I’m learning to design fancy sales pages

You may (or may not) have seen a couple of my sales pages already.

They all pretty much have the same 'look’ and feel to it, albeit personalized to the respective product it’s selling. It’s the same template, the same framework, the same structure.

It’s also pretty old-school. Those sales pages won’t be winning a design award any time soon, that’s for sure.

That said.

Things might very well change in the near future. See, I’ve started building a new “modern” salespage for a hobby product, aimed at a mass market audience. But not just any market. A visual and artsy marketing.

Meaning, a creative and visually pleasing design of my sales page can (it’s not guaranteed—nothing is) improve the performance of the sales page.

It’s been a lot of fun so far.

One thing I’ve noticed, for example, was how easy it comes to me. The underlying principles are all the same after all. So it the copy, the structure, and the psychology. All I really have to do is use my design skills to package it up nicely and make it look visually pleasing to the eye.

Luckily for me, I enjoy being creative and designing stuff.

Anyway, enough yapping about.

In case you haven’t picked up on the moral of the story yet. It’s that it pays to understand the fundamentals before you start tinkering about with the fancy stuff.

And when it comes to sales pages, it would be true marketing malpractice if I wasn’t going to mention one of my precious products I’m so very proud of, Sales Page Sorcery, which teaches you all the fundamentals of conjuring up brand new sales pages fast, easily, and effortlessly.

Check it out here: https://alexvandromme.com/sorcery/

My butt ugly website filled in a sea of beauty

You may (or may not) have seen my website already.

More specifically, the blog part where I upload most of my emails to get some (even though it’s not a lot) organic traffic, but mostly to have proof of work and build credibility with new people coming across my website, all with one single purpose—to grow my email list.


I specifically mention the blog part because by all standards, my blog looks incredibly old and ugly. If you didn’t know better you might think this is a remnant of some ‘90s blog which never got taken down.

Just look at it.

A white header, a blocky bright red navigation menu, an entirely black background, and every post is black text in an annoyingly yellow column outlined by a glowing white border. Needless to say…

My blog isn’t going to win a beauty contest anytime soon.

But this is done by design.

You load up the blog/website and it’s just different. Almost like entering a whole new world. It catches your attention. There’s something special to it… you can’t quite put your finger on what it is that makes it so enticing… after all, it really shouldn’t be.

But it is.

It just works.

And it’s done deliberately.

Nowadays everyone has to be beautifully designed and pleasing to the eye. Now, I don’t know who said it originally, but someone a lot smarter than me came to the realization that “in a beautiful world, the ugly stands out”.

And so it is in marketing.

So the next time you create something, anything, no matter what it is, maybe try switching it up. See how ugly you can make it.

Maybe it”ll stand out. Maybe it won’t.

Either way, you’ll undoubtedly learn something new in the process.


Speaking of creating something new. If you’re interested in ideating, creating, and launching a profitable digital product in 21 days or less then you might want to check out Product Creation Made Easy, which teaches you my entire product creation framework.

Check it out here: https://alexvandromme.com/product

Was this a waste of my time?

I spent 3 hours working on a tiny logo for the new website I’m creating to host my blogs and products on.

Why did I spend 3 hours creating a logo (especially when the website isn’t even finished yet)?

There’s no doubt in my mind that I could’ve spent my time a whole lot better, working on more productive tasks, doing stuff that actually gets me paid, and creating content that actually adds value to other people’s lives.

In fact.

This is the first time I’ve ever taken time out of my day to work on creating a proper logo (or at least for this business).

I never bothered before simply because it’s not profitable. A logo doesn’t make or break a business. No matter how good the logo may look, it won’t help you increase your monthly revenue.

Most people would be better off focusing their attention elsewhere.

Improving their offers. Getting more traffic. Creating more products. Talking to more leads. Everything but creating a logo.

But here’s the thing.

I’ve been doing a lot of that already. For quite a while actually. And just recently I gained a whole new understanding of the direction I want this business to go—something that’ll no doubt change again eventually.

But I’ve got big plans, a grand vision, and a ton of clarity for now. Not to mention a lot of motivation (and discipline).

So what does this logo have to do with anything?

Well, it’s a token.

A sign of a new beginning. A new page in my adventure. The start of the next chapter. It embodies everything I’ve achieved, learned, and experienced so far. It’s a reminder of my past journey and, more importantly, everything that’s still to come.

Looking at it makes me smile as well put me in the right mood, the right setting, the world that I’ve built so far.

And if there’s anything I’ve learned so far about (online) writing. It’s that your writing transcends the pure literal meaning of the words you share.

Your readers quite literally get a glimpse of your vision, your feelings, and if you’re doing things correctly, then they might even be able to join that world (and if that world is built with care and dedication, then they might love that world so much they don’t ever want to leave anymore).


That’s a lot of high-level, big-vision, philosophical business advice.

So let’s keep it practical for this last bit.

None of this could’ve been made, realized, and built if it wasn’t for my religiously building a list, writing it every day, and plugging my products that help improve my reader’s businesses (and lives by extension).

If you’d like how to build and write to your own email list, then check out Email Valhalla here: https://alexvandromme.gumroad.com/l/valhalla