The numbers, Mason! What do they mean?

I’m currently in the midst of creating a course about paid advertising.

More specifically, a course about paid advertising aimed towards creatives (including self-published fiction authors).

I’ve mentioned this a couple of times before in previous emails. And everytime I do so I always get some questions from readers eager to get their hands on it.

Sometimes those questions are to ask when the course is coming, what they can expect from it, and whether it’s going to help them in particular.

Other times it’s questions from people wanting some help with their ads at the moment.

One of those “help me” questions I got recently was about how to navigate the enormous dashboard of data, statistics, acronyms, and confusing numbers every major ad platform throws at you.

What’s important, what does it all mean, and how should you decide what to do depending on what those numbers are telling you?

A good (and popular) question indeed.


Watch any video about paid advertising, open any book, go to any course, and chances are you’ll get overwhelmed with all kinds of numbers, acronyms, and terminology to the point of utter and complete confusion where you don’t know what to do.

More often than not people will immediately stop right then and there, thinking this is way too complicated (they’re right) and it’s not for them (they’re wrong).

The truth is, most courses are making it way more difficult than it needs to be (almost as if they’re doing it on purpose, hoping you’ll ask the author of the course if they have a “done-for-you” service—which they almost always have).

But all of that is completely unnecessary.

In fact, there are only really three (3!) numbers/acronyms you need to know to run a successful business powered by paid advertising.

These three numbers alone can help you decide whether your ads are working, if you should let them keep running as is, switch it up, try other variations, add upsells or downsells to your funnel, try another marketing angle, switch up the targeting, adjust your phrasing, limit the daily budget, and so much more.

Even more.

Those course creators I talked about before?

Most of them pretty much only rely on these three numbers as well. They don’t always mention they do, but at the end of the day. Those are the only ones that matter.

Which three numbers I’m referring to and exactly how to approach them for you and your business can be found in my upcoming and soon-to-be-released paid ads course.

For now, you’ll just have to hang tight and keep your eyes open.

If, however, you have ad-related questions or topics you’d like me to address, feel free to reply to this email and let me know.

I won’t promise I’ll have the answer, but chances are pretty high I do.