Get people to read your emails every single day

Here’s how:

I first learned this useful lesson from an old Ben Settle podcast recording I was listening to while on a 3-hour-long walk.

To save you the trouble of listening to the podcast yourself, here’s the gist of it:

First of all, you want to be mailing daily, of course. But even more than that, you want to train your readers to check your emails every single day. It doesn’t matter how often they check someone else’s emails—as long as they just read yours every day.

The worst thing people could do is collect 30-something mails of yours, let them collect some dust, and leave them unopened in their inbox, only to read them all at once—essentially batching your emails into a monthly ritual.

This is the opposite of what you want.

For one, it defeats the purpose of daily emails. You’re not building a true connection with your readers. They don’t feel as if you’re close to them, much less there for them to help them if they need it.

A lot of this gets solved by simply writing fun, entertaining, and valuable emails.

Simply not being boring will discourage people from letting your emails remain unopened for weeks.

But there’s another useful “trick” you can do once in a while to mentally prime or even “train” your audience to check your emails every day. And that’s to occasionally, unannounced, and without a fixed schedule, do a short-lasting promo.

This could be a 3-day promotion or even a 24-hour one.

Whatever your heart desires.

Those who check your emails regularly get rewarded, and those who don’t learn that it pays to check your emails regularly—and chances are they’ll start doing so in the future.

Another thing I’ve also learned somewhere along the way is that if you want to send a message, teach a valuable lesson, or make something memorable, then it pays to go all out, guns blazing, really take it overboard, and turn it into a real spectacle.

With that said.

If you’re interested in my flagship email marketing course, Email Valhalla, then you’re in luck because for the next 24-ish hours you can get it at $30 off.

More precisely, you have until tomorrow, 22/05 at midnight CET to claim the discount.

Simply enter the discount code ‘TODAY’ at checkout and make sure you see the price change before putting in your credit card details.

Click here to check it out: