It’s time to celebrate

Just a quick update because I’m excited and it’s ok—even necessary sometimes—to celebrate.

My new non-fiction book is officially being reviewed by the Amazon team as we speak.

I fixed up everything yesterday evening. Including a new fancy book cover I designed myself, many typos and rewrites of the original manuscript, and many other details that I needed to get just right for printing.

Nothing is published yet.

Anything can still happen.

But it’s important you celebrate the work you put in and not the outcome that comes of it.

That’s how you win at the game of business (and life as well)… by being outcome-independent.


As this is a celebration email, I’ve got a gift for you.

You may know Gary Halbert. In fact, it should be mandatory that you know who he is. If not, shame on you. He’s only one of the greatest old-school marketers who ever lived. He wrote The Boron Letters (a highly recommended read) as well as many of the best and most high-performing sales letters out there.

One of his sales letters was the infamous “Coat of Arms” letter (look it up) which, quite literally, turned his live upside down.

He went from so deep in debt that he had to write in his kitchen without the lights because he couldn’t pay the electricity bill to having to hire more than a dozen full-time employees just to cash the checks he’d receive from his sales letters.

All because of his Coat of arms sales letter.


Here’s a, rather unknown and even hard-to-find, recording of Gary explaining 11 persuasion secrets he used in his Coat of Arms sales letter that, without a doubt, made him an “overnight” millionaire:
