When simply buying your stuff isn’t enough

Let’s talk about consumption.

More specifically.

How to get people to consume your product or service (potentially for a very long time) instead of merely buying it.

But first… why would you bother?

After all, they’ve already purchased the product. You’ve already been paid, haven’t you?

Well, that’s true enough.

But as every person behind a successful business knows, it’s never about the first purchase. In fact, more often than not, most businesses actually LOSE money on the first purchase. Instead, what matters is how many follow-up purchases you can get your customers to make.

Or, in other words, you don’t want onetime-only customers. You want repeat customers.

And the best way to get those?

You guessed it. You get repeat customers by ensuring people consume your products from start to finish and leave them satisfied enough so they’ll come to trust you and what you deliver… and want to keep buying from you.

As for how to motivate consumption, I’m working on something behind the scenes to talk about just that.

But for now, check out this bit from Nir Eyal’s Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products:


“The more users invest time and effort into a product or service, the more they value it. In fact, there is ample evidence to suggest that our labor leads to love.”


The implications should be clear enough, no?

In that case, do yourself a favor and put some time and effort into clicking the following link, which will teach you more of the same about how to build habit-forming products (and get people to consume, rather than merely buy): https://alexvandromme.com/hooked

So good you have to do it twice

Once upon a time, I received the following message from Gaurav, a long-time reader, after he bought my Abundant-Client System course (not currently for sale):


I saw there was a sale on your Abundant Client Acquisition System and had to get it.

The course didn't disappoint. It's so good I went through it a second time in 2 weeks.


Now, I don’t know about you. But that’s one of the best compliments I could ever receive.

Most people lead busy lives.

So for someone to go through my course twice in short succession means it’s definitely well-received and a high-quality course.

In fact, I can guarantee the majority of people who buy online courses never completely go through most of the stuff they buy.

So this is saying something.


He also casually saw that I was running a promotion on the product and he immediately grabbed it—just like that.

Which goes to show you the power of mailing every day and building a relationship of trust with your reader (and proving you know what you’re talking about).

But obviously that’s only to get people to buy your stuff.

You’ll have to make quality products if you want to get messages similar to the one above.

After all, nobody runs a business on the first sale—it’s what you sell people next that earns you 80% of your income.

Which is no different when it comes to writing.

No author gets rich off of one book. Everyone who makes a living writing does so because of an entire series they’ve written, which they can sell to people who found, read, and enjoyed the first book in the collection.

The problem?

Most people only have one product, one book, or one offer to sell to people. And those that don’t often rush the process, giving up quality for quantity in the process.

And while I’m definitely no expert and will never claim to be one.

I have picked up my fair share of product-creation experience (even to the point where I can produce high-quality products in an extremely short time).

So if you’d like to learn my ways, then definitely check out Product Creation Made Easy where I’ll show you how to ideate, create, and launch profitable products in 21 days or less.

Click here to learn more: https://alexvandromme.com/product