Keep it short

Once in a while, I’ll write an extremely short email.

For instance, I once wrote an email that was only 2 sentences or 31 words long—and it was a tremendous success.

We often see marketers write elaborate sales pages with thousands upon thousands of words—so much copy you have to scroll for ages until you reach the bottom.

You could’ve made yourself a cup of tea, done the dishes, finished writing your next email, scheduled a week’s worth of blogposts, eaten 500 banana, and read the entirety of the Bible in the meantime.

That’s how long some of them are.

So it’s only natural that we think longer copy is always better copy.

Except that’s not the case.

You simply don’t need to know how to write long copy to make sales. Some of my biggest paydays came from 300-word emails.

And that’s the essence of my flagship course Email Valhalla: how to write simple emails that get sales and keep your readers reading day after day.


Check it out here: