My first sales call was a nightmare.
Let’s go back to early March 2023.
I’d been creating content for just about 2 months at that point. I made some money and got some traction—nothing crazy, but enough to show I knew what I was doing. Then, suddenly, completely unexpected, I received a DM from a recent follower called Amanda. Amanda asked me whether I had a coaching offer (I didn’t) and asked if I could teach her how to grow and monetize her personal brand…
So as any logical-thinking person would do in that situation, I said “Yeah sure”. (literally, that was it, no follow up questions or instructions or anything)
Then SHE had to ask whether we could hop on a call and talk about my program (which didn’t exist).
I sent her my Calendly link and she booked a Zoom call for the next day.
So I spent my next 24 hours:
1) building a coaching program from scratch
2) learning how to do a sales call (I’d made a friend on Twitter who’d done over $500k in sales and wanted to teach me)
3) figuring out how to even accept payment from her if she miraculously would say ‘yes’
The day came and I hopped on the call.
I was 3 minutes early and those were the longest 3 minutes of my life. I kept hoping she wouldn’t show up. More than once, I thought about leaving the call and simply ghosting her.
But then, suddenly that message came “Amanda wants to join the call”
I let her in and started casually talking. Asking how she was doing, getting my speaking muscles engaged to forget about the insane amount of stress I had.
Next thing you know, I started sharing my screen because I had a whole-ass PowerPoint (!) prepared to explain my coaching offer (the one I summoned up from thin air the night before). I stuttered a lot and even hesitated to name my prices when it was time—I even tried to explain and justify my pricing (I truly did not know what I was doing).
She asked me some questions—which I apparently seemed to answer quite well according to her (still no idea whether this was true or not).
And then the moment we’ve all been waiting for came.
I asked her if she was ready to continue and commit to the coaching program.
Her answer?
“I need to think about it”.
Nothing anyone in sales hasn’t heard before. I even knew there was a high chance this was coming (my friend taught me all about handling objections).
So with all my experience of a 2-hour crash course right before the call, I opened my mouth and the following magic words came out “That’s ok”.
I said goodbye and got off the call.
God, I was happy to finally get off that call which seemed to take ages (it took less than 30 minutes).
I never heard anything from Amanda but this was an amazing victory nonetheless. I had officially conquered my fear of hopping on sales calls and went through with it from start to finish. That experience taught me so much (both on the call and during the preparation).
Not every defeat is a loss.
Luckily though, I don’t have to hop on sales calls anymore.
And that’s all because I’ve spent my time honing and practicing my skill of writing soimple and engaging emails that get me paid and keep my readers reading every day.
If that’s a skill you would like to learn as well, then check out Email Valhalla here: