ones depends on the context and the market you’re in.

All that matters is that everyone who comes into contact with my work, my offers, and my world should at one point (preferably sooner rather than later) end up in my email list. That’s how you effectively grow as a business.

Not by making one-time sales and never seeing the customer ever again. But by keeping the customer—the most important element of any business—around increasing the chance to turn them into repeat and even lifelong customers instead.

So now that you understand all of this. Do yourself a favor and check out my flagship course Email Valhalla, which will teach you all about how to write entertaining emails your readers want to read to build (and sustain) your base of operations.

Click here for more information: