To work or not to work

I’ve been taking it slow the past few days.

In fact, I’ve barely been doing anything at all.

This reminded me of an interview with Mr. Beast I once saw where he was explaining his “work schedule”.

I use the word ‘schedule’ conservatively here.

But what he said is that he’d work all the time, every single day, until you just can’t do it anymore. He works until he burns out and only then does he take a day or two off to reset and start working again… until he can’t anymore and the cycle repeats.

Admittedly, he didn’t recommend anyone to try it for themselves, but I found it a logical and efficient approach.

Now, I’m far from a Mr. Beast.

I don’t work nearly the hours he works, but I can and will work a lot depending on the situation.

And on that note, taking a day or two off once in a while isn’t a bad thing.

(I can already hear the hustle bros and productivity community screaming at me)

But let this be a reminder.

Not every system has to be complex, not every system has to be perfect, and certainly not every system is a one-size-fits-all.

Even my systems and solutions aren’t.

They’re simply created and optimized for my life, my business, and my philosophy.

But then again.

If you like the way I do things and want to build a similar business. Then I’d highly recommend you to check out Product Creation Made Easy where I dive deeper into my whole product creation framework—which (next to how I do email) is the backbone of my entire business.

Check it out here: