And suddenly it was 2024

It’s crazy to think how it’s already 2024.

That means I’ve been doing this Twitter thing for almost a year now.

I went from having absolutely no idea what I was doing. If you’d told me back then that I’d be writing an email every single day, sometimes even multiple emails, all the while helping other people monetize their business, and yet still be able to joke around, talk about bananas, write my own absurd Viking fantasy novel, and create whatever I thought was cool, exciting, or outright impossible at first glance, then I would’ve done a lot more than merely call you crazy and lock you up in a mental asylum.

Yet here we are.

Man did we achieve a lot. And I say ‘we’ because it’s not just me that achieved a lot.

I’ve been blessed to be able to work alongside so many awesome and like-minded people to help show them the way, to teach them the ropes of the game, help them from their earliest steps in the only business world, to the later stages of scaling and expanding their offer stack, building a true value ladder, and making sure they get paid for the time & effort they put in, and be able to live the life of freedom they so dreamed of.

One of the most crazy facts, to me, is how different every single person was.

Here are but a few of the people I helped build profitable businesses:

  • A professional copywriter of 10+ years wanting to enter the personal branding industry and build his own email marketing agency

  • A digital nomad building his life-coaching business

  • An electrical engineer wanting to leave his 9–5 and start his own accounting-focused consultancy

  • A long-time financial trader turned motivational speaker

  • A student who went from getting paid $7 an hour to closing $10,000 deals with his B2B outreach agency

  • A medium-sized YouTube personality who created his own game development studio and is now actively creating games, while teaching others how to get into the same industry

  • An independent music producer turned relationship coach (while still having lots of free time for his music)

  • A CTO in a Fortune 500 IT company growing his AI-focused newsletter to thousands upon thousands of subscribers

  • and many, many more…

The thing is.

All of these people made the jump last year and got rewarded for it.

The question is.

Will you make the jump this year?

If so, why not start out by jumping on a clarity call with me?

I’ll help you build a winning strategy, monetize your business, and provide you with a clear and step-by-step roadmap so you’ll know exactly what to focus on for the following months.

After our call, you'll have FULL confidence AND clarity in your next steps to build & monetize your creator business.

Enough talking, let’s get to it and start 2024 the right way.

Click here to book your call: