What should you do if you’re new in your market?

A couple of months ago I received this testimonial from long-time reader and game developer, Aaron:


Alex delivers gold nuggets of information and inspiration every day. I enjoy his authentic, direct perspective. He is really passionate about what he does. Walks the walk and puts in the work to grow.

When I first started on Twitter, I signed up to many copywriter email lists because who better to learn from than them. Over time, I vetted out creators like Glenn, Tatsuya Thomas, and Virgil Brewster. While keeping Kieran Drew and Alex around. Can't wait to see where he goes.


I want you to read that last paragraph again.

Too often I hear people struggling and moaning, thinking they have no chance of breaking through in a “saturated market” with many (and I mean MANY) big creators, experts, leading figures, and authorities in the field.

But here’s the thing.

People aren’t drawn to knowledge, results, or previous war stories.

They’re drawn to personality, reliability, commitment to the craft, and engaging stories—all of which you can give people right now, right here. No matter your prior experience, no matter how long you’ve been in the industry already, no matter how many followers you might have on a certain social media or which business you’ve previously worked with.


It’s never been easier to “breakthrough” than it is now.

Modern technology allows you to reach everyone, everywhere, and at any time you desire.

The only thing required is the will to create, the commitment to show up day after day, and knowledge of the simple foundations that transcends products, media, markets, ideas, philosophies, and everything else we’ve come up with as a species.

Even more.

You don’t need to be on social media to make this happen (god forbid if this is the only place people can hear from you).

The best place to make all of this happen is straight in their inbox, where there’s basically no competition, no algorithm to obey, and no fear of your message not getting delivered.

Which leads me to Email Valhalla.

It’s my new course I’m launching right now that teaches you all of these simple fundamentals you require to make it work. To build your business with a focus on freedom, simplicity, and enjoyment—your email empire.

Check it out today before the price increases.

If you’d like to learn more about Email Valhalla click here: https://alexvandromme.gumroad.com/l/valhalla/VALHALLA

P.S. Email Valhalla is currently in pre-purchase, which means you’ll be able to get it at a 30% discount until Saturday, March, 16th at midnight CET, when the course fully releases.

Here’s what to do to get it:

1. Read every single word at the URL below to make an informed purchase

2. Buy it before Saturday at midnight CET to get it at the discount

3. Use code VALHALLA at checkout in case the discount didn’t get added automatically and make sure you see the price change before entering your info

Once again, here’s the link: https://alexvandromme.gumroad.com/l/valhalla/VALHALLA

P.P.S: If you've previously purchased something from me, no matter what or how much (or little) it was, you're eligible for a FREE 30-minute call with me, if you purchase Email Valhalla (the base version), where I'll help you set up your new and improved email strategy to get you up and running as fast as possible—whether this is your first email experience or if you've been emailing for months or years already.

Simply purchase Email Valhalla, reply back to this email with proof of your purchase and I'll send you a link to schedule your FREE 30-minute call (DON’T buy the full-priced added call package through Gumroad).

P.P.P.S: If you've previously purchased Email Extraordinaire, you'll get access to Email Valhalla entirely for free (as promised)

Simply reply back to this email and I'll send you a unique code you can use to claim your new product.

On top of that, you can also make use of the bonus 30-minute email consultation call I mentioned above for the same price that other prior customers have to pay (that’s $70 instead of the $270 non-customers have to pay).

You don't have to get it. But it's an option if you so choose.

If that sounds interesting to you, then let me know by mail and I'll arrange it for you.