Boil’em, mash’em, stick’em in a stew

I enjoy eating potatoes (also known as taters or, more cultured, Po-Tay-Toes).

But I can’t remember the last time I ever ate a lone potato, without anything else—I won’t eat a lone one anytime soon either.

That’s the thing with preparing a good meal.

Sure, part of it is about your selection of ingredients and how you decide to prepare them. But more important is how you choose to combine those ingredients.

I’d eat fries with some salad and a steak all day, any day. But you’ll have to drug me before you ever get me to eat fries stuffed in a lemon & chocolate cake decorated with hot sauce.

See, I’m not one to make generalizations, however, I do believe I’m quite safe saying the above statement holds true for most people (don’t bother replying to this email about how you’re different because you’re vegan or whatever—I do not care and you’re smart enough to understand the point I’m making).

Chances are, I’ve told you nothing you didn’t already know.

So why, whenever I look around at the market, do I see tons of people valuing individual, mostly hot, exotic, and trending ingredients over the big-picture meal they’re preparing? It’s all “Try out this new guarantee to skyrocket your sales” or “Check out this new subject line hack to double, triple, or even quadruple your open rate!!” Yet when you ask these people about their big-picture business plan, they’ll tell you a story with more holes than a fishing net.

The sad part?

Such a business plan doesn’t have to be more than 4 simple questions:

  1. Who are you helping?

  2. How are you reaching them?

  3. What are you selling them first?

  4. What are you selling them next?

Answer those four questions for yourself and you’ll already have yourself a better-functioning and more effective business than 90% of posers and wannabes you’ll see crying about on social media.


If you don’t want to be stuck eating lone potatoes all your life, I’d highly suggest you check out Email Valhalla which will not only show you how to write emails that get you paid while keeping your readers reading day after day, but it’ll also show you how to build yourself an actual (extremely simple, yet outrageously effective) business without so much as a single hole in sight.

Check out the following link to learn more: