You skip the foundations
You play by the rules
You’re not building your list
You keep getting distracted
You’re not making an offer daily
You don’t have the right systems in place
You’re saying ‘yes’ more than you’re saying ‘no’
You blindly copy other people’s methods and frameworks
You’ve put all your eggs in one basket you don’t even own (social media)
You rather learn the new and shiny tactics than do the obvious thing
You’re not selling what people are buying
You’re trying to get a yes instead of a no
You’re not taking enough responsibility
You’re too focused on creating “value!”
You’re sharing everything you know
As well as giving it away for free
You’re underpricing yourself
You’re not talking to your customers
You’re afraid to offend people
You’re also afraid to stand out
You’re not writing (enough)
You allow everyone to buy from you
You’re playing it safe
You’re not having fun
And lastly, you’re boring
Those are some of the biggest tips (and painful lessons) I’ve learned in recent years.
And if you’d like to learn how to fix some (if not all) of these, then consider checking out Email Valhalla here: https://alexvandromme.com/valhalla