Yesterday my Product Creation Made Easy course surpassed every other product I’ve ever sold in total profit earned.
But that’s not all.
That course is also my worst-selling product of all time.
Not what you expected huh?
How could that be? It’s my worst-selling product (also the most recently launched I have to add), and yet it made me the most profit out of every product I’ve sold so far.
That’s the realization I made yesterday.
And while to some, especially beginner—trust me, I was one of them—creators, this might sound absurd. It’s also fairly logical.
You see.
Product Creation Made Easy holds one other title—the one that made all of this possible.
It’s my most expensive product to date, it’s currently 2.5x times as expensive as my other 2 courses (Email Extraordinaire & Abundant-Client System), and it even started out as such, even when I launched it at a $120 early-bird discount.
Now I’m not telling you to take all of your bad and outdated products you’ve got lying around and slap a 10x price tag on it.
No, far from it.
But I am telling you to start increasing your prices. That goes for everything: courses, consultation calls, workshops, sprints, group coaching, freelance projects, and the stuff you sell during a garage sale.
I’m not entirely sure about that last one but my point still stands.
Increase the value you give. Increase the prices you charge. Target higher-paying clients. Earn more profit.
It’s that simple.
And if you don’t know where to start. Don’t look any further than my worst-selling course, Product Creation Made Easy. Which shows you in an easy and step-by-step manner how to ideate, create, and launch your very own digital product in 21 days or less and actually make it high-quality so you can slap a nice expensive price on it and get yourself your very own best-earning, worst-selling product.
As I’ve explained in this email, it ain’t cheap.
It’s not for people who just want to look around and see what I’m talking about without implementing anything. If you’re not serious about creating and selling your own products, don’t even consider it.
If you are serious however, click the link here: