The final form of every enjoyable, simple, and freedom-focused business

Yesterday I promoted my clarity/consulting calls.

At first, I was hesitant to do this—which is ironic because that’s how I first got started building this business, as a consultant.

The thing is, I’ve since grown.

I adapted my business to better suit my needs, likes, and wants, while keeping it valuable, interesting, and (where possible) optimal for you and everyone else who benefits from my products and services.

During that process, I’ve come to learn a couple of things.

One of those being: I don’t enjoy building a consulting business. I do offer such calls once in a while, but I never (not anymore at least) take on long-term clients, let alone advertise a long-term coaching program.

Those don’t do it for me.

They’re a massive time-suck, they limit your ceiling, and lastly, but not least importantly, I don’t enjoy doing them—which is one of the main business pillars I base every decision on.

I’ve come to learn that productizing your business, aka turning your knowledge, experience, and everything service-related you provided into products, especially digital ones you can reproduce and sell infinitely without any time or resource investments.

You build it once and sell it twice so to say.

This is the true way to scale your business, alongside your freedom (and your enjoyment as well if you keep it simple, which is always the most optimal way to function).

I made ok money back when I focused on consulting.

But it wasn’t until I focused all of my efforts on building my email list and productizing my experience that everything truly started to pick up pace and I was finally heading in the right direction.

Now, I’m not saying to do a full 180 and turn your coaching business, your agency, your freelance service business, or whatever you have into a 100% productized business.

But it’s definitely something you might consider to slowly start doing.

None of this happens overnight.

All that’s to say.

There’s no arguing that taking this approach, productizing your service-based business, is the optimal long-term move, and you’ll ultimately be very glad you made that choice.

And if you’d like to get started ideating, building, and profitably launching digital products in a way that makes it effortless, efficient, easy, and faster than anything you’ve ever seen.

Then definitely check out Product Creation Made Easy.

Click here to read more about it:

I dissapointed a reader of mine

Yesterday I wrote an email covering 25 reasons why people aren’t growing and earning more.

It got a lot of responses and praise, as well as some other comical answers.

One of those was an email by Carlo who wrote in to tell me he was disappointed because I hadn’t mentioned the most important 26th reason: “You’re not eating enough bananas.”

And credits to him.

He’s absolutely right.

But that also made me wonder how many other reasons I left out for the simple sake of keeping it to 25 reasons.

Soon after I thought of a whole bunch more. But no worries. I won’t send the exact type of email again (not so soon at least).

There was, however, one reason in particular that I found so important and so valuable that I couldn’t wait to share it with you.

Want to know what it was?

Another reason (let’s call it the 27th) that you might not be growing or earning more than you are right now is that you’re being limited by your time.

I see so many people—especially coaches and freelancers—who are capped by the amount of clients they can take on and don’t have any other income source. Yet there’s a whole untapped market of people who are eager to hand you their hard-earned money if you would just give them something.

Now, that something doesn’t have to be your time. And frankly, it shouldn’t. You should protect your time at all costs. It’s way too valuable to just hand it out to everyone just like that.

No, I’m talking about higher-leverage offers.

More specifically, digital products.

You build them once, you get paid forever. No extra costs, no extra time investment.

You get paid for doing nothing at all, so you’re happy.

And people can get relatively inexpensive (as compared to your main offer) help and assistance from you(r product), so they’re happy.

Everyone’s happy.

Now, if that tickles your fancy and you don’t yet have a product that’s selling consistently, then check out Product Creation Made Easy where I’ll teach you step-by-step my entire process for ideating, creating, and even launching profitable products (in 21 days or less).

Check it out here: