It took me 5 months before I made my first $1,000 online

Yet it was a fluke.

I couldn’t repeat it—let alone increase it—the next month.

It took me another 3–4 months before I figured out exactly how to make it happen, how to repeat it consistently and efficiently, and most importantly, how to increase it month after month.

Even more.

I learned how to get my clients better and better results each time as well.

Better product launches, better content creation, better email marketing, better offer creation, better funnel building, better audience building, better everything.

Looking back now, I can clearly see the mistakes I made that held back from building a profitable freedom-focused business early on—a skill that also allows me easily spot these mistakes in other people’s approach to building their business.

Because truth be told. It shouldn’t have taken me that long to build something worthwhile of my own to a high enough level to where it can pay my bills (and then some).

In fact, it shouldn’t take that long for anyone.

This is something I reminded myself of today. And it’s the exact reason why I started offering these clarity calls in the first place. To help people get to a position where they can build their freedom-focused business without having to waste months like I (and sadly, many others as well) have done.

I don’t want you to waste any more time than is absolutely necessary.

And I’m guessing you don’t want to either.

So with that said.

Let’s save months, maybe even years, of the time it would take you to build your freedom-focused business. One where you can work on the things you want, whenever you want, from wherever you want, and with whom you want.

Click here to schedule a clarity call:

See you then.

PS: I’ll be doubling the price of a clarity call ($500 instead of $249) tonight at 10 pm CET (that’s in less than 60 minutes).

If you’re serious about wanting to build your own freedom-focused business then there’s nothing else my extremely biased banana-eating ass can recommend you.

It’s an incredible bargain right now and you’ll never get a better deal for my clarity calls ever again.