A short and entertaining email

Once in a while I like to take things easy—i.e., not to take things so seriously, and focusing, first and foremost, on having fun with everything I do.

Which comes with the added benefit (one among many) that this fun can easily be shared with others.

And, as I keep saying so often, I also happen to believe that it's not mere “Value!”, expertise, or credentials that decide the success of a person in their craft (both in business and in life).

But more so the entertainment level they can deliver.

Luckily for me, this is the best of both worlds.

So with that said, that'll be it for today's email. I won't share any other remarks, teach any lessons, or motivate and inspire you (unless I already did in the preamble of this very short email).

Instead, I'll leave you with a funny, relatable, and short (possibly even shorter than this email) video I found on YouTube about the ten stages every author goes through while writing their first book.

And if you just so happen to be writing your first book, let me know what stage you're on right now.

Anyway, check it out right here: https://youtu.be/ImbjaCqOGLk