I changed the font of my emails, and every other piece of content by extension—again.
This is the second time I changed the font of my emails.
The first time I ever changed it was months ago, probably around April.
Back then I changed it to the cool-looking ‘Montserrat’ font. There were only 2 problems with that one. Well, not really problems, but more “things that I didn’t like about it”. Still, those 2 “problems, but not problems” couldn’t stay as they were and I had to change them.
The first problem was a rather simple one.
Changing my fonts to Montserrat wasn’t my idea. It was Dan Koe who used Montserrat for most of his content—although it looks like he’s been switching it up as well. Still, he loved the font, he used it all the time, and he thought it looked cool.
I didn’t even know what a Montserrat was before Dan talked about it. All I did was say, “oh that looks cool, that’s mine now.”
Second. And this is more of a technical issue.
While I technically wrote my emails in Montserrat it would only show on desktop. It wouldn’t show on mobile, at least not as far as I was aware, anyway.
This means that you might not even have known that I used a different font to write my emails. People who read my articles online knew. People who got any of my courses knew—I wrote all of my courses in Montserrat as well.
So was always this mismatch. One I didn’t like.
And having my emails stand out—by literally being in a different font—was one of the main reasons why I changed it in the first place. That’s why I changed it again. More specifically, I changed it to a lovely font called ‘Georgia’. A font that gives more of a vibe that reflects me. Not someone else.
And this time?
This time the font change happens both on desktop as well as on mobile—although on mobile it slightly changes the font to one that I have no idea what it is, but it’s similar enough, so oh well.
But it’s about more than just having emails that “look different”.
It’s about creating a world. A world that’s entirely different than what people are used to. A world with a clear entrance, to which people immediately say “Wow this looks different”.
You just know when you enter my world.
It looks different, it feels different, it smells different, hell it even tastes different. It’s intriguing. And you don’t want to leave it. You come to accept it, to appreciate it, and even to love it.
That’s how you create more than “yet another business".
Another part of it is how I create my products. I don’t do none of that video stuff. I don’t overload you with 15 hours of content to go through. I don’t add random fluff or stupid bonuses, templates, or checklists to my content to catch the attention of the normies who want a quick and easy way to copy/paste their way to the infamous $10k/month.
I don’t do any of that.
I give you the golden fundamentals. The building blocks you need to make it work. And I give it to you in a straightforward fashion. One you can get through in under an hour if you want to, and immediately take action and see results as early as the same day.
Sounds interesting?
Good. Check out more by clicking on this link: https://alexvandromme.gumroad.com/l/clients
P.S. Imagine how funny it would be if the font changes don’t show/work for you but I spent all this time talking about it.
So in that case, please give me a reply and let me know about this issue. Attach a screenshot to show me how it looks if you can.
I care about your reading experience.