I walked towards the gates of Heaven

Yesterday we left for a brief 3-day getaway.

One of the first things we visited was an old castle built over 800 years ago. From 1220 to be precise.

It burned down in 1971 and was then rebuilt, but that’s beside the point.

I can say it was a magnificent sight.

We happened to visit on the perfect day through sheer coincidence. It turns out that day was the last day of a local choir group’s repetition. They were practicing ancient Gregorian chants inside the church.

And it was open to the public to come and listen. So, me being the weird music guy, I couldn’t be happier and more excited to do so.

I sat there for quite a while just listening to these, mostly old people. Who, when singing in unison, sounded like true angels. It was as if you were walking towards the gates of heaven and God himself had prepared every angel in his kingdom to welcome you.

It truly was magnificent.

And yet, it wasn’t advertised. Nowhere at all.

That’s probably because they didn’t want random visitors barging in on their repetition.

But ignore that thought, because it doesn’t help the point I want to make.

The thing I want to say is, sometimes the best opportunities aren’t advertised. They aren’t clearly presented to you.

You need to get out there and start exploring on your own.

You need to watch out for the small details, the small added bonuses you get, and the doors that open without making a sound.

As for my offer today.

May I present to you my recently launched Simple Money Emails course (and the disappearing bonus).

Here's what you can expect when you buy it:

  • The superpowers of email and why there's nothing else that comes even close to it

  • An easy step-by-step guide to creating your very first email list/newsletter to get you started ASAP

  • How to create your very first welcome email to help you set the tone, build an immediate relationship with your reader, and get them coming back for more

  • 6 of the best methods to grow your list and get hundreds of news subscribers monthly whether you just started or have a list of 5000 readers already

  • How you can become better than 95% of people telling stories without having to spend months or even years practicing

  • The invaluable power of telling great stories and how you can use those to almost guarantee you'll make a sale regardless of what you're selling

  • The secrets to writing high-quality subject lines that make your reader feel the need to click on them without even knowing why they feel so attracted to do so

  • How to keep your readers engaged and force them to keep reading regardless of whether you're writing a 219-word email or a 1,739-word email

  • 7 of the best and easiest way to monetize your email list today that'll make it impossible not to earn back the investment of this course no matter your previous experience

  • The #1 email copywriting technique you need to get people to become emotionally invested in what you have to say and make a sale every single time you write an email

  • A list of all the different approaches you can take and how to execute them regarding the frequencies of your email so you can make this work even if you don't want to send daily emails

  • My revolutionary new email strategy which combines the best of both worlds of long-form weekly emails and short-form daily emails allowing for the most optimal results with relationship building, sales, gaining authority, and growing your list

  • And regular updates adding even more value to this course for years to come

And if that’s not enough, I’ll add in an extra disappearing, one-off, bonus.

An opportunity that isn’t advertised anywhere (except for me mentioning it to you on my email list).

Here’s the bonus:

If you’ll purchase Simple Money Emails before Friday the 18th at midnight CEST / 6 pm EDT you’ll get my Ultimate Content Creator’s Toolkit V2 including all the exclusive bonuses for free!

The bonuses include:

  • My personal Hall Of Fame of top-performing Tweets by month

  • My Twitter Content Schedule Strategy

This disappearing bonus in total is currently being sold for $32 and is worth a lot more than that.

You’ll be getting double the value by buying today rather than in a few days.

If you’ve previously bought the course, then you’re eligible for the bonuses as well. All future bonuses will always be available to those who previously bought the course.

To avoid confusion: here’s exactly what you have to do:

1) Purchase Simple Money Emails before Friday the 18th at midnight CEST / 6 pm EDT.

2) Reply to this email with a confirmation that you bought the course

3) I’ll send you your bonuses free of charge

Once again, here’s the link for you: https://alexvandromme.gumroad.com/l/SME