Speed—no, not the drug

A few months ago, I received a testimonial from daily email reader and fellow creator, Vince Mao.

And I have to say.

This easily is one of my favorite testimonials I’ve ever received so far (it’s also one of the longest ones I’ve gotten so far).

Check it out:


Alex and I started on our journeys to help others around the same time, but we took very different paths due to our backgrounds and experiences. Getting to finally meet him on a call was one of the best things that I could do as I was still having trouble seeing the bigger picture of my process.

It didn't take long for him to see where my roadblocks were even though he was incredibly humble about it. Before this point, I had been gaining clarity on my process on my own. It took me months to get comfortable enough to be ready for his guidance.

After just one session, I now have a clear strategy and road map from which to launch and generate more and better content centered around my pillars, not to mention a path by which I can eventually launch an offer that is true to my values. I was on the fence about a paid call because of my own personal readiness for one. Clarity calls to me were something that I felt required a reasonable amount of prep. My journey took longer because I didn't have as much time.

If you're on the fence about contacting Alex for your own guidance, I will say this: just do it. It's worth the price for the perspective he can provide, and it decisively pushes you into a position where you commit to whatever journey you're on.

If you are truly serious about building a presence, a personal brand, or a business on X, I would certainly encourage you to book a call with him!


Now, aside from the obvious boasting, self-promotion, and regularly flexing one of my many testimonials, why am I sharing this?

Well simply because this testimonial easily shows one of the most important concepts and the reason why most people fail.

What is it?


See, Vince mentioned how he had been gaining clarity on his own for months. Yet it was only after 1 session with me that he had a clear strategy, a roadmap to follow, and finally being pushed into a position where he just has to commit to his journey.

Now, I haven’t caught up with Vince in a while. Which truly is a shame on my part and it’s something I should probably do soon.

But I’ve got no doubt that he’s much farther ahead by now than he was just a few months ago.

It’s always the people who push themselves into certain situations. People who invest in their development, their growth, and more importantly, their speed, who achieve the biggest results (and the fastest ones as well).

And that’s not just a coincidence.

That’s by design.

Which is why I’m offering you the chance to join my 14-day ideate, build, and launch your own product challenge where I’ll help you along every step of the way.

You’ll end up with 1) full clarity and guidance on how to make and launch killer products every time you want to 2) A fully finished and completed product that’ll get you paid for years to come (I’ll show you how as well) 3) A nice pile of cash you’ve gathered from the launch framework I’ll have you follow to make sure you have a successful and profitable product launch.

And all of these before you enter the new year.

Anyway, you know the drill.

Today’s the last day to enter, so click here to save your spot: https://buy.stripe.com/4gw4jV0iR2Dv4r66oA