AI is a poor man’s solution

If you’re thinking about using AI to aid your writing—that is, to have it write for you, regardless if it’s the entire first draft or just a single sentence—then you’re better off rethinking your life choices.

Now, I don’t say this to be rude.

In fact, I say this to help you as best I can.

See, I say this to help you become a prolific writer, not by making you as productive as you can in the least amount of time, but by making writing such a fun and enjoyable experience for you that you’d do it whether you get paid or not.

So what’s wrong with AI?

Think about it like this:

Let’s say you’re a professional and experienced guitarist. Ever since you can remember you’ve been playing the guitar. You love every single second of it. Whenever you play it feels like heaven on Earth. You can’t get enough of it. It’s your one true passion and your biggest source of pride and accomplishment.

But now it’s time to write a new song, or a whole new album even.

Then suddenly, someone, doesn’t matter who, a friend or someone who you’ve never met at all, comes along and he or she offers to play the guitar in your new album so you have less work to do and can focus on putting out more albums in less time.

Chances are you’re not going to accept that offer—if anything you’re going to politely show them the door while laughing in their face about how stupid of an idea that was.

Not only would the quality and the feel of your work drop drastically (after all, everyone’s “touch” is unique and can’t be replaced, no matter how good someone tries to), let alone the sheer stupidity of outsourcing that which you enjoy doing.

This is what you’re doing by letting AI do the work.

You’re creating sub-par content, which, believe me, people WILL notice. They might not realize exactly what’s going on, but they will feel that something’s different about your work—and not in a good way.

But even more importantly…

You’re not even giving yourself a chance to enjoy and come to love the process!

And for the love of everything that’s holy, don’t listen to the AI shmucks who tell you about how “AI is going to steal our jobs!!” and “You have to learn how to work together with AI or you’ll be left behind!!!!”.

If anything, they’re only projecting their own lack of skill, passion, and creativity onto the market.

Don’t get caught in the same trap as those bottom-of-the-barrel feeders. Stay clear of using AI to replace your writing.

And so it goes for coming to love the writing process.

Anyway, I haven’t finished my “How to make writing fun, easy, and enjoyable (while writing faster than ever before)” book yet. But check out Email Valhalla in the meantime if you want to learn how to write simple emails that keep getting you paid: