
“Your Very First Email Marketing Steps”

(The perfect way to get your email marketing operations up and running)

Here’s just some of the stuff you’ll learn in this 5-module course:

  • A step-by-step gameplan to get your email list up and running in less than an hour and so easy even a 10-year-old could do it.
  • The unconventional “counter-intuitive” attribute to include in your welcome emails to all but double the retention of your readers (so you can grow faster than ever before)
  • The “Holy Reason” for why crafting the perfect welcome email (something you do once and never ever have to touch again) can set you up for a lifetime and more than quadruple the money you’ll earn
  • The almost unnoticeable “Quick Fix” solution you only have to do once and can instantly double your open rates forever
  • Two of the worst mistakes to avoid unless you want to confuse your customers and make sure they’re never coming back
  • A tactic so simple, yet so under-used, to build stronger relationships with your readers (even from the very first email) while also automating 80% of all the market research you’ll ever have to do
  • The #1 mistake to get ignored by your readers and waste an immense amount of time and resources to build a high-quality & responsive list
  • The “Furious Five” of email frequencies and why you should opt for one over the other depending on your personal situation
  • How to perfectly adapt anything you learn in this course to your own liking and even come up with your own way of doing things… but without having to waste months or even years to figure it out
  • The only 4 types of emails you need to have constant ideas to write about and make sales on demand… while still having tons of variation and entertainment in your emails (so you don’t bore your readers to death)
  • A “Master of The Art” Secret to easily pump out more than 5 different emails from every 1 idea you get (combined with the previous bullet point making sure you have constant ideas, this means you’re always able to write more emails than you know what to do with)
  • A daily practice (which takes less than 5 minutes a day) every high-paying professional marketer, entertainer, copywriter, artist, musician, pick-up artist, magician, tv-host, actor, scientist, doctor, entrepreneur, and the list goes on and on…, has in common to increase their persuasiveness and all but guarantee people will listen to what they say… regardless if they know who they are or not
  • The “Only Guide You’ll Ever Need” to write extremely long articles and emails (which have a reputation for being incredibly difficult to write) in no time at all WITHOUT having to rely on specific persuasive writing frameworks (allowing for more creativity and a better understanding of the craft)

I used to sell this information for $100 many moons ago, but all of this can be yours now for only $4.95!

Click “Buy Now” to make use of this incredible deal because you might never get this chance again.


*All sales are final. There are NO refunds due to the nature of the offer (a 5-module digital course delivered through PDF files).

**WARNING: don’t buy this if you previously bought “Email Extraordinaire”. This offer is a small subsection of the original offer—there’s nothing new here for you and you shouldn’t purchase this.